Happy Sunday, Tribe!
Thank you everyone who joined our first "Your Power on a Plate" Circle yesterday.
After a short moment of silence, we shared started get to know each and each share what brought us to join the meet-up.
Then we deep-dove into sharing about how we each are implementing the core concepts from Elan's book into our day-to-day life. We focussed on the passage (page 63-64)
"Trust in the new decision is simply maintenance of the decision itself. You create yourself in each and every moment completely. If you have consistency to that decision, you create a foundation through which you can begin to see changes in your reality."
After a lively exchange and connection-building, we closed the meetup with sharing one gift/insight that we "take home" from the circle.
3 of my personal take-ways were:
"My __________ is my superpower" (one person shared how she learnt to embrace her grace & kindness not as a weakness but as a superpower, and I thought about myself and what of my traits I prefer to shift my perspective on)
"I am not her" ("her" referring to a prior self that does not need to have any connection to my now decision of who I am"
"I started blessing everything around me" (one person shared how the bless everything, even his things in his home, knowing that ultimately his blessings are blessings to self and mirror back to him)
If you're reading "Your Power on a Plate" too and are excited about implementing it into your daily life and want to join our heart-felt meetup next time...
Then comment below and send me a PM with your time zone.
Much love,

Hi Peggy,
This is beautiful and so exciting, I’m reading the book and would really love to join a meet up 😃 I live in the UK, I will PM you as well. 🙏🏻
Much love,
Penny xx
Hi what day is the meetup and time? I live in California 🥰
Wow thats exciting! I missed the previous meetup but I'll make sure to be present for the next one.
This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this.