Soooo as some of you know ✨️💅, I ended up on a synchronistic voyage through Chichen Itza and Cancun!! And wow. What an experience. Where to begin? Mmmm. I thinnkk I know where.
So, a year ago, I channeled the Mayab — who Bashar has referred to as the "ET race who were the original Mayans, breeded with people on earth and established their presence, gifting a lot of the spiritual knowledge n technology". I at first thought "Hmmm. Hmmmm. That's a lot to believe. But!! I'm open minded to it I don't really care hahaha. I'm not attached to the traditional story of history; I'm indifferent either way." I'm the kind of person who would never fight for"ETs helped build the pyramids" or "ETs influenced human history", bc it just doesn't matter to me haha. I've only come to resonate with and agree with some of these things bc it seems genuinely true in my history.
But, then... One fateful day I was writing music and poetry. And I started to feel the vision and energy of this man in a deep rainforest, an amazonian place like in South America, coming through. It was an energy of such love, expansiveness, and just, 'wow'. It was so ancestral, yet cosmic; it felt both earthly and very much of the multiverse. It felt like this energy of ancient, ancient humanity, and a level of myself in that era that I am connected to, AND to the ascended spirit level of that being, and ultimately, the cosmic and multidimensional nature of their origin. It was both primally human-ish and cosmically ascended. Future and past.
I started to channel and I was just... WOW'ed!! Utterly, utterly wow'ed. I channel consciously and I don't have a process, I simply feel an energy coming when it comes, and sometimes I do invite it in just to play with an energy and see what comes through. This time, though, as well as other times — words and energy started to come through that were so powerful. SO full. Inexpressible except in that I did feel the message come through.
I will share this channeling another time soon. Don't worry y'alll ;). It's so perfectly juicy and delicious too. It's SO yummy and just amazing. God, I love this being and everything they represent.
Basically, it was a call of reestablishing a connection between not only the ancient Mayans here but also the race that originated them; it really felt like a blend of both. Their energy, their intention, their pupose, and most of all — their love.
Fast forward a year, and my mom says, "We're GOING TO CANCUN!" And I say, "Neato!" And she adds, "Oh, also we're going to Chichen Itza."
It took a second for me to fully get it... WOW. Wow, what an amazing synchronicity!!
Guys, this Chichen Itza trip was so utterly lovely. Our tour guide, Sexy Marcella (yes that was her name, and she was a queen indeed 🙌🙌) was the SWEETEST woman. Spiritually tapped in, beautiful, a shining heart. She spoke of the Mayan spirituality, denying the influence of aliens and instead discussing how the PEOPLE of the lands were simply connected to this natural way of life. Focusing upon the joy and living by acting on YOUR unique gifts. Clearing out the emotional body, feeling your feelings, cleansing yourself. It was all so beautiful.
I had a fun tiiime, exploring the areas we went to. I bought the most BEAUTIFUL jewelry that are some of my absolute favorite things I own now. So gorgeous. Teal bracelets and an aquamarine necklace. Mmmm mmm. I love it.
She explained a lot about their technologies and understandings of physics. Twas awesome. We had such a lovely tour group, I was happy to be with them and enjoyed everybody's energy hahaha. I lamented a bit about the tourism industry, but I ultimately came to just be grateful. I understand the world is the way the world is. I chose to walk with love and the world mirrored it back to me. I realized all, all, truly is well.
All is made of love.
I had the loveliest convo with Marcella after the main Chichen Itza story was finishing... It was a true heart to heart in which I spoke about my experience of this channeling, and we talked together about the connection we have to those fully awake in Spirit, deceased here. My grandmother and one of her family members. We talked about very deep and loving things that I won't share, but it was a gift to meet her and be there. It was all synchronistic, and we both knew it equally well.
I still have to send her the channeling. I'll do that today :P.
It was a gift from top to bottom, the whole journey. I actually do feel genuine connections to South American cultures and people. The latin people as a whole, actually!! I'm half Filipino, and ppl always say Philippines is the Mexico of Asia hahaha. HONESTLY SO REAL.
Here's a pic of me in front of the beautiful temple :'). A goddess at a temple. hairflip

What a lovely experience. We wouldn't expect any less. LOVE the pic, you look GREAT! THANK YOU! We look forward to the rest, as everyone else surely does. ✨💖