For preferred self, do you write a whole list of things and construct an identity of sorts and flesh it out completely? Or how do you go about it?
I have multiple aspects to change at once so i was thinking about how one goes about managing it.
The part that sparked this question -
"Q- So, what you're saying is I don’t have to say, "Why am I creating this?" ... and I don’t have to go through that process, just decide that I am healthy?
Elan- Absolutely, exactly ... and you may wish to be more specific than that. Because if the decision does specifically reflect who you are and what you wish to do ... you will be so busy going about your business that any so-called "recovery period" will simply be immediate and automatic. You will forget all about any discomfort. In other words, instead of simply only saying ... "I am healthy.” ... have the new decision be completely representative of who you now choose to be, stating to the Universe that ... "I am now this person that________.” ... (fill in your own blanks) "who enjoys this outcome____ ... who expresses that effect on the world_____ " ... and in your being willing to be that whole person, there is no fragmentation or “dis-ease” in the process, and you become busy being that new preferred person ... rather than sitting around and feeling your sinuses and using them as “evidence” to re-establish an old, outdated, obsolete, unpreferred decision about who you are. Does that make sense?"
Considering this question I see even the preferential self can be a flexible idea. There maybe an overarching conception of what is preferable to me but it is not static and aspects need be discovered as I go along.
Hi and welcome, "Light"! Thank you for the GREAT question. To address your question more specifically, this can take many forms, from the simple decision, "I am this person with these qualities," to the complete fleshing out of everything you can think of, it's really up to you.
You make a great point in mentioning that most people have multiple aspects about themselves that they wish to change. Our simple suggestion to address that is to create a list of everything you like about yourself already, then another list of the things that you wish to change. Revel in the things that you are already expressing effectively. Then go through the things that you wish to change and word their alternative. When doing this, refrain from using the word "not", instead stating the actual preference. So, for instance, let's say you don't like the fact that you get easily frustrated and often feel judged. When wording the new preferred decision about who you are, it is more conducive to write, "I address any unexpected outcomes with patience and an amused and playful attitude, and I unconditionally love myself and others", as opposed to "I'm no longer frustrated and don't accept the judgement of others."
If you still have any questions or curiosities for more specifics, ask a specific question and we'll continue to exchange until you have clarity. This is why we're here!
Sounds like you found the answer to question....I AM now. To me this means we change completely based on our intentions. One of my favorite sayings whenever something feels complicated is: 'This is simple' or 'It is much simpler than it is being perceived to be'. In this way I REALize that I was in my personality mind and not BEing my natural self....which is knowing who I really am.
Did this address your questions? I love the interaction and feedback. Thank you so much for posting Elan's answer to the questioner.