I wouldn't consider myself someone who wants to do much with politics really, I just wanna play and be light and be full of love, in my passions ALL the time!! Have fun, spread empowerment light and joy to others, match with others who are in that similar state of play as well so we can have fun and cocreate together. In other words, I see myself living much like our integrated friends who are 4th density and many densities beyond :'), even certain very positive expressions of 3rd density too. That makes the most sense to me, and I feel is where I'm headed, where many of us are headed. We ALL (mostly haha :P) just want to play and have fun and express ourselves, be ourselves, be pure and natural and innocently us. Be inspired, explore, and create! Whether it be creating relationships, creating something tangible, creating positive experiences, or just creating states of being by what we're thinking or doing.
I also, knowing that this represents my natural self... Live in a world full of people living very unnaturally. We probably ALL live in that world at present time hahaha. So I have gone to politics on and off, from very wounded inner child places, places of pure curiosity, and occasionally places of truly seeing my role in helping — where my passion to spread joy and uplift shows up!!
I have wanted to know, I have so wanted to just know what to believe. How to see clarity in all these contradictory experiences, these contradictory pictures of reality and what the solutions must be. Because I understand what the very real experiences of suffering are, and of COURSE, I want to be a part of the uplifting force of humanity! Because that is who I am. This is what we deserve.
This post is about my integration process of all this.
Today, I voted. I voted for unconditional love, peace, Source, joy, play, freedom, happiness, unification, healing, empowerment, sovereignty, purity, innocence, and individuality.
I voted on the same day that they say Atlantis fell. Talking about how Halloween is the day before and November 1st was the day of the ending, basically. Today, I oscillated between the positive loving and clear intention—and the awareness of that negativity, that desire to prove and to resist and to force the world to validate my feelings. The awareness of vitriol, sadness, frustration, hatred, disgust, and the state of feeling invalidated. I oscillated, as I have throughout and we all have in our integration journeys. We all do still.
But it has all come to a profound head tonight, after feeling like I was drowning in superficial political explorations, being sucked into that whirlpool of negativity and disconnection. It is all coming to a head of lightness and clarity. More so than before, even.
I truly feel that, if I buy into the Atlantis tineline connection to us, which on some level I really do, then I am here bravely integrating this all to bring love and bring peace and bring a new kind of energy to that Atlantean turnpike of destruction and disconnection that today represents. I truly am choosing unconditional love. I truly am choosing love THROUGH and within the challenge to evolve, to know unconditional love within a mixture of windows and options to experience so much conditional love and limitation.
I'm choosing to know myself no matter what. Even as I err and even as I may go in and out of FEELING the full, clear, open, and lovefull connection with myself. I know I am connecting with myself and learning who I am no matter what, always able to learn from what manifests in a positive way, and I always have the option to integrate things in the most positive way I can!! I know this is ALL here for a positive reason, as I create my personal reality to be. And the most positive, clear light of my Soul (and yours :)) is here, always. Unconditionally here.
Tonight, I realized something profound about this idea of intersectionality within politics while listening to someone speak about it. They mentioned how the idea of intersectional struggle, intersectional oppression — ends up showing ALL forms of struggle and oppression are connected to each other. AND... how when one boat begins to lift, we help each other lift. Because although our challenges are each unique and individual, we are all connected. We all have things to learn from one another. And our unique struggles (our unique human challenges) don't exist in isolation. It is ALL connected.
And it made me realize... this approach of intersectionality is a beautiful expression of the integration and unity consciousness shining through humanity :')). And it goes beyond the sphere of politics. This philosophy of intersectionality is one expression of a true movement to integrate and uplift all levels of the collective humanity, leaving NO ONE out. Bringing light to many peoples who have been in the darkness to the eyes of most, unseen and disempowered. And, therefore, it is one expression of unconditional love and empowered support for all levels of the self. Which is the lesson, you could say. That is the journey we're on, so many of us.
How beautiful it will be when we're there more and more of the time. How beautiful it is to be there already, as we have been many times, and will be many more :').
Late happy halloween to whoever here likes it, and happy Diwali as well!! Dia de los Muertos too! Plus whatever else I'm missing, I know there are so many celebrations and they all deserve a shout 😄.
Though unity minded I dipped into the polarized election stew and voted for what I consider to be the obviously (to me) most positive choice, my preferred choice. I made my voice heard and that is that. We do live in interesting times.