An AI-generated visual representation of my Yahyel craft encounter in the Union Sq area of NYC at approx. 7am on 10/25/2023, as confirmed by the one and only Bashar/Darryl Anka during the “Countdown to Contact Year One” transmission.
My 4d approach: seeing them in their actuality. Not entertaining some anime sci-fi versions. Allowing. Something ‘real’ palpable tangible solid obvious - open unfiltered empathetic playful flirty witty charming - nonphysically energetically meaningful. Reveling and basking in my humanness, my totality, my multi-dimensionality, my quasi-physicality, my connected-ness to/with nature AS nature. Applied being. Curious/inquisitive. Discerning. Reality testing. Practicing humility, stillness, resiliency. Living my highest excitement as it comes. Em-body-ing unconditional love/validation, acceptance, grace. Student/teacher at once. Living “paradox”/simultaneity. Seeing from my "physical" personality, from my Oversoul, from All That I Am/Is, AS these concepts, however relevant. Tapping into the Sassani in me, the Yahyel in me.
The scene (for those who haven’t tuned into the transmission): The craft popped into my field of conscious awareness while waiting to cross the sidewalk. Sensed and perceived in between buildings at second story level on Park Ave S & E 18th St (feel free to 3D Google Map it for fuller reference), heading towards 18th and 5th Ave. Spotted just the very edge of the craft, at first. I just ‘knew’ what it is/was. Conscious, intelligent, silent, black, metallic - exactly as they say. Acknowledged it but immediately dropped it; let it be; made nothing of it; figured they were just scouting, figured I’d leave them to it. A few blocks ahead I decided to hang around and see if it would emerge, to get a fuller look at it; out it came, within seconds. Stood/“met” face to face right on 5th Avenue, as pictured above. The craft hovered at approx. a block away from where I was standing, at second story level (a bit lower than pictured above). It proceeded to “walk” with me as I crossed onto the next block, watching IT gliding in sync with me, haha. One might say that it is a ‘dream’ come true.. I say yes, in-deed :D
This is how I imagine they must have felt/looked on the inside when they noticed me noticing them from outside the craft. :)

The experience (feeling): Seamless. Desired. Unforced. Effortless. Automatic. Spontaneous. Simultaneous. Instantaneous. Nonchalant. Calm. Normal. Natural. Intriguing. Charming. Delightful. Pure synchronism. Pure knowing-ness. Pure being-ness. NOT unnerving, NOT unsteadying. That’s how you know you are truly meeting face to face heart to heart ship to ship as EQUALS. Operating/piloting as your em-powered higher self. It feels as such. Note: “higher” not as in “better than”, simply in a more integrated manner; holistically; tapped IN tuned IN turned ON; dare I say... fully human. :D
Lovely, vivid, lucid dreams ensued. Downloads/recollections of the nonphysical EXISTING ‘communication’ between us. Felt like one big re-union. Waving and hugs. Not exactly a home-coming but rather a conscious recognition and reflection of already BEING “home”/whole/One with.
Let this recount percolate, and may it inspire you to know that if it can happen in a highly bustling crowded city PRESENT DAY ... anything is possible and it can occur anywhere. Much love!
Today marks my one-year anniversary of this encounter. 🤗💜
Looove the richness of words you use to relay your experience!
I love, LOVE everything about this!!! It felt like you were channeling so purely, from the Source within your experience 🥹. You brought us through the entire thing, with your own unique personality and perspective shining! Feeling the absolute LIGHT and beauty and utter love that is our full, multidimensional selves. :')
The oneness. reunion. Home.
I feel too how much you loved playing with our language of choice here, and ugh, YESSS GIRL! You're so here! We all are!
What a powerful, joyfull, and expansive recounting 🥰. I'm excited to meet my Yahyel friends in perfect timing, however that one unfolds! They have suucchhh a beautifulvibration from what I have apprehended; and I know that really I have mostly just sensed the tip of the iceberg of the multidimensional beings they are. Of course, the beautiful thing is we are just as multidimensional as they are, they've just been more conscious about it for longer :').
As Elan Interactions said. The more we validate ourselves, all of ourselves. The more we validate ourselves BEING our real, in love, and preferred selves at any given moment!!
Things like this just happen from there. It's simple and it's beautiful.
I love your open heart sharing. Thank you for just letting You flow :')). You're here. We're all here.
So exciting to share this journey with beings like you 💕 🥹
Thanks for the sharing and the lovely pictures! I am amazed how the sighting can be seen in the middle of a bustling city, and yet no one was able to perceive it! Love the Yahyel too 😍
That is a really great sharing, how exciting! This is becoming more and more common place. As individuals begin to validate themselves, inwardly and fully, the matching reflection of outer validation becomes more common place. And being willing to be utterly self-reliant, without relying on "them", we also create the perfect atmosphere to attract more of this type of reflection and co-created experience.
As we begin to express ourselves more authentically, and in the process allowing our so-called "subconscious closet" to release into our totality through acknowledgement and re-alignment, these interactions become more natural, calm and positively aligned and resonant.
Great account, cool images! Thank you for the gift.