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Forum Posts
Alex Serafini
Jun 22, 2024
In Practical Application
Hello, this is my first time posting in this way. Therefore, please allow me to introduce my self. My name is Alexander. I am 32 years old, I currently live out side of Oklahoma City, with my wife and three daughters. I grew up as a “Navy Brat” and moved around many times as a kid. Over the past few years my awareness of being involved with the hybridization program has heightened. This includes pulling what I believe to be a “micro chip” out my back, dreams of ET contact and so on. Recently I’ve been waking up with beings, I believe to be greys, on the side of my bed. Last summer it happened also every night for a two week period. It’s hard to explain what it feels like and I am doing my best to get over the fear… First I feel a knowingness that they are there, I try to move and open my eyes but can’t, a strong vibration, not a ringing, in my inner ears, followed by a feeling of my consciousness falling into a bottomless pit. It has been very intense. One of the last time it happened, I was able to calm myself in the middle of the interaction and acknowledge that I was being guided by my higher mind and all was well. These thoughts (thanks to Bashar-Elan) helped me greatly with integrating these experiences. There is much more detail to this and maybe I can go into that another time.
I would like to ask if you all have had any similar experiences or any experiences with visitations?
Thank you all so very much. My deep love and appreciation to you all!
Alex Serafini
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