Introduction Part 1
Greetings and welcome this evening of your time, as you create time to exist. How are you all? Excellent.
Oh, thank you very much. And allow me to thank you all for participating in these interactions. We are now in that sense, at least with me in the forefront, perhaps you can say, completing the first year of perhaps you can call it a nine-year arrangement with an option to renew.
And much has been accomplished. I thank you all for your willingness to interact with me and with us, and with the respective civilizations with which we associate for this period of timing, and for your willingness to begin to put into action...into ACTION, many of the ideas that we discuss. For I need not remind you that it is the actions that you perform in your life that make the changes, not the mentalizing, though that does lay down the foundation.
So do allow us to begin by allowing you all to applaud yourselves, please. Thank you very much. Understand there was a great deal of applause from our end as well. We were applauding ourselves, of course.
Allow us to entitle this interaction ‘Success and Failure’.
Before we begin, we will once again remind you briefly of a foundational idea that has been, shall we say, key or pivotal in our particular explanations to you of creating your own reality.
And this is the idea that we have loosely labelled: I3DA. Briefly, this refers to clear Intention. Intention is once again your willingness to establish in no uncertain terms what it is you intend to do. No hoping, no wishing, no praying. Simply, ‘this is who I am. This is what I intend to do. I do not care how long it takes. Nothing will stop me’. Your willingness to clarify and be as clear as possible with what this intention is begins the process of crystallization from what you perhaps might call the mental or causal plane into your physical reality.
In terms of the D, the 3D component, again, clear Deservability, exercising your ability to understand that you deserve to exist and deserve to create a life of joy and ecstasy. Clear Desire, that is the emotional component, the feeling of the thing that it is you wish to do. Perhaps you can say the feeling generated by your clear intention.
This emotional component puts the energy in motion, emotion, energy in motion, and begins in that sense to thicken the foundation, thicken the vibration, making it that much more, shall we say, able to be acted upon. And clear Definitions. Your definitions, as we have discussed many times, are once again the foundation.
Your beliefs, your definitions about life are the foundation that generate the emotions, thoughts, and ultimately the clear A-part Action. Clear action is once again what you do, how you move, how you implement the ideas, and it is the implementation of the ideas themselves that midwife or bring them into your physical reality. For, again, you exist on a simultaneous and infinite number of levels.
What you are choosing to explore now is physicality, the physical universe, the physical Existence. And within that physicality, expressing yourselves as, or shall I say, through, perhaps, colloquially speaking, a body format, it is the actions that you perform, that is the ultimate physical manifestation of your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.
So it will always rest, in that sense, in the action state. Your willingness to act according to your clear definitions, desires, deservability, and ultimately set up as a foundation by your clear intention.
As we had discussed, intention is what sets up, vibratorally speaking, the template or the model that allows you to bring it in, to physical reality.
So, therefore, allow us to define, in that sense, what you call failure from this perspective.
Failure is simply the unwillingness to maintain your clear intention, period.
Now, you may add anything you wish to this definition, but for the purposes of conciseness and clarity, understand that that is all it is. Once you let go of the clear intention, perhaps utilizing circumstance in your life as evidence, which is only all circumstantial anyway, that is the only way you can truly have the effect you call failing to do something. For, as we have discussed, if you are willing to maintain the clear intention, no matter what the face of the reality seems to suggest, then you can never fail. You simply realize that the moment that you are in is not the moment for the playing out of the clear intention.
But the only way it can be experienced as a failure is when you let go of the clear intention, what you sometimes call or refer to as give up the clear intention, so to speak.
As you are willing to maintain the clear intention, you can only in that sense manifest success. And as a simple reminder, timing is one of the ideas that you explore in your physical reality, before, during, and after. And therefore, since you are creating and flowing through a stream you call time, you use this in a particular way, which you sometimes call unfoldment. Rather than knowing it all, you unfold, and you experience, and you build, and you accumulate, then you express and experience, having then accumulated all the knowledge and tools to appreciate that expression most fully. So therefore, when something that you clearly intend to happen is not happening in a given moment, you may simply remember that it is timing.
You may think on the surface, well, I'm ready for this. Why isn't it happening? The Universe doesn't work, I give up. Or you can simply say, ‘well, let me think about this for a moment. Obviously, I still wish to do this. It is something I desire. So therefore, I intend to do it. Obviously, it is not happening now.
However, something is happening now, and if I concentrate on the intended thing that is not happening right now, I cannot even see what is happening right now.’
So, by reminding yourself, alright, ‘this is my clear intention. It obviously is not available in this moment, but I have earned this, and I will not, in that sense, give it up.
I will, however, maintain it as a clear intention and put it aside.’ Once you put it aside, maintaining it, fully intending that that will happen, you then open up your vision to what is available in any given moment, now that you are not obscuring it with what is not available. This is maximally utilizing your timing to your greatest advantage, allowing it to simply be as obvious as possible.
‘What is in this given moment, the only moment I ever experience right now? The clear intention is not available? Alright.
What is? ‘
And the recognition, the willingness to again see what is right in front of you, not what isn't, is, by its very definition, regrounding yourself into the moment. You will always find in any given moment, no matter what, if you look, there are choices, choices that are unique to that moment.
If you again obscure them by things that are not available, you will make it more difficult to see them. If you maintain the intention and push it aside and allow it to be most obvious, sometimes, yes, the choices may be between what you consider to be rather mundane things, but it is your assignment that they are mundane that gives you the effect of them being mundane. If you simply understand, perhaps again, to use the example, you have, loosely speaking, in a given moment, three choices.
‘I can watch TV, read a book, or take a walk.’ One of those choices in that moment will stand out as being perhaps a little, perhaps a lot more exciting than the other two. Your willingness to choose from what is available, with your excitement, with your preference, simply because it's alright to get what you prefer and what excites you, and act upon that particular opportunity, looking at it as an opportunity, but acting on it with integrity. For instance, choosing to take the walk and doing so fully, fully, cognizantly, walking down that street, experiencing the grandeur of that unique choice in that moment, literally realigns you to the clear intention.
The thing that is not available that you intend to do, but does not seem available in that moment, is most quickly, even according to your timeline, accessed, in that example, by taking the walk. And, until you take the walk, it may not be obvious how that has served you, but once you are willing to allow yourself to function from this perspective, and take that walk, and dive into that walk, and keep your eyes open on that walk, either while you are taking the walk or down the line, it will become completely obvious how that was absolutely instrumental in allowing you to accomplish your clear intention, whether it is subtle or blatant. But this is the idea.
When you give up in the given moment, because it is not available, that is the only way you can manifest what you call failure. Your willingness in any given moment to simply, again, push it aside and maintain it as a clear intention, is success, in our particular understanding and definition. And it is no more, and need not be, any more complicated than this.
If you maintain the clear intention, you will accomplish the idea. If you release and give up the clear intention, then you change what you are aligned to. You change what you are dialing in to your reality.
And if you go back and forth, well, ‘I have this clear intention, I will keep it’. A moment comes up where it is not available, you give it up, and then perhaps down the line say, well, ‘I really did want that intention, I'll have it back now’. You'll still get the intention, but you slow down the process, that you say you wish to come most quickly.
So, giving up the clear intention on a sporadic basis slows down the process. Taking the walk with full awareness and integrity speeds up the process. For what tells you that the walk is related to the clear intention is the excitement itself. For everything that you are excited about, is related.
Very often in your society you will say, well, I am excited about so many things, oh, this is so confusing, oh, woe weighs me. But you may understand that all those things are one expression, multi-facets, multi-dimensional facets, but of one expression, of your excitement, which is the vibration that tells you who you chose to be.
In the most blatant and obvious of terms. That is why you have excitement. When you, shall we say, interpret your excitement through negative terminology, through what you call doubt, which is truly misplaced trust, you experience it as anxiety. But anxiety and excitement are the same energy, one being interpreted in the positive, aligning fashion, and one being interpreted, the anxiety, being interpreted through negative and doubtful, or again, misplaced trust fashion.
Therefore, you have it all right in front of you. Literally, in every given moment. And the only thing that makes it appear that you do not, is not looking at what that moment holds. And not thinking in the terms of the fact that what is in that moment is unique to that moment.
Well, you can say, ‘I took the walk yesterday’. That is one way to look at it. But this walk is a completely different walk. And if you take this walk with that attitude and understanding that these choices are unique to this moment, and the results of these choices will be unique to this moment as well, you will then take a completely different walk. And you will find that your life begins to feel fresh rather than stale.
Our particular perspective is that everything is anew. Everything is experienced, so to speak, as happening for the first time. This allows an eagerness, a fascination in attitude, in orientation. It is quite contagious and it is quite simple to adopt or adapt. It is up to you.
Therefore, you can always consider yourself successful by maintaining your clear intention and not allowing the circumstance of your reality to, so to speak, quote unquote, talk you out of it. Failure is the succumbing to the circumstantial evidence rather than as a creator establishing what you intend to do, simply because you deserve to do the things that you intend to do. And as you act upon your excitement with integrity, it will only serve you and only serve others.
So, why not? What is there to lose? It is up to you.
Before we proceed to the interaction, allow me to touch briefly upon this idea as well.
You speak about, in that sense, fear of failure and fear of success. Interesting. Catch 22.
Fear of failure, in that sense, is simply not believing that you do create your own reality and not understanding the mechanism that we have just shared. That you can never fail as long as you maintain the clear intention, reground yourself to the moment by acting on your excitement with integrity.
So, therefore, from this perspective, if you have perceived that you have, quote unquote, fear of failure, you may now begin to look at it through these new glasses, so to speak, and begin to understand that there is nothing to fear. One of the reasons that your, shall we say, intention sometimes is not immediately available is because the tools and resources that you need to fully experience it are not yet there. So, you will never get what you intend before you are ready. So, you need not feel that you are failing by simply allowing yourself more time for research.
Fear of success, on the other hand, generally arises from the feeling that you would create a reality that you cannot handle, which, from our perspective, is a contradiction of terms. For it would be a pointless creation, and there are no pointless or extraneous creations, to create something that you could not handle. And the mere fact that you are creating anything, in any given moment, is your sign, as you sometimes ask for, that you can handle it. The mere fact that it is an option. The mere fact that you can do it.
So, realigning to this idea, that you cannot experience, sometimes you, shall we say, put this in your slang terminology, an idea before its time. It simply is not possible. When the idea is forthcoming, that is the time, obviously. Otherwise, there would be pointless and extraneous creations. And if you think about that, it simply would make no sense.
Therefore, you need not fear failing, if you maintain your clear intention, and you need not fear success, if you understand that you only create according to the timing, in which you can handle, and in fact, express and appreciate most fully, whatever it is you are creating.
On that note, I once again thank you all, for your blazing successes, that you sometimes call failures, but from our perspective, nothing is extraneous, and nothing you can do, will result in a lack or stoppage of your growth.
You will always grow. This is one of the, shall we say, fascinating aspects of infinite creation, and fascinating aspects of individuality.
You already always contain it all, and yet you will always, simultaneous, I understand this seems contradictory, be expanding and growing, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and so on, and so forth, scooby-dooby.
Therefore, in appreciation, for your willingness to interact with us in this manner, and stand up, and sometimes pick yourselves up by your own bootstraps, though many of you do not wear such boots, I thank you, and ask you now how we may be mutually of service to each other. Sharing!
Introduction Part 2
Allow me to say, before we continue, Twas the day, or night, after Christmas. And everyone was stirring and having a good time. We had discussed briefly prior to your break, the idea, and perhaps this is timely with your holiday, or holy day, of the Second Coming, and discussed that this Second Coming, so to speak, would not occur through a single individual, though it may be expressed by single individuals, but would be, the expression of that energy, the Christ energy within each individual now, allowing an expression in a more full way.
Allow us, before proceeding, to, shall we say, define just a little bit more the idea of how this would present itself, and at the same time maintain complete and utter simplicity, for it really boils down to three overall ideas, which, again, have many branches and many, shall we say, offshoots. But basically, three ideas will embody the Christ within you, will allow you to know if you are acting from that particular aspect or center of your being.
Number one will be unconditional love itself, for the Christ energy that we are discussing with you now is unconditionally loving, as it is a direct reflection of what you call God, of All That Is, and All That Is, is the embodiment energy, so to speak, colloquially speaking, of unconditional love itself. So expressing that in your physical reality, through what you consider to be your personalities, takes the form of being willing to express unconditionality, unconditional love, no conditions.
‘I will love you, period. I may not particularly like what you are doing, but I will love you. I will understand you have the right and reason. I may not choose to interact with you, but I will not forsake you for who you choose to be.’
Simply establish an alignment, ‘I agree, I do not agree’, and have it be all right either way. That is unconditional love.
Again, this need not mean you condone a reality you do not prefer. But not condoning something simply takes the form of not acting that way, not embodying it, the utter condonement, so to speak, is being that way yourself, giving them, all right, a dose of their own medicine, is being that same idea, matching the thing you say you do not prefer and acting that way.
So your willingness to acknowledge and then simply choose the actions that correspond to your preference is unconditional love in action, in effect.
Number two is excitement itself, for the expression of your fullness and totality is the expression of your excitement, of your passion, of what moves you, of what brings you joy and allows you to feel as though you are expressing yourself utterly according to preference.
And so therefore, unconditionally loving, excitement, and the third, shall we say, idea is integrity, which links very strongly to the first idea of unconditional love, for integrity is the complete, the complete willingness to acknowledge the integration of all things, the integrity, the integral connection and interwovenness of all creation. It is all within you. Even the ideas you say you don't prefer must be within you or you would have no ability to perceive and see them.
Since you are choosing point of view and focus, you still get to look at ideas that are within you which are no longer representative of who you are. But this is a gift, this is sight, this is expansiveness, being able to see things that were, shall we say, expressed from you and now simply are being viewed, allowed to be expressed by others.
Integral, all one thing. All is one, one is all. This is integrity.
Therefore, if you are willing to express unconditional love, if you are willing to determine and act upon your excitement and express the actions of your life with integrity, that is all there is to it.
You are expressing what you call the Christ within you by simply, shall we say, using that triadic template. That's all there is to it. Now again, you can add many details but you will find it to all boil down to these three ideas.That encompasses it all.
That is what your Jesus, the Christ, was embodying, was showing to your society. ‘Look, this is possible. You can do this. I am not saying it is the only way. I am saying it is one way.’
There have been many misinterpretations of this but none of them direct transcriptions from the mouth of Jesus himself who would be, colloquially speaking perhaps, a joke, rolling in his grave were he to see many of the ways that his ideas are being, shall we say, misinterpreted to actually mean the exact opposite of his clear intention which was simply to walk his talk, express his unconditional love, which took the form of appreciation, which took the form of willingness to forgive even what was considered by the society to be the most despicable of characters. That is, the removing of the conditions and demonstrating in no uncertain terms that this is possible and that the individuals respond to this.
When individuals are not invalidated, they respond. They look, they turn within, they use it as a mirror. They see if someone else is willing to validate me at all costs, I may just be willing and able to validate myself.
Living through example, living by the embodiment of the ideas you say you prefer with unconditional love, excitement, which adds some spice and makes it a little bit more fun, and integrity, which is a recognition, not a moral standard, a simple recognition. As you say, sometimes it can be summed up simply by your terminology, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That statement is the recognition of integration of all things.
Let that sink in for a while.
In any given moment that you are expressing this, you are expressing the Christ. You are picking up the ball and running with it. You are being applauded by what you call the angels and what you would perceive to be a singular expression of the Christ, him, her, self. But that is only one expression. You are each and every one of you another Eye of All That Is, eyes of creation itself, a facet, a point of view, distinct, complete, and absolutely, utterly worth it and deserving of your unconditional love, of your excitement, and of your integrity.
Therefore, Merry Christmas.
Before we proceed, we wish to also applaud you all once again for your willingness to begin to participate in these interactions by being willing, in that sense, to define what it is you wish to discuss and begin to focus, not in an exclusionary sense, but for the purposes of furthering your understanding, for the purposes of increasing clarity to singular subjects and ideas, for now, perhaps for a while, as you say. And we will also allow some spontaneity about this. We will concur with the idea of you discussing at the break many subjects and then, unless there is an overwhelming consensus, perhaps we will, in sensing much of the energy, pick one.
However, nothing is etched in stone. And should you find, in that sense, that the one we pick is simply not the one you wish to hear, please share that, for that is an expression of your willingness to continue to contribute and to assert who you are, understanding that you deserve it. So our particular choice in this instance, to get the ball rolling, as you say, will be the idea of expectation and disappointment.
Is anyone disappointed about that? All right. I will take that as a no, and it simply does not matter, for when it was stated, there was, in that sense, a consensus reached.
Therefore, again, if someone disagrees with this, all well and good, simply stand up and speak. If not, forever, or perhaps temporarily, hold your peace. We also will mention that if, in anyone's interaction, someone else is unclear about a particular point, you can feel free, in that sense, to ask for clarification, not in the form of stepping on who is speaking, not in the form of, shall we say, grabbing the stage, for each one is, in that sense, worthy of attention and of direct interaction, but in the form of, in that sense, considerate requests for clarification. This will be most useful to all involved.
For understand, if you do not understand something about what is being said in a particular interaction, as you say, chances are there are others with the same question. Simply trust this.
One other idea, many of you seem to have an issue with this. When a topic comes up, a question perhaps is asked, whereby you say, what a dumb question. It is our strongest suggestion, and that is all it will ever be, there is no insistence from us that you do anything, however, it is our suggestion that you perk up your ears and listen to that answer more closely and carefully than any other answer. For, if you have such a button to be pushed, why do you have that button?
And what is the actual relationship of what you are invalidating when you say that? So therefore, simple suggestion, it is up to you. You can judge away, do whatever you wish, but you will find service, and many times the greatest advantage in what you call these buttons that are pushed, and where you choose to think that something is extraneous.
‘Well, how did that get in there?’ Perhaps that is the point.
So again, it's up to you, as it always will be. We thank you for your willingness to not only contribute and co-create this interaction, but allow for the channel to express himself as he is, for this to us is of great service to us. As any particular channel begins to embody and begin to take responsibility for who they are, it makes it that much more, shall we say, easy and flowing and simple for us to express that much more through that channel.
There are no conditions upon our arrangements, and there are no conditions upon our agreements with channels, but there are certain facts to how things unfold, and again, the more a channel chooses to act and embody what we are speaking of, the more of like vibration can be created for us to match and then therefore ease and increase the flow of our communications, the clarity of our communications, and interestingly enough, the amount of information that we can bring through, which again, as a channel, embodies, not talks about, not says it sounds nice, but embodies what we are saying, that much more can we then slip in things which the channel would seem to not know, which is of great desire to many of you, and as well, no less believing to the channel, that we can now begin to bring in information which may seem on the surface to be quote-unquote ‘new’. It is all new anyway, and you already know it all anyway, so this is rather arbitrary, but I believe that we have made ourselves clear, and I thank you for your willingness to allow me to ramble on.
At this timing, allow me to once again compliment you on the astounding success of this interaction. By maintaining clear intention, it could have no other, shall we say, turnout. This is a simple analogy to your life.
If you are willing to dig, you will get what you want. If you are willing to maintain your intention, you will get what you want. Perhaps now, apropos, will be the idea that you always will get what you want.
Perhaps not always when you think you should, but always in perfect timing. And as you begin to flow with your timing, you will get a better sense of when things will come about and they will seem to manifest more immediately with less time. As you acknowledge within the separations that you create that everything is part of you and pull it all together, you create less time for you no longer need that time to view each and every part.
So your perception of time will begin to change. It will seem in that sense that it is flying by. You are creating less of it, but only as you flow with your life and allow your reality to be obvious.
Reestablish and maintain your clear intention and you will never fail. I thank you. I bid you a most fond and loving good evening.
I heard this over and over….
I need a little help to develop a deeper understanding.
Can i have the clearest intention that i want to be able to have the clearest intention?
How i mean it is, often times, I’ve seen myself very confused. I am not sure if i even know what my intention is. What i do know at all times is that my intentions always include least resistance and the highest good for all things and people involved. Whether it be work place or personal life or communications like these. However, these can be areas that lack clarity with regard to specifics. I intend best health, resilience, abundance, love peace and harmony, more confidence and more happiness for myself and everyone. But these can be too broad as intentions? Or they work?
Can I intend to have the highest clarity? Can i intend that I receive more awareness so that I have a deeper understanding of my own intention? Is this an intention? I know it is.. but is it?
I wrote it down…
I intend to gain more and more awareness every moment of the clarity that I already have of my highest intention? ‘this is who I am. This is what I intend to do. I do not care how long it takes. Nothing will stop me
Is this specific enough? Am I specific enough? Please guide me.