Hi, I was just curious to know which ET race would we meet? Is it the pleiadians? and where would they most likely appear in the world so that I can greet them? Also does following the formula increase the probability of me having an ET encounter as I have never had it in the past
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Thank you Blaire for the great replies. And I love Wieteke 😉🥰
This was recently addressed in the most detail I've ever heard it in an AMAZING channeling from Wieteke Koolhof, who channels a Yahyel called Arjun. His basic answer, which corresponds to that of Bashar and other channelers, is that the Pleiadeans and Yahyel are both tied for first place, AS WELL AS a future timeline of "time-traveling" humans, who come from a positive timeline of earth as opposed to a negative one. Which was VERY lovely new info that I'm glad I got to hear!
The general consensus is a race that's close enough to how we look that it doesn't shock or scare us too much, so we can slowly familiarize ourselves, bc it will be a vibrational and perceptual/belief adjustment process!
Following the formula is basically the highest increase in probability that you could experience contact, as the idea of the formula is that "following your highest excitement with integrity having no insistence on the outcome will always lead you to your other excitements". So, if it's relevant for you to experience (which you can determine if you have a pure excitement about it 😄, that's all you need to let you know), then by following your excitement the rest of the time as best as you can --- including the fact that outdated, negative beliefs will show up on that road of following your excitement to give you new opportunities to redefine them, which can always end up being defined as a positive and exciting thing --- you will get to exactly where you truly want to go! The more you validate yourself for who and what you are, validate who you know yourself to be, and validate the aspects of you that do not reflect your true nature that are in disharmony and in an invalidated state (feeling not enough, not worthy, judged, guilty, etc!), the more you will end up experiencing EVERYTHING that excites you!! In exactly the way it best serves you in the joyful, delicious, beautiful journey you have chosen!
Here is that interview btw, I HIGHLY recommend the entire interview. If you love Elan, there's a high probability you'll love this! This point in the video addresses the "first ET race question", the few minutes right before this point address the "probability of experiencing contact by following the formula" part of it! https://youtu.be/N2KWfQkxuwE?si=H7jE44QR5s-nNWsv&t=1613