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Drew Channer
Nov 21, 2024
In Elan Quotes
"Understand, it is not a new concept to any one of you that everything that occurs, every physical occurrence, is a fundamentally neutral occurrence.  That is nothing new to you. I think at this point we can safely say you have bought into that one to some degree.  What you are experiencing within your mentality as a negative thought is simply your label of that neutral occurrence in a way stemming from your old perception that the present is a result of the past.  And therefore, when a fundamentally neutral situation does occur that in your past was perceived as negative, you then, acting on this outdated belief system, assume that this new fundamentally neutral situation must also be negative, for that's the way it has always been in the past. You can now see why we have shared with you the idea and reality that the present is not a result of the past.  Each and every situation that does occur, aside from being fundamentally neutral, is a new situation, even if many of the parameters are similar to the way in which you have encountered them in your past, it is not exactly the same, and therefore, by definition, not the same at all.  If you change but one seemingly minor aspect of any interaction, it is a completely new interaction. If you perform an action, and moments later perform what you perceive to be the exact same action, understand it is not, for the second time that you had performed that action, you had already performed it a first time, whereas the first time you had performed it, you had not performed it at all.  So, even though the motions may be similar, by fundamental definition, it is a new situation.  We cannot stress from our perspective the importance of allowing this concept to sink into your belief system." - Elan (Action 2)
Drew Channer
Sep 08, 2024
In Practical Application
Greetings! I wanted to take a moment to share a personal insight about the Universal Laws, which are as follows: 1. You Exist. 2. Everything is Here and Now. 3. The One is All, and the All are One. 4. What You Put Out Is What You Get Back. 5. Everything in Creation Changes, Except the First Four. At the core of these Universal Laws lies Unconditional Love. Be cautious of those who speak of ascended beings, ETs, or Ascension but disregard or attempt to invalidate the Universal Laws. The future envisioned by the Hybrid teachers is rooted in oneness, unity, peace, compassion, and always, Unconditional Love. If someone speaks of Open Contact or Ascension but promotes conflict, division, or justifies anger through violence or aggression, they are not guiding you towards a harmonious reality grounded in the Universal Laws and Unconditional Love. Seek wisdom from various teachers and teachings, but always reflect on how they align with the Universal Laws. Pay attention to how they resonate with Unconditional Love. If a teacher or teaching embodies these principles, they are worthy of your attention. If they reject them, they are not. Ultimately, you are free to follow any path that resonates with you. All roads lead to Source—some just take longer than others. Just a few thoughts I wanted to share.
Drew Channer
Sep 06, 2024
In General Discussion
Greetings, If we truly internalized the Universal Law: "What you put out is what you get back", We would be more conscious of what we were putting out in the world, And more accepting of what we were getting back. But that's just a personal observation, however.
Drew Channer
Sep 01, 2024
In Practical Application
Many individuals express the belief that Open Contact with extraterrestrial beings will only occur when everyone on Earth believes in their existence. Some say it won't happen until we heal the planet or resolve all of society's issues. These perspectives tend to place Open Contact further and further into the future. However, what we’ve been hearing from the hybrid civilizations is that Open Contact is imminent, not contingent upon everyone "getting it" or transforming into someone or something else. This is tied to what we refer to as the "Splitting of the Prism"—the manifestation of alternate realities. Our purpose, then, is not to change the world but to change ourselves and shift to the reality that aligns most closely with our state of being. There is no need to convince others about the existence of extraterrestrials, hybrids, or Open Contact. Those who are tuned into that reality will naturally shift to where those experiences occur. Those who are not will shift to a version of reality where such things are not part of their experience, or where Open Contact remains a distant future event. This is reflected in the saying, "For those who believe, no evidence is necessary; for those who do not, no evidence will ever be enough." The Splitting of the Prism and the ascension into the fourth density are not separate events but facets of the same transformation. We are accustomed to thinking we must convince others to adopt a certain viewpoint. But we must embrace the concept of "To each their own." You may shift to a version of Earth that does not include certain individuals—not because they cease to exist but because they exist at a different frequency. This is neither right nor wrong; it simply is. We can share information with those who resonate with these ideas—not to convince, but to offer insight when requested. Outside of this, trying to convince the world to see everything the same way is an exercise in futility. Unless you wish to experience conflict, confusion, or frustration, it’s best to allow others their version of reality. As Elan once said, all paths ultimately lead to the Source, for they never left it to begin with. This may take some getting used to. The drive to correct others is almost instinctual for many, much like needing the last word in a conversation. But remember, the universe is not waiting to see how our discussions play out before it manifests reality. The need to be right is irrelevant in the face of ascension and multidimensional reality. If we can find peace with whatever unfolds, avoiding negativity and allowing others their perspectives—even if they are completely opposite to our own—the transition will be smoother. You are not losing anyone; you are wishing them well on their chosen path. They will experience what they need to experience, and it's not a value judgment. Time is an illusion, so however long it seems to take is also part of that illusion. Just a thought I wanted to share.
Drew Channer
Jul 09, 2024
In Elan Quotes
"As you begin to entertain the idea of yourself as pure consciousness, as an Infinite Being, you begin to then attract to yourself (within the physical parameters that you set up) ...resources, information, timing that allows you to begin to express more...and more...and more...and more of who you already are, not becoming something that you are not, but simply expressing more of who you already are." - Elan, “Your Power on a Plate”.
Drew Channer
Jun 25, 2024
In Elan Quotes
"The way that you create physical experience, linear reality, is through a methodology in which you create the apparency that you break down your consciousness or shall I say...gradiently express your consciousness. In other words, you are inherently an all--knowing, all-seeing, simultaneous, multi-dimensional, eternal, Infinite consciousness...and at this time you expressing yourself to seem as though you are: at first a lesser Being, then you to collect and gain knowledge and experience, then you seem to become a greater Being, or more than you originally were. This is only an apparency. In actuality, everything that you experience, everything, is contained within your consciousness, within the already existing infinity of your consciousness. From your infinite point of view there is no "within" and "without", for these are linear terms, from within the linear point of view. Your body is literally within your consciousness...and not the other way around. Therefore, you already contain it all, all knowledge...all experience...all ideas. And what you call "growth and learning" is only one of the characteristics of linear reality, and in that sense, is truly, from your Infinite point of view, an illusion. Remember, you already know it all,  therefore the idea of not knowing something and then learning simply an apparency." Elan, "Your Power on a Plate" ch.1
Drew Channer
Jun 20, 2024
In Elan Quotes
“You are sparks of the light of the white light of All That Is itself. What breaks down that white light in a way that makes you unique is the prism that comprises the artificial personality construct that you are.  That prism is composed of belief, emotion, and thought. Therefore, whenever you wish to change the expression of that white light through you, all you need do is change any one of those three features. You will find it most easy to change the belief first for that is, shall we say, on this plane “the cause of causes”. But your willingness to change any aspect of the triad of prism that you are, will change the vibration that you are. Will now represent a different manifestation of that white light of Infinite Creation. And allow you to express yourself consciously according to preference as an aspect of the Infinite. Multi-dimensional, Infinite, and Eternal are you all! Therefore we express to you our unconditional love and appreciation for sharing a bit of that Eternal and Infinite with us and bid you a most fond and loving good evening.”

Drew Channer

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