About a little over a year ago, among the earlier topics of my conscious exploration was, surprise surprise, extra terrestrials. This interest is something that I have had for as long as I can remember. I have no conscious memories of any sightings, dreams, or any other occurrences which may have been related to ETs.
This exploration quickly attracted me to Steven Greer and the CE5 Protocol. Such a powerful person and vision, which I'm so happy to see is gaining momentum, in perfect timing.
The CE5 protocol, which is centered around communication through meditation/imagination, inspired me. I began to meditate and imagine the experience of the beings who were physically stationed, in service around our planet. I began feel energized and emotional, and even though I understood the probability of anthropomorphizing (for serious lack of a better term) in my imaginings, and I accepted them anyway.
It was after 4AM at this point and suddenly I felt the urge to get up with something telling me to go downstairs and outside. "Downstairs" and "outside" after 4 AM are heretical concepts while at home. Creaky floors and light sleepers in the house, etc. However, such was the feeling that I found myself getting up, going downstairs (here the message was "hurry!" and so I scurried faster), past the front door at the bottom of the steps (why? I don't know) and out the back entrance. I looked up and I saw very few stars, as is usual for my area. One of the stars however was moving, away from me high up in the sky.
It continued to move in a north-ish direction, and it disappeared into the sky, nowhere near the horizon.
Based on how high it "seemed", it would have been too fast to be a plane. Also, based on how it seemed to move with respect to the other stars, it didn't seem to be moving straight or at a completely consistent speed. And this felt.... intentional. I could also see no blinking of any kind.
I was a type of calm surprise wrapped in transfixed acceptance. I told a few people in the days following, prefacing it with the palatable "it's just what it means to me" or "I'm just choosing to believe what I see", etc. No one who I didn't already have a history with this topic of discussion, of course.
My first physical reality 'conscious' UFO experience.
Two nights ago, probably between 4-5 AM, I was outside taking a short break from work. As is my general habit when outside at night, I was looking up. This night I was looking up quite consistently compared to other nights. I was reflecting on how a few nights back I told myself that "I'd prefer to have a sky with more stars", and on this night, I felt I could see more of them.
"Just because I was looking up so often". Yes, yes, you too. Come along.
So there it was. I first noticed it moving west, and it immediately reminded me of the first time. Similar motion, a kind of inconsistency. Then I lost it for a moment and saw it pass back over me towards the east. My uncle was with me and I said... coolly "hey.. do you see that light in the sky?"
"Oh yea that's just a star"
"No the other one that's moving"
By then break time was over and I had to head back inside. It hasn't come up again since.
(Flash back a few days before when I randomly brought up to him his thoughts on UFOs and that he "doesn't believe that stuff".)
Then last night, a similar light, again. This time I was alone.
I feel a lot of gratitude. I understand that my geographical area (sprawl city) can pose risks to them, and they still made efforts to have this type of interaction. They tracked me down at work, no less. Something related to my incessant staring at the sky, for probably months now. And I got the feeling that their presentation and the timing was in part due to my area. Of course all in a perfect and synchronistic fashion. ;)
I do have moments of imaginings about what types of agreements I've made and what I'm not remembering from my sleep-dream state, and I enjoy them and then let them all go. I don't know "what it's for", and I'm content that that is not my question. I simply know that it reflected to me many things, and for that I'm grateful again. I hope and trust that I was of service to them in some way as well.
I know that I'll know what I knead to know when I knew to knead it.
<3<2<1 (not sure what this means but now it's staying)
I havent told the story here yet, I most certainly will someday. But let me just say... I had a really similar excitement to stargaze and see if crafts would show up for a while :D. And uhh... After a few experiences of strange star-like movements that I still believe were crafts, a black triangular ship ascended vertically into the air from the distance and flew RIGHT over me.
... Ever since then, I didn't feel the need to CE5 anymore. 😄
Bahahaha. CE5 is really fun though!! I love it! pls continue to do it it's awesome. And I love the <3 <2 <1. That's so creative.