👽⭐️ Heeeey! My Beautiful and Funky Family! 👽⭐️ I just had this sudden, spontaneous thought or realisation earlier today whilst I was at my local shopping centre. Before leaving, I became super curious and excited and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna take the book with me so I can read it later! I had to run a few errands in the morning and was listening to a few of Elan's transmissions in my car, which was quite exciting! I'm finding more and more the joy, and how much I absolutely REVEL in the excitement of expect the unexpected, and synchronicity that mixes in with it, like a deliciooooous soup! 💙💚
I remember parking somewhere and took the book with me. As I was walking around the shopping centre, I just felt this utter excitement and joy, as I felt like, looking at the book like, they were there with me, like a group of my family and friends walking with me as I was doing simple errands throughout the day! 😍😊
I really feel the book itself is like a buffer, a closeness of them reaching and crystalizing more into my own bubble physical reality! When I got back to my car I spontaneously started a big conversation with someone about UFOs, and we started talking about so many different things, you name it and I felt super excited sharing the book, and he seemed quite curious! Once I got back home I smiled so much and just thought... I Looove taking you guys with me! Let's do this again! Hehe! 😍😊👽⭐️💙💚

Haha! I love this idea, Sarah! I feel the same way! They ARE, in a very literal sense, our companions. What did you “show” them or share with them at the shopping centre? 😊
We can all agree this is for the sake of pure fun and amusement, yes? LOL. If it were me - I'm very realistic - I’d take them all around the store. It would go something like this: Alright so here is the produce aisle. We’ve got fresh veggies and fruits. We’ve also got some pre-cut fruit. “Why are some pre-cut and others aren't?” Good question! It's for convenience, lol. Especially the watermelon and pineapple. Some people don't want to commit to the whole fruit, or maybe they find those items too intimidating to cut?! Pulls up cellphone- here's what those items look like. See what I mean? You’ll notice we have an organic and non-organic variety. There is what’s called the “dirty dozen” - those twelve items are recommended to be purchased organic always. I’ve learned that you like fruit so we can spend a little bit more time together in this aisle. We’re gonna skip over the meat and fish aisle as I learned you don’t really eat that. Here we have the beverage section. We’ve got flat/plain bottled water. We also have canned sparkly/bubbly drinks. You can get a 6-pack (meaning six individual cans sold together). Some are 6 in a pack, some 12 in a pack. Not sure whether your body can handle/tolerate bubbly or not, can it? There’s some coconut water here somewhere too. Here is the pasta aisle. I’m Keto so I don’t really eat any of that anymore either but.. there are SO MANY fun and unique shapes, you must see them! Here, let me show you. Everything from long and skinny (spaghetti) to short and twisted, even some are star shaped! How fun and creative, right? I think Earthers have invented some over 400 pasta shapes to date! Ok, next up. Here we have the canned/jarred section. Canned tomatoes. This variety is sealed shut so it is best you own a jar opener. Here we have jarred olives and some jams. Jam as in preserved fruit - not to be confused with a music "jam" or traffic "jam", LOL. They’re kinda hard to open too - for this I recommend using a flat edge knife or rinsing the lid under hot water to release the lid. Have you ever heard the sound of the lid go “pop”? No? I can show you at home one day if you like. How about the cleaning aisle? Let’s show you a swifter. LOL. Ok, so. We’ve got "the original", for sweeping floors/walls. We also have a mini hand-held variety. We also have microfiber cloth. “A what now?” A swifter. Cleans the dust bunnies. “The what now?” In our current Earth reality dust accumulates on various surfaces, on furniture, floors, walls, etc. ... so on and so forth... 😁
😆 I can only imagine the look on their faces. Whoever are my counterparts... God Bless. You will know Whole Foods Market like no other. 😇🤣
We also have this same feeling about the book! It's like a companion. And, the calendar is supercool because the pictures are bigger, and we never peak, so each month is a new synchronistic surprise!
March 2025