Thank you so much for considering this question. I feel like I've understood other dimensions since I was little, some things were really strong in me. For example I just knew there was life after death, and when I was very young had an argument with my Mum as she tried to tell me death was the end. It's been difficult growing up in a world you know is real, but isn't validated by anyone around you. I've always been drawn to fairies, unicorns, mermaids, phoenixes, mythical creatures. Especially fairies. I've also always been drawn to the constellation of The Plough, in particular the star Alioth within The Plough. I have conversations with this constellation, and feel like it guides me. I don't know if these two things are connected. What I'm getting to is, I could easily say all of this is my imagination. I'm dreaming up connections that aren't there. But if that was the case then why specifically those things. Why no other star or constellation. It would be so good to have a process to help validate, explore, these things. Whether it is a meditation, or steps to discover. I listened to Elan 86 earlier give a great process for someone who needed a new belief to come through some grief and guilt. Something similar to this would be wonderful. Thank you, and if for any reason this doesn't make the book, please could the text be messaged to me so I can copy/paste it to be asked at another opportunity <3
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Hi, if you read up about that particular star you may find some interesting correspondences.
I'd like to hear Elan's insight about this star.
This is such a beautiful, unique, and rich question :'). I love your unique connection to this constellation and star, I think it's so beautiful that you converse and connect with them.
I've been having a really profound thought and reconciliation of the old paradigm and new paradigm, of "We are temporary" vs "We are eternal" in regards to consciousness after death. I had the most profound realization... Irreducibly, no matter what, we have to believe in eternity. We have to believe in infinity. There is actually no other true option, no way out of the acknowledgement of eternity.
Because...! Either we believe in eternal blackness/absence of 'consciousness' as we know it, or we believe in eternal continuation of consciousness. Irreducibly, it is eternity, it is an unending continuation of something. The more I have expanded and just become comfy knowing myself, accepting myself, accepting that my natural self is multidimensional by nature, that my natural mode of consciousness is lucid dreamlike and is tuning into this thing and that thing... It's just like, "Oh yeah! Of course!! It's such a simple distinction. Either you fully believe that everything is an expression, an artifact, of Consciousness — and you believe in that eternity of unending creation. Or you believe that consciousness is an artifact of the void (I.E. a material reality without consciousness) and believe in the eternity of absence, of that "void". Basically, the difference is: you believe in a complete system (all-encompassing consciousness, eternal creation that accounts for every possible experience) or an incomplete system (a deceivingly "temporary" system of randomness that exists without a complete fundament, such as eternal consciousness, to explain the generation of experience or energy).
This to me is the most essential and fundamental way of looking at it!! Similar to, "Either EVERYTHING is God, or nothing is God, because God must be everything." Only one makes actual, real sense to me. I still totally validate the other because I DID experience the believe in materiality over consciousness and I 5000% get where it's coming from. It's justified, it's valid, and it's just an approach to reality that is truly real as an experience. Bashar says the only thing that is real are experiences, nothing is truly, empirically, objectively outside of us "real" as we're used to defining it. And I resonate with that a lot; that inherently makes the most sense to me.
From my pov, that is one approach WITHIN an unending series approaches and expressions of consciousness that constitutes the ineluctable eternity of existence.
Within the "consciousness creates all forms of reality" paradigm, things like imagination, past/present/future, timelines, death, souls, manifestation, and ALL living beings take on a slightly different meaning! And this to me is the most empowering one :)).
My simplest and maybe favorite discovery in all of this is: If it feels like true empowerment and it feels like you, it's you. It's your natural knowingness and preferred belief/expression shining through.
It's a lot less natural and more constricting to say "all of that was just my imagination", isn't it? Elan talks about validating the imagination as equally real but just given a different definition. The way they (and others) talk about 4th density, it's essentially like consciously walking through your imagination. Bc everything is the one dream that creation and eternity is. And this is my truth too. My natural self is this.