The belief you "just can't seem to transform" is not because you are doing something wrong, for there are no mistakes, only choices, but it is because you believe you can't transform it! That, right there, is the core frequency of the experience you are having.
Now, is it a matter of timing? Yes… and no! Timing is simply a reflection of your vibrational state. If you say, "I just can’t transform this," you create the experience of not being able to transform it. But if you instead ask, "What would it feel like if I had already transformed this?", then you begin shifting frequencies!
transformation is not about struggling against an old belief. It is about shifting your focus to the frequency of the reality where that belief is no longer relevant! You do this by acting as if you already exist in that state.
So, instead of waiting for transformation to happen to you… Be the transformation! Feel it! Act on it! Embody it!
And as you do… watch how reality shifts effortlessly...
I was just listening to this transmission and I felt like sharing it with you. Maybe that will give you some clarity about your question. :)I put there a timestamp so you can listen to it for a few minutes if you want. ♥
The belief you "just can't seem to transform" is not because you are doing something wrong, for there are no mistakes, only choices, but it is because you believe you can't transform it! That, right there, is the core frequency of the experience you are having.
Now, is it a matter of timing? Yes… and no! Timing is simply a reflection of your vibrational state. If you say, "I just can’t transform this," you create the experience of not being able to transform it. But if you instead ask, "What would it feel like if I had already transformed this?", then you begin shifting frequencies!
transformation is not about struggling against an old belief. It is about shifting your focus to the frequency of the reality where that belief is no longer relevant! You do this by acting as if you already exist in that state.
So, instead of waiting for transformation to happen to you… Be the transformation! Feel it! Act on it! Embody it!
And as you do… watch how reality shifts effortlessly...
I was just listening to this transmission and I felt like sharing it with you. Maybe that will give you some clarity about your question. :) I put there a timestamp so you can listen to it for a few minutes if you want. ♥