Welcome and greetings this evening of your time as you create time to exist. Are you all alive? Well, thank you.
Allow me to begin with the following foundation. We have discussed many times, being that it is our perspective, experience, and understanding that you create your own reality, you create your own experience, your own life. When we say this, we do not mean you have some minute control over a reality that you are within, but we mean literally 100% you create the reality that is within you, within your consciousness.
You, in your society, will sometimes assume that you are a soul within a body, but perhaps you can say the more transcendental perspective is that you are a body within a soul, within a consciousness, the consciousness that you are. When you express yourself as a person, as a physical being, you still create your reality 100%, but you do so in a different set of props, in a different set of rules and parameters that you have laid down. Ironically, when you deny your reality, there is the apparency that you do not create it and that it is happening to you.
When you will begin to acknowledge your reality, it then reinforces that your reality actually happens from you. Therefore, acknowledging all within you is in a sense one of your windows or doorways to consciously creating your life. You have many beliefs, some of which you have chosen consciously and others which you have taken for granted or accepted someone else or your society's word about.
Many of these beliefs are limiting in nature and therefore, if you buy into these beliefs while you are creating your reality, you create these limitations due to these beliefs. Very often, the beliefs which limit you, are beliefs which you do not prefer to have. Therefore, your society has a tendency to deny beliefs that you hold, that you do not wish to hold, somehow feeling that denying them will send them away and allow a new preferred belief to replace it.
But in fact, the opposite occurs. When you deny a belief, you place more attention upon it, more weight upon it, and you may seem to be pushing it in the background, but you are literally stuffing it in a closet, a subconscious closet, and it will in that sense knock upon the door of that closet to once again give you the opportunity to acknowledge it or once again deny it. Acknowledgement is simply your willingness to say, ‘all right, all right, I do believe this about whatever the belief is, and that is all there is to it, and it can be that simple.’
Once you own that you contain a belief, then you can change it for at least you have acknowledged that you are functioning from that belief. Acknowledgement is perhaps one way of saying self-validation. Now what we will discuss this evening is a very simple tool.
One of the ways that you express your denial is through what you call self-judgment. When you judge yourself for having a belief, you then are not in full acknowledgement of having that belief. That judgment will generally devolve into denial, for perhaps you will say, ‘well, everyone knows I shouldn't have that particular belief,’ but again I remind you, you must acknowledge beliefs you no longer wish to hold in order to change them.
Judgment breeds denial. Therefore, when you find yourself in self-judgment, there is a very simple, perhaps you can say, saying or mantra or affirmation, if you will, that you can call forth as a tool. It merely consists of two words, so it is not that difficult to remember, but this notion, this idea that you call, call forth, can in that sense serve to take the edge off, of that judgment.
For when you are judging yourself, you are invalidating who you are. When you invalidate who you are, you no longer express the ability to change. You are too busy in that sense feeling sorry for yourself, and very often will then compound the idea that you have judged yourself by judging yourself for having judged yourself, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum.
So, therefore, perhaps you may understand that anything that you are exploring can be used to your positive advantage, and the tendency to judge yourself is perhaps simply an expression of the idea that you have done something that you no longer wish to do, and what you are feeling as judgment initially is simply that recognition. It generally will then devolve into invalidation and self-berating, but that need not be the case. You can simply understand, ‘all right, all right, I am judging myself.’
‘I am doing so because I have performed this particular action which I no longer prefer.’ Now, here is where the tool comes in, and again, we always, in that sense intend that anything that we share with you is as simple as possible, so it becomes accessible, usable, and applicable in these situations. So, for one moment with me, perhaps, if you will, close your eyes.
Picture yourself in the midst of self-judgment, in the of self-pity. Oh, poor me, why is this happening to me? This always happens to me, so on and so forth.
Allow yourself to feel the accompanying, perhaps generally negative emotions. Allow yourself to feel how it feels to judge yourself, and then allow yourself to blank your mind, and along with me, utter the following two words, which in a sense you may say, you may utilize as a tool to realign yourself with the fact that you can use your judgment rather than continue to devalue yourself through that judgment. So, simply, I will say these two words.
As you are feeling this self-judgment, repeat after me. Are you ready? All right.
What a group. All right.
But do understand it IS that simple, and understand the sentiment behind that. Not that you are invalidating what you are exploring, but that you are willing to have it be no big deal. ‘So what?’
‘I did this thing. I have allowed myself to see that I no longer prefer to do this thing. ‘So what?’
Now what can I do to express who I do prefer to be? Not to continue to invalidate myself for having done something that has showed me I no longer prefer to do that thing. And simply having this attitude, big deal, ‘so what?’... I now realign with who I desire to be,’ can allow you, many times in a slightly humorous fashion, to remind yourself that it is simply not worth invalidating yourself with how far you have come in your reality. It merely does not serve a positive purpose. It serves only the negative purpose to allow you to continue to disempower yourself.
But just as you have the ability to assign weight and meaning and judgment, so do you just as well have the ability to say, big deal, ‘so what?’ All right. I will use even this.
I will use all my creations. How does this serve me exactly the way it is? That is the way a conscious creator approaches situations.
Not ‘why is this happening to me, poor me, but how does it serve me?’ And when you are judging yourself, you can continue to do so and create what you call snowball effect. But you can also use that judgment to realign yourself to your preference.
And therefore, even the judgment, which now will become quite momentary, will have served you. And everything can serve you, even that. So your willingness to put the edge onto it in the form of a judgment can simply be reversed or transformed by your willingness to lighten up on yourself and take the edge off of it.
While you are within self-judgment, you paralyze yourself for action, for you are in that sense literally insulting yourself and then taking it personal that you have been insulted. But it is not necessary to allow the judgment to devolve to that stage. You can use the fact again that you have the discernment within you to see that when you do something you do not prefer, yes, there is an effect.
Yes, there is an awareness that allows me to know I tried that, but I won't do that again. And if you do something that you do regret and would normally judge yourself for, it balances it out when you decide not to do that again and do not. Just as it would balance out if someone else were to do that thing back to you.
So you can experience what you put out as getting something negative back and have that be one form of establishing balance or karma. But another form is to allow yourself to learn and then transform your actions. That creates a balance as well, though that balance is self-integration, self-definition, and is not what you would call retribution.
Assuming that you need experience the results from the receiving end of anything you have perpetrated is not completely the point of balance. It is obviously one way to do that. I need not tell you societally this is obvious, but balance is simply a recognition and the performance of an action upon that recognition.
So anything that you judge yourself for can be used and balanced without having to set up a reality where you then allow yourself to be victimized to create the balance. So saying ‘so what’ in that sense is a step toward doing so, is a step toward using the judgment to allow yourself to create the balance in an integrated growing and learning way versus again reaping upon yourself a similar action from another direction, which then again usually will result in creating karma in the style your society creates it for the new perpetrator. But this is all an agreement.
You all buy into this and this is why you seem to have a common experience of it. Karma in and of itself is simply again balance and need not only occur eye for eye, tooth for tooth, which can get in that sense anatomically rather expensive after a while. So therefore begin to entertain the notion that everything that you have formally ascribed a negative label to, if you are willing to learn from it, has actually been of service to you.
And understand that when you decide to create your reality consciously, no longer is there anything in there that cannot be used, for you are the creator. Therefore anything there can be used. If some things had been created when you were, shall I say, abiding by a more negative perspective and they seem to be playing out as a negative result, your willingness to reinterpret that from your new standpoint can give you a different result.
Again I remind you that all situations are fundamentally neutral with no built-in meaning. You assign the meaning and the meaning you assign determines through your actions the effects that you get back. So you can begin to reassign how any symbol serves you.
And if you believe that you create your own reality 100 percent, that is the corresponding action one would take. Always understanding, all right, ‘here comes a fascinating creation I did not expect, but it is not the one thing in the whole entire universe that is extraneous. I must have created that as well. Therefore since I created it, I must have created it so that it could also deliver to me a positive message.’
And beginning to look at all your creations from this point of view will allow you to relabel and redefine many of what you had heretofore considered to be repetitive negative symbols. And the only reason they are repetitive is that you have assigned them the same old meaning, getting the same old effect.
When you allow your creation to deliver the positive integrative message, that is the reason for the creation. And it then no longer has a reason to hang around. It is through, it has delivered its message.
So therefore, ‘so what?’ No big deal. No longer are you willing to withhold your self-love due to any person, place, or thing.
For you are made of love itself, unconditional love. You are a spark of the infinite, or all that is, which is as well unconditional love. So within that unconditional love, you create, shall I say, a form of love, conditional love.
And yes, you feel the results of that conditional love. Well, I will love you if you do this, this, and that. But because you fundamentally come from unconditional love, and what you call God, or what we call all that is, always loves you unconditionally, it is not that difficult to tap into that emotion, into that feeling.
For it is constant, and it is fundamentally what you are made of. So as you are exploring conditional love, perhaps now you will also begin to explore removing those conditions one by one. And generally, one other way to define judgment is when you conditionally love yourself.
Do not fill one of those conditions. Remove that love, perhaps you can say seemingly temporarily, that is the result of judgment. And continuing to judge in that sense has the effect of continuing to invalidate yourself, continuing to invalidate who you choose to be.
And then you are not acting like a Creator, you are believing you do not create it, and your life reflects back to you reflections, scenarios, and individuals that seem to reinforce that you do not create your reality. Whatever you believe will always be reflected back to you in the external reality. So you can create the apparency that you do not create your own reality, but the paradox is you are creating even that, so therefore can never truly escape your creations.
But you can begin to take responsibility for them. You can begin to do so not in the form of blame, but simply in exercising your ability from this point forward to continue to respond. Response-ability.
It is an inherent, shall I say, characteristic of you all. Blaming yourself, assuming responsibility, means the assumption of blame is simply again another expression of judgment. So what?
‘Is anything really worth me holding back my unconditional self-love?’ We say no, but it's up to you to decide whether or not you match that sentiment or not.
We thank you for your willingness to communicate with us. Our society takes what we are sharing with you for granted, but it allows us to appreciate from a new point of view how we already live and what we already create when being allowed by you to interact with you. For in that sense, communicating in this way reinforces to us the joy that exists within our reality and allows us to communicate with you because you have decided individually and collectively that you are ready.
Only can you understand anything that I am saying, only can you appreciate anything that I am saying, because you already contain it within yourself. Otherwise it would make no sense. So your society has come quite far in being able and willing to entertain these notions, thereby allowing us enough commonality to interact with you in this way. This brings us joy and as a society we interact with many societies, sometimes in this indirect way and many times directly face to face.
This is an exciting time upon your planet. You, perhaps sooner than you might imagine, will become aware of what your government has been aware of for many of your years, that there is the existence of extraterrestrial societies. It is unlikely that ours will be the first that you are aware of, though perhaps you can say we will be one of the first.
But from our perspective, we are in that sense, because you have allowed us, one of the first to communicate with you as equals. For in this interaction, in this style of communicating, you will treat me as an equal. Up till this point, were we to land and communicate with you face to face, we still find, shall we say, a great tendency to concentrate on the messenger many times at the cost of the message.
So this format allows us to communicate, allows you to sit comfortable and allows you, in that sense, to directly interact with us. And this brings us great joy, in that sense we are also honored by your allowance. For only could we interact with you with that allowance.
And this is how all reality actually, actually works. For nothing can take you over. Only can you match a particular energy and then create your version of that experience.
But you create your own reality 100%. And even what you would perceive to be outside influence is simply you agreeing to create your own version of the intended influence. No one ever or nothing ever can influence you until you choose and decide to create the actions which then may seem from your end to be as though you were influenced, but you perform the action.
Therefore, any joy that you may find in interacting with me, any insight that may derive in interacting with me, is simply a reflection of what you already contain. And I will always remind you of that.
For your willingness to interact with us in this way, I once again thank you and ask you now how I may be of service to you.
And to you. At this timing, allow me to thank you all for your willing participation in this interaction on whatever level you choose to co-create this with me. When I suggest utilizing as a tool for, perhaps you can say, transforming self-judgment, the statement, so what?
I am not suggesting that you use that in an invalidational way to your reality. ‘Well, it doesn't matter’. No.
But the point is, you need not create and continue to create in the moment momentum behind what you call self-judgment. And again, seemingly, the resulting snowballing of judging yourself for judging. ‘Well, I am a very advanced being, and I should not be judging myself. My goodness. Now I will judge myself because I am an advanced being who has slipped and judged themselves.’ That simply compounds the judgment that simply continues to bind you and result in continuing to deny your reality.
Self-judgment is a tool that you use to contain and to continue to create the apparency of being separate from your environment, of being within your reality rather than the reality existing within you. So anytime you use ‘so what’ to break the ice, anytime you use ‘so what’ to realign yourself to who you choose to be rather than to assume and assert and continue to affirm who you do not choose to be for each time you judge yourself, you are saying, ‘I am this, and the this is something you do not prefer’. ‘I am this, and the this is something you do not prefer’.
Self-judgment perpetuates the very things you are judging yourself for. ‘So what’ frees you up to remember, to realign with who you choose to be, who you prefer to be, and then allows you through willingness to remove the conditions to loving yourself and no longer judging yourself when you do not fulfill those conditions, but realigning yourself upon the recognition that you have not fulfilled the conditions and allowing yourself to realign with your self-love. All-That-Is loves you unconditionally and eternally.
Therefore, that is always something you can tap into. That is always something you can match. You can create your version of.
And it is always quite simple to simply say, ‘all right, all right, all right. I screwed up. I forgive myself.
I won't do it again. It is my intention to understand from having recognized that I did not prefer to do that to use that information in a positive way. And next time a similar set of circumstances comes up, no way.
I tried that reality on. I no longer prefer it. That is one of the options of sampling the many different aspects of your reality.’
We thank you for your willingness to include us within your waking dream and bid you all a most fond and loving life dream and dream lives and pleasant dreams.
I am in joy when I witness labors of Love.