Dear Elan Interactions Family,
As the Winter Solstice comes around again (and the summer for those in the Southern Hemisphere), there's an opportunity to journey within ourselves, to really practice all that we have so far learned from the sharings of the Essassani civilization.
At Elan Interactions, we will also take this opportunity to breathe and pause from the production and release of YouTube sessions over the next three weeks, resuming on Jan 10th.
To bring the sessions lovingly back out into the world, each week we listen through each session, digitalize and clean the audio of both channeler and participants, to ensure the highest sound quality through professional tools. This is then followed with preparing the visualizations through traditional 3D animation work as well as AI generated art work, where multiple rounds of iterations are often required. The transcription of the sessions are also made at this time, corrected and validated manually. Hours of work are put in to produce the final product that is then released each week, and we often complement the sessions with extracted insights for sharing in other social media platforms. When we can, we strive to answer questions that are posted in the Elan Interactions forum and other platforms.
We believe deeply in this project and find great excitement in ensuring that the majority of Elan's material is available in the public domain, for free. We know that this is part of a much larger vision, that contributes to humanity's re-awakening and ultimately, open contact and we are thus deeply committed to see this through into the next phase of Elan's return.
We leave you for now, with the last session, titled "Positive and Negative Synchronicity" and an invitation over the holidays, to collectively document all instances of positive synchronicity that has occurred in your lives. We have created this post in our forum specifically for this purpose, where you can share your experiences with one another. We believe that verbalizing and stating the positive synchronicities that happen in your life outwardly, is a strong statement to the Universe that results in a snowball effect: the more you do it, the more it will become apparent. The forum is a safe community for like-minded individuals to share these stories, and we therefore encourage you to check it out.
Share your positive synchronistic impressions below in the comments.
Furthermore, for the moments that you feel you are missing the weekly sessions, do take the opportunity at this time to check out the new book, which contains newly channeled material from 2024 available here: https://amzn.to/4gArabs
Additionally, the next session to be released when we return is a previously unpublished session, called "Everybody's Perfect" that few have heard since it was first recorded.
We thank you deeply for your ongoing participation, and if it excites you to support us in exchange, here's our new link to safely contribute to our ongoing mission: https://donorbox.org/elan-interactions-donations All contributions assist us to continue to bring you 99% of the Elan messages for free!
We trust everyone had an amazing, expansive and transformative 2024. 2025 is certainly going to be the most miraculous and exciting year yet. Happy holidays to all, and an Ecstatic New Year to you all, as well.
Many thanks and Much Love to all of you.
Ha 'Atu
The Elan Interactions Family
I’ve been encouraged to share this 😎 so I’m going to share it here.
I was waiting on a family member to get off work. Waiting at the corner of a street, right by the subway. Was glancing at my phone to pass the time when a man came up to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself to me by his name. In awe, I responded in kind and before we spoke another word to one another we both just stood there peering into each other's eyes. Feeling one another out. I’ll never forget it. His gaze transformed from a blank/focused state into a much softer, more relaxed, joyful demeanor. If you met me in person you’d notice that my eyes have a luminous quality to them... unconditionally/unprompted, lol. I was so stunned. Wasn’t expecting that at all, much less for him to mirror me like that. He did that. He allowed that. How incredible to witness that happen in real-time. I’ve never seen/experienced anything like it, not to that degree.
In line with his bold/direct approach lol, he opened up to me about his travels, his family/parents, his friends, his interest in psychology... all sorts of wonderful intimate/personal things. Very grounded and earnest. Also, extremely gracious. Rather “old-fashioned”. Intermittently asking if I was comfortable with certain questions regarding certain customs/culture. Very curious and observant. Both a gentleman and a true traveler/explorer at heart, haha. We chatted for a bit about each other, about life and relationships in general. Just felt so easy and natural. Lots of resonance between us. Lots of parallels in our experience. To boot, we seemed to be about the same age. Best of all, he was so... assured. So trusting in the flow. Didn’t seem fazed/shocked at all by any of it, lol. He just kept it going, acknowledging everything either with a ‘knowing’ smile and/or a cheeky comment here and there.
Now, at the time of our meeting, I had absolutely no idea ‘how’ this had happened. LOL. I didn’t have a word for it in my understanding/vocabulary. I just knew, could sense, that our meeting was no accident. It couldn't be. What were the chances. A mere “stranger” passing me by on the street, inspired to approach, knowing me so well? I wondered. Well, fast forward to a few years later lol, I recalled our meeting again, this time equipped with expanded understanding, and it made all the sense in the world. It was exactly that, pure synchronism at its finest. In real-life, in the act, in real-time. No wonder! Consider this my proof, my testimony if you will, that there are no accidents. Our sharing ended in perfect timing too - just as he and I were getting ready to part ways my family member had approached.
Second best of all, LOL... I had actually entertained the idea of doing exactly this - helping out a tourist, making recommendations, etc. - just a few weeks or so prior. I had also been practicing/applying being known and loved by Source, per Abe Hicks teachings. So... it all truly lines up.
Knowing what I know now, it's easy for me to understand “where” he was “coming from”. Why it perhaps wasn’t such a surprise or big deal to him. I’m still impressed (evidently) but I can’t say that I’m surprised. I’ve had many lovely synchronized encounters and experiences since. Something about this one, feels very momentous and unique. Like a catalyst at the perfect time. Thank you for the enriching and enlivening co-creation, J! If only you could see me now. 😉😁
When we think of synchronicity we tend to attribute it to numbers, but how about some instances with lovely humans. Please feel free to share/document your synchronism with others, in whatever capacity you so wish. 😀