An AI-generated visual representation of my Yahyel craft encounter in the Union Sq area of NYC at approx. 7am on 10/25/2023, as confirmed by the one and only Bashar/Darryl Anka during the “Countdown to Contact Year One” transmission.
My 4d approach: seeing them in their actuality. Not entertaining some anime sci-fi versions. Allowing. Something ‘real’ palpable tangible solid obvious - open unfiltered empathetic playful flirty witty charming - nonphysically energetically meaningful. Reveling and basking in my humanness, my totality, my multi-dimensionality, my quasi-physicality, my connected-ness to/with nature AS nature. Applied being. Curious/inquisitive. Discerning. Reality testing. Practicing humility, stillness, resiliency. Living my highest excitement as it comes. Em-body-ing unconditional love/validation, acceptance, grace. Student/teacher at once. Living “paradox”/simultaneity. Seeing from my "physical" personality, from my Oversoul, from All That I Am/Is, AS these concepts, however relevant. Tapping into the Sassani in me, the Yahyel in me.
The scene (for those who haven’t tuned into the transmission): The craft popped into my field of conscious awareness while waiting to cross the sidewalk. Sensed and perceived in between buildings at second story level on Park Ave S & E 18th St (feel free to 3D Google Map it for fuller reference), heading towards 18th and 5th Ave. Spotted just the very edge of the craft, at first. I just ‘knew’ what it is/was. Conscious, intelligent, silent, black, metallic - exactly as they say. Acknowledged it but immediately dropped it; let it be; made nothing of it; figured they were just scouting, figured I’d leave them to it. A few blocks ahead I decided to hang around and see if it would emerge, to get a fuller look at it; out it came, within seconds. Stood/“met” face to face right on 5th Avenue, as pictured above. The craft hovered at approx. a block away from where I was standing, at second story level (a bit lower than pictured above). It proceeded to “walk” with me as I crossed onto the next block, watching IT gliding in sync with me, haha. One might say that it is a ‘dream’ come true.. I say yes, in-deed :D
This is how I imagine they must have felt/looked on the inside when they noticed me noticing them from outside the craft. :)

The experience (feeling): Seamless. Desired. Unforced. Effortless. Automatic. Spontaneous. Simultaneous. Instantaneous. Nonchalant. Calm. Normal. Natural. Intriguing. Charming. Delightful. Pure synchronism. Pure knowing-ness. Pure being-ness. NOT unnerving, NOT unsteadying. That’s how you know you are truly meeting face to face heart to heart ship to ship as EQUALS. Operating/piloting as your em-powered higher self. It feels as such. Note: “higher” not as in “better than”, simply in a more integrated manner; holistically; tapped IN tuned IN turned ON; dare I say... fully human. :D
Lovely, vivid, lucid dreams ensued. Downloads/recollections of the nonphysical EXISTING ‘communication’ between us. Felt like one big re-union. Waving and hugs. Not exactly a home-coming but rather a conscious recognition and reflection of already BEING “home”/whole/One with.
Let this recount percolate, and may it inspire you to know that if it can happen in a highly bustling crowded city PRESENT DAY ... anything is possible and it can occur anywhere. Much love!
Today marks my one-year anniversary of this encounter. 🤗💜