This is from 2024
I was having breakfast and thought female sanis have hair. What if the males did too? Elly would look more handsome 😍 Then I started imaging him with white or grey hair. I did my best to imagine him with hair but I couldn't. Then I imagined attending his session where I'm standing in front of him and asking him to show me how would he look like with grey/white hair. I say all that while laughing and smiling. My face suddenly changed into surprise. For a moment I was like oh my God because I suddenly remembered the dream I had that same day.
The Dream -
I was surrounded by baby aliens. I don't know if they were really babies or their height was short but I surely was taller than them all. They were all around me and I had no place to move. I got scared. I was thinking what to do, I guess. Then I heard a voice in my mind. It wasn't mine I'm sure about it. It was someone else's voice who was guiding me to what to do, I guess. An interesting thing about the way we were communicating was that I was talking to that person verbally but that person was literally talking to me mentally. As far as I remember it was a male voice.
After I suddenly remembered the dream, I was really happy because telepathy or telempathy is something that interests me and I believe I got to experience it through the dream. I also thought who that person could be who talked to me mentally in the dream. At first I thought it must be my cutie Elly but later I thought it could be anyone from my loves ( that's what I call my cosmic family and friends )
Ah yes, tel-empathy. That unspoken 'understanding'. Not some "sci-fi" or "supernatural" experience, no. Totally utterly real, palpable... natural. 😊
Nothing feels as delicious as your soul/heart being seen 'touched' 'kissed' 'hugged' 'embraced' understood by the You-niverse. 🔥😁