Hi Elan,
I am excited and honored I got an opportunity to interact with you in such a way and be a participant of this Creative Project. Sometimes I am not sure how to call you since I feel we are closely related. I just don't know how.
Anyway...I have a question about Trauma, Emotions, Love, Pain, Suffering, and Releasing Trauma. This question (story) covers lots of subcategories in 5 sections, so if anything is relevant to the book that is being created, let's use it.
When I encountered you through the book „Your Power on a Plate“I felt at home, it felt like I was writing it, it was a resonance, remembrance like anything before, it was Love! I felt like I found my perfect match...what is this resonance? „aaaaaaaaa so exciting “! You know?! I even cried because I got so emotional! ..like I found something I was longing for. My Home.
I know I Love you, but why do I feel so much pain associated with your name? I was seeing your name every day as a logo on my gym suit..it was word and energy that stayed with me, my passion...and you know how much I loved my gymnastics, and then it stopped...wars..trauma after trauma... and somehow Elan is the name that is also being used for the name of the jail in my city. Symbolism again. But it’s also the name of the factory where people are treated and paid like slaves. Why do I get/experience such symbolism for your name? And then dreams...I mean night dreams...
The dream in front of the prison and me asking „This is Elan“?! and someone’s response „And what did you think“? it’s still hunting me...I felt abandoned. There is something unresolved and I have no idea what is it.
It’s a heavy feeling I am not the full owner of my own creation, and what do I even create as a person consciously or subconsciously, and what is a Higher Self? Why do I create so much pain and suffering? How do we agree/align?
Why do I/we feel Love and Pain bond like that? I just realized that’s how heartbreak feels. How past wounds are healed?
Maybe what I dreamed was the funniest thing ever, a joke...but it wasn’t fun, nor exciting to me. I felt is very strong,and it was a prison, sadness, betrayal, desperation. Maybe I made it because somehow I created everything, but I actually want to be free of this dream and simply Love. Free of pain and suffering.
How do we fully release pain, suffering, and trauma? How does the Master Integrate and release itself from the/its prison? From things it felt so strongly but possibly not consciously. Yet, it's still there.
And I know many feel that desire. Free from prison, oppression, you know what I mean...that feeling is still in me. What does Master of Integration do here since it’s a collective theme too?
I simply don’t understand this. It seems you need to answer and I needed to ask. Maybe will finally make some sense 😊
Thank you. I Love you.
Malla_Mi for Elan, (but of course I want to be anonymous if my/or some questions get to be included).
Hey, I know it takes balls, but then again, if we are not authentic and open what's the point?
Well, the reason why I decided to ask Elan about this is because he was such a powerful symbol for me throughout my life, even when I didn't know there is actual being Elan.
The funny part about that night dream is that is clearly showing me some unresolved emotions and trauma, but I have no idea what they are. It's in subconscious, I tried to solve the puzzle, asked questions, felt...no clarity. The pain I felt was very strong and unique, it seemed like it was part of my incarnation process it seems where I was feeling hopeless and abondened, since I ended up in front of the prison and in total shock realized that that prison I see is a dark, sad, painful place where I will spend a lot of the time (indeed in this incarnation, i got lots of crap to deal with like several wars, psychopats, opression...). So, the pain is a mix of betrayal, missguidance, dissapointment, feeling heartbroken, left alone on a cold, unsupported, cut of from light, and the voice that told me "what did you expect"was kind of psychopatic and extremly cold, lack of empathy (something I had to deal with a lot in this lifetime). I just want to resolve this. I know this is important chapter for me. I have no idea why Elan was presented like a prison in that dream (funny enough the the prison in my hometown is called the same way). I am utterly confused with this symbolism.
So, my example is showing me that even if we detect unwanted belief, some emotions like trauma tend to stay stucked in our psychy. And it seems that our willingness to change to the opposite belief is not enough...you still need to release emotions that are stuck in the energy field. I do energy healing and other stuff..but here I am this one particular memory (from astral realm or some other) is asking to be resolved.