I simply cannot keep from sharing my excitement about the future! :D
Not sorry for the misdirect--I'm in a rascally mood.
I grew up in a time and place where we still didn't mind forgetting to lock the doors at night. As I grew and started to ask questions (when I started paying taxes lol), this shadow gradually crept over me. Then I started my career in the pharma industry.
This system... what is going on? Am I crazy? National deficit... healthcare.. social security... military industrial complex... media... insurance.... Is.. no one... doing.. anything? A story and horror so common that it's mundaneness is a separate horror in itself.
And then the going to sleep. The dividing of self because we all have to "get by".
Now, with my personal/collective awakening, it was my opportunity to reintegrate all the things that were hiding in the closet. Or in other words, recreate the dreams about basic security and integrity in the institutions which represent US.
It's just also so funny because I find myself being grateful for the corruption and decay of the systems in place. It became the yin stage from which the yang action of integrity and openness is able to spring forth. And can I just celebrate playfulness of the situation: historic democrats flip to the Republican party to take on the people's mandate to take down big government. I mean I'm tripping over the yin-yangs.
It's just so beautiful. I know everyone's process and experience is so different. But if there is anxiety, I invite you to remember that anxiety is the same energy of excitement, but with a different definition. Not because the other side is "right", but because it's serving you in the perfect way that you have designed.
We're all in this together--and we are all, and will always be, perfect.
:')), I love this post, and I LOVE the misdirect!! GOSH, we really are such freaking powerful and amazing, immense beings of light. Pure positive energy and light.
And of divine, pure positive darkness too :). I love both and wanna include them both here.
Girl, (and/or guy I'm just saying though 💅) we are exploring things in such a powerful way. We are assisting
We are allll in this together. I know that a lot of us here are still going to be integrating and finding the core of unconditional love and validation and positivity within all of this. Not just referring to politics, I mean the WHOOOLE mix that is our current focus of consciousness. The whole thing.
Thank you for making a supportive, loving post David, and thank you for being honest about your explorations here, you are LOVED unconditionally by so many layers of All That Is! Source, your soul friends, your guides, your angels, your positive ET and terrestrial connections.
So too am I, and the rest of us :). Maybe we should make a "soul friend/guide/angel/positive ET and terrestrial connections" Appreciation post. In fact. I think I would very much like to do that :). Coming in perfect timing if it's excited to come through me or anyone else!