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One thing 🫶
In General Discussion
Blaire :)
Nov 29, 2024
beautiful :')
Open Contact Update
In General Discussion
Blaire :)
Nov 28, 2024
Update btw: I listened to Bashar's Echoes of Sedona transmission. And it was actually a lot more chill and loving than I was expecting :)). Ya, he's still his self and the whole thing is on course. We're all good y'all. He mentioned that the results weren't a surprise, that it didn't really matter who was elected, and it was more about the energy of the feminine being empowered to embody balance with the masculine. Voting for the feminine really was alluding to balance of the male and female energies within the SELF, and the collective. Much, much deeper :D. Contact is inevitable, he said. For ppl like you Kirin, it's all good :). Honestly, I find it kinda funny I worried at all in the first place, this is much more chill than I was led to believe it was. Very optimistic, positive, and pretty much on course with everything he's already shared in 40 years. I like him as a complement to Elan and the other speakers; I wonder why Bashar's energy has been one that really reaches the masses more so. Anyway, don't worry you guys (or do if it works for your journey😆😆), it's all benevolence and love for real. He said we're much closer to contact than ever before. I think the idea of the 26-27 event being maybe delayed a little bit (which was ONLY a probability, he said its still possible and even at the initial announcement said it was just a probability even if a high one) is absolutely marginal n miniscule in comparison to all the internal contact we get to have right now anyway. Really, we have no need to be in any rush hahaha. Everything is being taken care of, y'all. Everything is happening as it needs to, and we're doing really, really well in our journeys. :)
Neutral Set of Props
In Elan Quotes
Blaire :)
Nov 21, 2024
Love this so much!! I think of purpose as a form of meaning that pertains to what version/dimension of an event you will experience— in terms of its aligning momentum towards a certain timeline/experience. What I mean is, ofc we have the ability to equally see a negative or positive purpose behind something. "God is spiting me with this synchronicity" or "God is gifting me an opportunity to trust in the positive and trust in my higher self." Both are equally real experiences and functional "purposes". Purpose to me signifies the idea of what intention you're seeing within the events from a higher consciousness perspective. But as we know, there are many layers and streams of higher consciousness that may symphonize (act in symphony) with the other levels of yourself in creating a physical reality journey. When I say other levels of yourself, I meann physical mind, free will self, and whatever themes you're choosing to explore, relationships you're choosing to have, energies you wanna experience in this incarnation and timeline narrative. So, from an infinite "This AND That" perspective which is how All That Is operates, we have infinite availability of different "higher purposes" that will align with our highest excitements or align with other people's higher excitements. Hence why we have different spiritual modalities, different interpretations of the same event even when using the same fundamental metaphysical ideas as a basis. It is neutral in the sense we have freedom to choose, AND we will naturally be guided by the mix of beliefs and energies and thematic ideas we're exploring. Our soul mates/friends. Our higher levels of self that are helping us to find out what experiences we REALLY want to have and what experiences we MIGHT want to have, and might not. I think being the Creator or assuming the role of conscious creator and owner means fully, unconditionally recognizing all perspectives, no matter how authoritative or all-encompassing they may be unto themselves, as simply their own perspectives, expressions of the central self, of infinite eternal consciousness. The moment we choose to attune to a truth we don't resonate with, and wonder why it feels so wrong, it's because within that truth is the idea of invalidating or excluding the reality that ALL truths are true, real, and valid unto themselves. :)) 💞, thanks Dave for your wonderful sharings as always!!

Blaire :)

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