I’ve been listening to the session „Transendental point of view” and there’s an interaction about Mantis beings - it’s mentioned that these are often the interpretations of the Zeta beings themselves. Doesn’t it exclude all Mantis - type beings from existintence according to Elan, am I right here?
I’ve been following also Bashar who in one sessions mentioned that Mantis - type beings are leading the hybridisation program of „Greys”. Have Elan commented somewhere on that?
Lastly, I’ve noticed that in 80s, 90s „Grey” type beings are referred more often to as „Zetas”, what caused the change throughout the years in favour of the term „Greys”? Again according to Bashar these are not from our physical reality, but coming from pararel realities - then what about the Zeta Reticulum system?
I’ll appreciate to hear more thoughts of Elan about it and observations of other people as well :D

Sharing for the interested a few close encounter stories with „Mantis” beings involved: