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Not much to say...
In 4th Density Cafe
Elan Interactions
Jan 11, 2025
It can be a bit of a challenge with the neutral circumstances that seem "obviously" negative. The flip side is that the willingness to really double down and look for the service during these neutral events also contains a much larger and stronger opportunity for a major breakthrough. Wait a minute, was that a pun? Yes, and no. Yes, beause it is clever wordplay, no because ... it is also one truth. In our own experience, we see that there is a proportional relationship to the so-called "severity" of a neutral symbol and the buried treasure contained within that symbol. We will concur that it takes courage, persistance and commitment to be willing to remain in this "prospector" mindset in the middle of everyone's favorite symbol, the Emergency Room. Your own experience there has pretty obvious "diamonds in them there hills," while your partner's neutral symbol actually has 2 sets of treasures, yours and hers. You can only know yours, and only intend to support hers, while she can only know hers. That being said, if one is not willing to reframe their reality according to this approoach, the "you create your own reality" decision, saying these things can still come off as callous, victim blaming, and condescending. Of course, we all also know better. It will be very interesting to see what she chooses, if you are of the mind to share this later, we will be deliciously anticipating the response. If not, we already know that one of your treasures in the situation was to revisit one of the most intense and profound experiences of your own life. And, we always thank you for sharing that, it is a precious gift to us all.
A Little Elan, Each Month, in 2025
In The Gallery
Feeling Overwhelmed and Sick of my Life?
In Elan Question Opportunity
Elan Interactions
Jan 01, 2025
It took a lot of courage for you to open up and reveal this here on the forum. And it is a really empowered first step to getting to the bottom of what you are creating, and certainly, the perfect first step to transforming it. There is a lot packed into what you have shared, so let’s dive in and tease things apart to be more understandable and manageable. The first thing to always understand is that we can each only create from exactly where we are at. This means that your complete power lies exactly where you are right now, exactly as things are, to be able to own what you’re creating, and to realign yourself to who you prefer to be and to what you prefer to experience. As obvious as that may sound, it is a really important first step to ground yourself into the moment, into the present circumstances to operate from a complete position of situational awareness and recreate yourself from exactly where you’re at. You have written about the things that you do not prefer. This is also really important. What has not been shared is what you do prefer. What is your most exciting thing, at least right now in your life? When you heal yourself and re-establish your physical equilibrium, what do you then want to do as your healthy self? It may seem like a strange question, but there is a strong purpose in asking it, establishing what you want is really important in this process because this is what allows you to establish one of the main building blocks for transformation, your clear intention. So, again we ask when you are fully healed, what do you imagine you will do that you are not doing now? You mention that  you have thought about how this serves you exactly the way that it is, and you concluded that it has something to do with illuminating to yourself that you are uncomfortable around people, and you are worrying too much about the future and the past. Of course, knowing this is indeed useful, and while it is all well and good to have this awareness, and in that sense, it is of service, but more substantially when you ask how it serves you, what is meant is things like “what does it allow you to do that you wouldn’t have done otherwise?,” or even, “what is this preventing from doing that you really want to do?” These answers will be helpful in moving forward. This type of self-reflection moves beyond simply pointing out things that you consider to be shortcomings and instead goes to how it is affecting your moment-to moment experience. This points you in the direction to reveal to yourself what it is you want to do, again, leading you to establish your clear intentions in life. Remember, clear intentions are often things that you cannot do now, but you fully intend to do, no matter what, even though you cannot immediately see the “how” part yet. When we are not doing what excites us, and instead doing many things that do not excite us, it is pretty easy for a person to feel “sick of their life.” But this is not the place to land, only a realization of the place to start, to work with, in order to re-align to your preferred self and your preferred outcomes. Again, the process of re-aligning a non-exciting life to a new and exciting one starts with the clear establishment, from exactly where you are at right now, of what excites you, whether or not you can see a clear path to get to it. Excitement is the compass. You are not alone when you reveal that you feel that you have struggled with unconditionally loving yourself and trusting yourself and being who you want to be. Many people have these same concerns. But they do not necessarily know what you have been discovering, and they have not yet begun to attract these resources that you are attracting. Elan reminds about the nature of unconditional love. That All-That-Is must believe that we deserve to exist, or we simply would not be here. Knowing this is very, very powerful. Knowing this now invites you to match that unconditional love. If All-That-Is is not placing any conditions to loving you, no matter what, you now know that this is possible, and that you can match that energy. Many people remain unaware of this and knowing this is to your distinct advantage. And you have also learned that doubt is not a lack of trust, but instead, it is an infinite trust in the outcome that you do not prefer. You ALWAYS are trusting in something, so you have no lack of trust. It is simply a matter of seeing where you are putting your existing trust, and then, upon acknowledging that, shifting it over to what you prefer to trust, we are all experts at the actual act of trusting. And so, we are back to that good old excitement. What excites you Ezinu? WHat excite you THE most, and what other things excite you? Answer this and let’s see where that leads. One last thing. For now, you are exploring 3rd density. Using the path of least resistance is really useful, and frankly often one of the easiest options. So, here in 3D, the question arises, have you been to a doctor about this? If it’s something as simple as a particular stomach bacterium, like say Helicobacter pylori, a simple antibiotic can transform it quickly and completely. Have you had this checked? Sometimes just taking the 3D option can not only lead to the complete solution, but the also lead you to other discoveries and treasures that you did not expect, from just taking the action.
HAPPY NEW YEAR of Integration - 2025 - A Public Service Announcement
In Important Announcements!
A Call for Amazon Reviews
In The Elan Books
💙💚 It Arrived... 💙💚
In General Discussion
Elan Interactions
Dec 28, 2024
Never gets old. 😎
! Merry Christmas !
In The Gallery
Elan Interactions
Dec 24, 2024
Love to you, Merry Christmas Sarah! 🥰
A Call for Amazon Reviews
In The Elan Books
Elan Interactions
Dec 21, 2024
Sounds like you have a good son.
Positive Synchronicity Challenge
In Practical Application
Elan Interactions
Dec 20, 2024
Always perfect timing.
Positive Synchronicity Challenge
In Practical Application
Elan Interactions
Dec 19, 2024
Love it. Do go on ....
Positive Synchronicity Challenge
In Practical Application

Elan Interactions

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