In Phase 1 Elan had a distinct message to share during his first 120+ transmissions. Over the course of a few years, he shared it all, in a purposeful order and structure, and then let it percolate in the living of our lives, including the life of the channel, Andrew. The first 2 years were a period of training by Bashar to facilitate for Andrew to finally channel Elan. Elan delivered his clarifications, insights, and tools for change, beginning, middle and ending, and then left it up to us to field test the insights and tools in our daily lives. Pay attention to the title of his final session when we release it next year. He well knew that many more people would hear these messages now, than when they were first delivered due to our evolving communications technology.
We're now in Phase 2 While we don't know the entire extent of this next Phase yet, we do know that we are to re-release all the Elan material now, re-mastered for better sound quality, and in the original order, offered at no charge. The Elan book, "Your Power on a Plate" was revised, expanded and re-released, available as a free .pdf download on our website, and also as beautiful printed versions. The timing for this re-release is intentional and purposeful. It is part of the larger coordinated collaboration.
Iin 2024, Andrew started his next phase of involvement, the channeling of new material for a book to be released in 2025 called, "Masters of Integration." During channeling sessions for this new book, a huge surprise gift emerged, spontaneously. Initially assumed to be part of "Masters of Integration," over 100 pages about Essassani were transmitted. This became an unexpected book, called "Reflections of My Home World." This will be the first new Elan message channeled by Andrew in 28 years. This is now available HERE.
In early 2025, we now know the next thing to occur is the release of NEWLY channeled Elan material by Andrew, in the form of this book, called "Masters of Integration: Reveling in the Field of Infinite Possibilities."

Being that we have repeatedly been referred to as the 'Masters of Limitation' by both Bashar and Elan, we are intrigued to discover the significance of this empowering title, "Masters of Integration", and as well the rest of the title, "Reveling in the Field of Infinite Possibilities."
This book may include some of your questions, we will be elaborating on that in the future. Any questioning opportunities will only be submittable here in the Forum. Stay tuned!

These are truly exciting times and we're so excited and gratified to know that Elan has more to share with us. We are here gathering the ones that are attracted to Elan's unique style and will continue to build a very unique, free, unconditionally loving, paradigm shifting, inclusive and supportive community here. We deeply appreciate you all, we are all part of an exciting new family, and we look forward to meeting you all over the coming days, month, weeks and years!
Sweet dude.