Welcome and greetings this evening of your time as you create time to exist, and believe me you do. Allow me to begin this interaction by entitling it ‘Desire and Allowance’. This is very apropos for we discuss many different perspectives with you and we always remind you that you create your own reality and that we co-create realities together. We co-create common experience but it still boils down on your end to the creation of your own reality and no matter what effect you create within it, no matter how it may seem in the creation of any particular effect that is something happening to you, that is the degree of your power. And,that is also an apparency for everything that happens, happens from you.
Now, shall I say, the mechanics of how you create are very neatly packaged into tonight's title for the idea is desire is one aspect of grounding yourself to who you know yourself to be. Desire is, in that sense, an expression of your own particular discernment, an expression of what you sometimes refer to as your own particular taste. Allowing yourself to honor the things and the nuances, that stand out in your consciousness and also by beginning to move upon these messages and these desires.
Secondly, is the idea of allowance and there may be again the apparency that in your life, to create when you begin to look at doing so consciously, that there is a great deal of diligence and effort required in order to create your reality according to preference, which is the exploration you are now viewing. Paradoxically allowance, by allowing your reality to unfold is truly the only way to have it go your way, so to speak, for the idea is your reality always changes and through allowance you can allow those changes to deliver many things, while through resistance you slow down your own process.
We will begin with the idea you call desire. Now we have discussed many times that your reality is created through your actions, and that the foundation of creating those actions and therefore the foundation for creating your reality are your beliefs, emotions and thoughts. When we speak of desire we are not speaking of the connotation that your society sometimes places upon that term of meaning a need or any nuance of the idea that you are inherently incomplete, and that something external can make you complete, we are not speaking of that form of desire. That version of desire of need out of incompleteness is not what we refer to, and will generally be accompanied by what you call great anxiety, so it is not even generally the same feeling itself. This is again an avoidance aspect regarding desire and that is not what we are discussing.
What we are discussing is that nuance of an emotion within you that allows you to know in a given moment, from what is right in front of you, as either an experience or an option that one of those ideas emotionally stands out as a desire. Therefore again, part of what you would refer to as your excitement would be expressed through the emotionality you call desire, so beginning to allow yourself to get in touch with what you truly desire and feeling that desire is actually step one for the allowance of that feeling, remembering that it is an alignment to who you are allows you to key in on who you are in that moment.
Now, for a moment, to simply make the point, if you will, all close your eyes.
Simply now picture yourself in whatever scenario you find most comfortable. Do not be concerned about detail, do not in that sense assess your ability to imagine, simply in that way create any pleasant scene in your mind through which there are things around you that intrigue you and allow yourself to feel the desire that arises from, in that sense, those options. Create whatever scenario in your mind that you find the doing of simply because perhaps it is something you've always wished to do or simply just because, and allow yourself to feel as your imagination provides whatever specific scene that it does and that will vary completely to all of you.
Allow yourself to feel that desire, to see the thing, whatever it is, whatever that represents in your imagination and feel the desire. Just prior to interacting with it, allow it to come in whatever form it does and should perhaps one or two of you find nothing is coming. Continue to simply call up, conjure up in your imagination something you find most enjoyable that you are about to do. Allow yourself to simply feel desire without anxiety.
The simple emotional expression of the desire itself, all right.
Now open your eyes. Understand, if you allowed yourself to participate in that co-creation that is fine, if not, sometime during what you call this evening this interaction you will feel desire and simply what we are doing is initiating or keying you into that sense of desire. So now, you can very astutely keep your eyes, ears and so forth open for that idea for what moves you, literally moves you, is that desire. And understand that we sometimes refer to emotions as e-motion, as energy motion, and what emotions actually do is take from the mental plane your expressed belief and activate it into your physical reality.
Emotions are activating mechanisms themselves so when you feel that desire, not only is it the sign from your higher consciousness, from your higher self, whatever you wish to call it, that the thing that you are desirous of is most representative of who you are, but it also sets into motion a propensity, a tendency toward the manifestation of that very thing, and that is something that you are simply not taught. So, when you move into action having honored, having experienced, that desire you actually have what you refer to colloquially as a head start, for energetically it turns a key within your reality and then makes it that much easier to act. But not by denying your desire, by allowing yourself to feel that desire and to perhaps again revel in that feeling because once again it is an expression in the circumstances, in the specific events.
True desire and excitement is a direct expression of who you are. It is presenting itself to you and simultaneously activating its potential, activating its tendency to allow you to then midwife it into your reality so therefore desire sets up a foundation it sets up an alignment and it sets up an activation and desire is a very strong positively oriented emotion again when you are functioning out of a sense of completeness, not need that is an entirely different idea once you key in on the thing that truly moves you, again moves you, energy motion. It moves your reality in the direction to allow you to manifest that thing most effortlessly.
All-That-Is paradoxically required aside from whatever action that you can take is part two: allowance, for the idea is when you change a belief, when you change who you are fundamentally, primarily, because you are in a physical universe containing linear time some of the symbols that may have been representative of the old outdated idea, still have not played out in your present time, now if you interpret them when they come around as here they come again you lock yourself into the old belief pattern and results of the old belief, but if you understand look at this on the surface it seems like the same old reality but I know through my desire and alignment that that is no longer representative of who I am, you then can allow that symbol to deliver a different message.
Allowing a symbol to deliver the message according to the old belief yields the quote-unquote ‘old negative’ result. Realizing that you have changed obviously because you decide to and allowing yourself to see how it has changed, even old seeming symbols gives the seemingly, again old symbols new meaning and thereby new effect. So the allowance, once again, once you have had a desire or desire to make a change of allowing your reality to be what it already is, rather than plugging in a definition that it should be something else that is one expression of allowance itself, allowing your reality to deliver to the new you perhaps again seemingly situations with an old face but that now have a completely new significance and if you are, the new you that you choose to be you will look for the new significance, you will look for the differences, not the similarities.
If you are looking for the similarities in the moment you are doing so, you are doing so from the old perspective, so allowing your reality to be what it is and then acting or moving through that reality with a desire to intend that it be something else, allows the reality to change. And again change is a universal constant therefore you do not have to make something change, literally any making or forcing would make things appear to stay the same, so change being the constant, it is simply then not a matter of needing to impinge on the natural flow, make force divert so much as it is to allow what is already there to serve you, then it will change its face.
When you had an old belief and felt something did not belong in your reality you treated it that way and acted that way and created that effect but now you can choose to allow it to exercise your allowance and allow it to deliver its message. When you find that something occurs in your reality which is, on, again, the surface completely negative and perhaps reminiscent of something that you have already explored I again remind you that the new you will desire to look at it through different eyes because again when you receive the service from any symbol particularly those that you label repetitive and allow it to deliver its message then the messenger no longer has a reason to exist and anything that seems to repeat, I again remind you is simply a message that you have not allowed yourself to get.
When you change who you are through your desire by allowing your reality to deliver whatever it is, whatever you need to look at, will come up. You will not need to plan it or process through anything. It will automatically and effortlessly come up and when it comes up, allow the timing that is the perfect timing and tells you that is the perfect moment for you to integrate that idea. So allow your reality to be what it is, not what you insist that it should be. Allow for your timing and again remember when you make or force or control and contract you then are not in the posture, in that sense to be filled to receive.
Allowance is the loosening of that grip and opens you to a posture of receptivity. It allows you to interpret your reality again through your desire, through what you wish to explore, allowing the things that perhaps you may have deemed you need to explore, to simply come up when they do, and allowing that timing to be absolutely perfect. So paradoxically you do not create your reality by making anything happen, it is literally as though your reality was a great river rushing many hundreds of miles an hour with turbulent waters in a particular direction and you may in that sense wade into the middle of that stream and attempt in that sense to have your reality conform to your wishes by, in that sense blocking the flow, but you will very quickly find you are carried downstream anyway by simply allowing the flow and understanding that the turbulence and speed of that flow is the exact perfect expression of what will get you exactly where you wish to be and allowing yourself to simply dive into that stream, you will then be carried to the nearest shore upon which is then the circumstance and opportunity that will allow you to do anything you say you wish to do.
And if you contain any beliefs which are contrary to the manifestation of the things that you desire through your allowance and your say-so it will come up in the form of an emotion, in the form of an action, in the form of a mode of thinking, but that then hands you back the power to trace well if I am acting in this particular way, perhaps negative thinking in this particular way, perhaps negative feeling this particular way, perhaps negative what must I believe and if you are willing to be that much of an owner in your reality in every given moment, again the contradictory beliefs that you feel are subconsciously stored, present themselves to you upon a silver platter in perfect timing.
So when you allow this to occur, your reality again paradoxically moves the fastest and displays what you call extreme acceleration and the old symbols the symbols that are perhaps again more representative of an older style of thinking will play out and as you reassign them you will allow them to transform. When you deny them, I remind you, you put them back, they get in line and when they get to the front of the line they are quite angry. But when you revel in the timing, when you take it to the opposite extreme and rather than saying oh no here comes a belief, I don't prefer i'm going to have to face it oh no you can always remember that when it is presented to you it becomes a gift. For when you own a belief you can then choose a new belief because that equalizes it to all other beliefs. When you deny it back in the closet colloquially, so the timing and the allowance of that timing once you have decided to allow your desires to be acted upon with integrity.
Integrity does not, in that sense become elusive in this process. Whenever we speak of acting on excitement, whenever we speak on acting from desire, we always mean that those actions include your full integrity. If by the way, you find that your actions are out of your integrity by your own standards, you will allow yourself to see that, in no uncertain terms as well. So do understand that there is no escaping yourself for where will you go? Anywhere you hide is merely a fabrication within you, any door you create is made of you any place you retreat is into yourself, there is truly no outside and because everything exists within you, though perhaps some things will have more likelihood to occur in a particular reality it is simply literally a matter of allowing from the pool of experience the things that you desire to stand out to through that desire be activated and through the allowance of your reality be delivered to you through experience and through your choice, acted upon with integrity.
This truly boils much of what we have spoken down to in yet another perspective to that nucleus of thinking and we will find I am sure many other ingenious ways to say this, embellishing many different ideas within it but the bottom line for those of you who are new to these interactions is still allowing yourself to be activated by what excites you and acting upon the opportunity in the moment that excites you with integrity. The allowance then just becomes automatic for again anything that will come up will, and your willingness to act and use those reflections in a positive way as service will allow them to transform out of your life completely and if they are things that you desire will magnify and intensify the effect that you get from them so when a belief comes up that you no longer prefer, rather than oh no say thank you thank you thank you how fascinating.
Allow me to once again thank you. Your willingness to participate with us
is a manifestation of your willingness to begin to allow yourself to meet yourself, perhaps again colloquially, what you have heretofore referred to as the more alien portions of yourself, but nevertheless still within yourself. This brings us great joy we also discover many things from your interactions and many times it will be the simplest smallest thing that one will share with us that will be of the most benefit.
You are an ingenious society, absolutely mastering your phase of reality. That phase of reality is no longer merely confined to separation and limitation, so though you are the masters of those, you are now mastering transformation and now are firmly standing, perhaps you can say loosely speaking with one foot in each door or one foot in each room but remember you are both rooms anyway nothing is outside of you. For this willingness to open up to who you are and share that expression with me I thank you. I thank you for you honor me with this and once again open up this interaction for exchange, sharing!
We therefore again, once again and for the first time thank you for your willingness to co-create this ecstatic interaction with us. It is our desire to continue to act with you in this way and therefore our allowance that it will occur we have no insistence but again the desire in that sense leads us to continue to co-create these interactions with you at this time. We thank you for your willingness to expose yourself to yourself as you do and own what you already believe so you then can change it if you so desire. Do not in the process however forget that there are many things you already believe which you love and that you can use them, it is not that you are completely functioning from dated beliefs so recognize where you already utilize the empowered beliefs and use that as a reinforcement when you change. Through acknowledgement any other beliefs honor your desire and relax your grip. Take a deep breath and sigh releasing your need to control out of a notion of lack of control and exercising your total control through allowance. I bid you a most fond and loving pleasant evening and dreams
Thank you so much for the transcript. I must ask, this one reads differently from the other ones; it’s harder to follow. Maybe a different method/AI tool was used for this one?