I’ll get a little bit more personal here because I want to share this.. The situation that I have is difficult for me. So I'd appreciate any different perspective, idea or thought.
I'll be completely honest and admit to my negative beliefs.. I have a new flat and it's great here, I love everything about it.. except one thing.. and that is that here is a neighbor that smokes very often. Also late at night, which often wakes me up. It's impossible to have open windows and not get bothered by the smoke. It gets really warm and stuffy in the flat, especially now when it’s summer. We tried talking to her but she is unwilling to figure out a solution. It makes me mad and hopeless. Also my friend that I live with is upset about this whole situation. So, I know I created this situation for a reason and that no matter what every situation can be used for a positive reason. What I learned is that it showed me that I’m not 100% unconditionally loving and that I’m scared for the health of my friend (which I already struggled a lot with before, so I guess it’s a sign I still have that belief). I prefer having clean and fresh air and I like to have my windows open most of the time, especially during the night, even in winter. And I also prefer to not be scared that my health or that of my friend's will worsen because of this. I think what I struggle with as well is that it happens so frequently. It's the "Oh no here it comes again" but sometimes it's every 5 minutes. And I don't really know what to do. I did the exercise with thinking about what my preferred self would do. But I struggled with this because the smell is bothering me a lot and I don’t know how I can get used to it. But maybe I also don’t trust the process? Maybe I’m too attached to the belief that it’s unlikely to stop? Or I’m showing too much resistance? Maybe I don’t fully belief that I’m the owner of my reality?
Please feel free to share your thoughts. Maybe someone can reflect back to me what to do. 😥♥
I want to share a quick update here. I don’t know what has happened but the smoke probably reduced by 99%. It’s been like this for a while already. Last time I was here (when it was still frequent) I met her on the hallway and she greeted me nicely. At that moment I just felt empathy and love for her. It’s a bit strange but I feel like meeting her on the hallway changed my perspective towards her a lot. I wasn’t even supposed to go outside. It was like 5 a.m. and I just wanted to take a short walk.
I don’t mean for this reply to sound un-empathetic to your situation (believe me, I am)... but is 'moving' an option for you? Part of the path of least resistance might just ‘turn out’ to be just that. It absolutely won’t/does not make you a “failure” or any less spiritual if that should be/is the case. It brought you to this point, you’re clear on who you are and what you need/want. Just a thought. 🤔
Jo-Ann said it exactly right!
My own sharing: I had a situation years ago where I had the noisiest upstairs neighbor in the apartment building we live in. Prior to their baby being born, they were fighting. After the baby was born, and grew into a toddler, the kid made so much noise I hardly slept. It was hard for me to talk to them, so I took another path. I was already on a spiritual journey after my kundalini awakening, and subsequent discovery of Bashar and Elan (and Arjun). So I doubled down on my own practices and really walked the talk of the messages like choosing my excitement in every moment, being grateful for what I have, etc. Basically as described in the testimonial section about my story, my whole reality shifted over a fairly short time frame, and I manifested a whole new life in another country, with a new role etc. The whole apartment situation just got solved without me even focusing on that as my whole life got an upgrade. It does not have to look exactly like this for you, but the point being that if you truly focus on the larger picture like your excitement, and how you feel your ideal life should feel like etc....all the details get solved eventually. These principles that Elan shares really DO work.
Well said, Jo-Ann. 😄💫
Ezinu, we’re rooting for you! 💗 Please do feel free to keep us posted.
Goodness, not a pleasant situation at all! ☹️
But just because you have a preference to not smell your neibhbour's smoke does not mean you are not unconditionally loving. I unconditionally love my neighbours but would prefer they wouldn't burn wood outside on hot nights while my windows are all open. 🤪
However, this is also, as you noted, showing you some fears you have, health being a big one.
While there are some practical things you can do, including air purifiers, essential oil diffuser in the room (citrus oils are recommended for smoke), etc. there is also another way to reason with your neighbour... you skip trying to deal with the ego-mind of the physical being and work silently on the situation with her. Have a loving conversation with her.
For example, your preferred self could send love and gratitude to your neighbour for finding another place to smoke that doesn't bother the neighbours. And this is important... FEEL and TRUST that an amazing solution will appear... holding no doubt. As you are already aware, you are a powerful creator... and for any situation you may have created... you CAN create the solution!
AND... as long as you FEEL it is unlikely the smoke will stop... you'll get that result.
So, again, give her your unconditional love and gratitude and FEEL and TRUST that an amazing solution will appear that will work for both you and your neighbour and be ready to be surprised by what transpires! 👍
And use your powerful imagination... imagine laying in bed at night with wonderful fresh air coming in the window.
Let us know how it goes!