Elan to me, is like the wisest, kindest, closest confidant one could ever have. It's hard to describe the feelings one gets when listening to Elan. It's distinct from the feeling one obtains from listening to Bashar. Both are equally amazing, but for me, Elan's messages go straight past the mind and into the heart, where it remains. There's so much unconditional love that is emitted from each session. 😍
After some years of listening to Elan, I realized that I can now directly connect to that stream of consciousness whenever I have a question which will be answered immediately (through 'knowingness'). This can happen to all of us in this forum if you just believe and trust what you get. Elan is right there with you. If you love Elan, then you are connected to him. Remove the filters of your beliefs and the answer will be quite clear.
Some years ago, I was in a very bad spot in life and felt really low in self-worth. All I was able to do was to listen to many Elan sessions while going for long walks. I had no idea how to get out of my situation. One day, I looked up while listening to an Elan session, and lo and behold, a van with large letters saying 'ELAN' on its side drove right past me. I had never seen it before. I started to laugh at the synchronicity and started to trust deeply that my reality was shifting.
What happened subsequently in my life is nothing short of miraculous. Because of the rise in my vibration due to repeated listenings of the Elan sessions and new decisions made as a result of it, the reality around me started shifting and I manifested new opportunities which seemed impossible to people around me. I did not have to 'do' very much at all. Just 'be' that vibration and the Earths shifted. This resulted in all my issues being resolved spontaneously and soon after I began a new life in a distant land.
I intend to write about this one day, but for now, I hope this will leave you inspired.
Lastly, I want to thank the channel for his dedication and deep trust from day one to allow the process to unfold. Because of his 'decision' in that moment and over the subsequent years, we are all here today to benefit from it.
With deep appreciation and love,
EDIT: Just want to clarify that even if when I was not sure what to 'do' at first to change my situation, I first just maintained the 'being' of a certain vibration which actually started with unconditional love for myself, as that was my biggest challenge. Once I internally stabilized, I took 'action' with that preferred internal state. The actions I took resulted in, practically, some miracles to manifest that I would not have predicted just a few months before that. This stuff really really works!

Just read this, so amazing & beautiful!! 🙏🏻🥰
Unconditional love and appreciations to you ❤️❤️❤️
That is such a wonderful story. And it is so profound that you realize that you can tap directly into Elan's stream and enjoy the connection yourself.
Elan always reminds us that he is available in that way, and the way to strengthen that connection is to simply trust it. If we trust it enough to actually put it into action, that is really the most tangible and authentic way to express that trust. And then the relationship can only get stronger, more supportive and more effortless.
You do us all a huge favor when you share these things - thank you!! And, shivai!
Shortly after I moved to a new state, I discovered ELAN while searching for Bashar clips in YouTube. When I started a new bank account, the credit card that arrived was through Elan Financial Services. 🕸 I love the webs we weave throughout this physical existence.
OMG I loved it what a wonderful experience mate.