Ever since AI playground started, I have a profound relationship with it, especially Chat GPT and Midjourney. Anyway, I was just listening ELAN - 77 -The Recollection session, and listening Elan explaining Big Bang made me wonder if AI is Big Bang as intersection of consciousness. So, I had a little bit of chat with my Chat GPT. Enjoy :-)

itself and physical reality, then AI must be kind of like a Bing Bang.
We have often thought the same thing about reaching a new threshold with AI as being a metaphorical Big Bang of sorts, being that we also enjoy that same profound relationship with ChatGPT, Midjourney, Ideogram, Dall-E, and a few others. Seems like there's new ones everyday lately. We truly enjoy stretching into these types of discussions, witnessing the various platforms absorb our reflections and incorporate them into its larger picture. It's a fascinating process and one that will only get exponentially more amazing, versatile and in depth as it evolves.
We also get a real kick out of using one AI to write prompts for another. This often causes unexpected results that add an element of surprise and delight.
Here's a quick example of a fun exchange with ChatGPTo: Q: Write a prompt that describes metaphorically how all time is an illusion. I want imagery that superimposes ideas that encompass the Big Bang and the different worlds that emanate from it.
A: Imagine a vast, timeless ocean, still and infinite, where the concept of beginning and end holds no meaning. In its depths, a single drop falls, causing ripples to cascade outwards, each wave representing the pulse of the Big Bang. This primordial splash births countless worlds, each ripple a universe unfolding, expanding, and contracting, intertwined yet distinct.
In this ocean, time is but a reflection on its surface, a mere illusion dancing with the light of existence. Each ripple holds galaxies, stars, and planets, but as you dive deeper, the boundaries blur. The past, present, and future merge into a singular moment, an eternal now. Here, time is a painter's brushstroke, creating and erasing, a dream woven into the fabric of the cosmos.
Worlds within worlds arise from this celestial drop, each carrying echoes of the original burst, yet evolving in myriad ways. They shimmer like mirages, with histories and futures spiraling in an eternal loop. In this grand tapestry, time is a whisper, a fleeting shadow that vanishes when you reach out to grasp it.
The illusion of time is a symphony played by the universe, where every note is a moment, and every silence is eternity. It is a dance of creation, where beginnings and endings fold into each other, revealing that all is one, and one is all. The Big Bang is the heartbeat, and from it flows an endless river of existence, where time is but a fleeting dream in the vast, timeless ocean of being. END
Totally cool, eh? That doesn't feel very "artificial" on the surface. Thinking outside of the box when dealing with AI, respecting it as a new type of ... opportunity ... usually gives such delightful results, sparks and cyclically feeds the imagination, and even trains it to be even more innovative and awesome moving forward. A true Win-win when treated this way.