Hello hello! If you have been following Elan, most likely you are aware/following what Bashar has been upto as well. Today was his newest transmission after the election. I was able to watch his monologue from reddit (grateful for the people who were able to share the bit). The very quick gist is that, Bashar & Interstellar Alliance (Assuming Elan is involved in this too) believe that reading the current energy of the humanity, Open Contact is now more likely to happen between 2028/2029.
My first thought went- well.. If the future is fluid, and timelines can shift all the time (in linear way), why couldn't the open contact shift back to 2027/2028 or even earlier?
And my immediate thought after listening to the monologue is- the absolute fact is that ETs, not us as individuals, will determine when or how the contact will happen for the humanity as a whole. It doesn't necessarily matter how much **I** want it. I can choose to be devastated by this news, or I can focus onto living my best life here as an Earthling, carrying out my soul contract as it was intended for my highest good. I know Elan also said it in a very similar way.
The one thing I know intuitively is that government level full disclosure, as well as open contact with ETs, will happen in our lifetime. I know the community we are in here are much, much better about not treating ETs as saviors or God, and I'm so happy to be part of the group here together. I think we can feel/express our feelings here (normal human emotions like disappointment sadness etc), but in the end we guide each other back to our true nature- our innate wisdom, power and love. I think this will be a good time to read Elan's book again while waiting for his new book in 2025 ❤️
"I think we can feel/express our feelings here (normal human emotions like disappointment sadness etc), but in the end we guide each other back to our true nature- our innate wisdom, power and love."
I love this :')).
It really does feel like we're in a time of radical ownership and sovereignty. Self-realization and deciding that, yes, I DO create my reality, and it all issues forth from my Soul and my Source, my safe, playful space of love that is the fundament of me.
At this point, I've come to realize that a majority if not all of my concerns about Bashar's words and transmissions has been from picking up other people's baggage, not my own. My bags don't weigh anything, as he and others so often say. And it's true :P.
Maybe it's time we stop needing other beings to tell us what'll happen or what things are, or what it all is supposed to look like. I think we deserve more unconditional love than what that idea posits.
We're all equals. We all exist and truly, truly that is enough. Maybe it's not for me to take this all too seriously. Just walk through it with love and trust in my journey, my process, and respect the creations of all cocreators who are with me here in this beautiful and contrasting reality.
Feel your feelings, girl <3. Let's all do that for real. Be with the energy. Let it come up. Let's all feel. We're in this together, even if our tracks all lead our own places and destinations.