The LONG full explanation.
Truly preparing for First Contact requires an honest self-assessment of your truest motivations for the contact itself. Extraterrestrials deeply honor and respect our own personal equality and sovereignty. They are not here to interfere nor rescue us. They are here to interact with us as equals, not in response to a removed reliance on their presence. This self-assessment is a vital personal step toward finally achieving first contact. As they say, if you obsess about first contact, particularly at the expense of living your life fully as your authentic self, this is the clearest sign an individual is not yet resonating at the most open and inviting frequency.
That being said, we are all eager to satisfy our own deep curiosities, that of the deeper meanings of life, insights into our history (although THAT is another subject entirely as to exactly what that REALLY means), sharing alternative options of living based on their experience, and the overall good news that we're not alone in the Universe.
Elan and Bashar explain that they are only able to communicate to us through channeling in the first place because our curiosity, combined with our level of deep desire to understand and revise ourselves to a more constructive, productive and satisfying place in our lives, has finally brought us to the point where they are able to be attracted vibrationally to reach out. Previously on our Earth, we were too "deep" into the denial of spirit and separation to even be able to make sense of who they are and what they have to offer. So, we have evolved beyond that and now we can connect in this initial channeling format. This is very exciting and this is what is presently unfolding. Channeling IS the true "first contact."
They also express that they simply will not interfere. And, this is a bit more of a delicate balance. And it WOULD be interference to intercede with our individual choices or the choices of our various collective societies on Earth while we are still divided, both individually and collectively. It WOULD be interference to meet face to face when it will be most likely to disrupt, cause individual and mass fear, interfere with the free will of many individuals, governments and aspects of our hierarchical structure, and even cause division and chaos. We are so divided and our politics are so complex and delicately balanced that landing would presently cause disruption. Look at how opposing political parties use information for personal gain, to sow the seeds of division, in doing so, to divide and conquer. This non-interference attitude and policy is the utter honoring and respect for our sovereignty as individuals and as a collective.
There is a big difference about "obsessing" for knowledge, wisdom and ideas, and "obsessing" about being saved, rescued and triaged from a foundational mindset of being incomplete. This incompleteness mindset is vibrationally incompatible with the Sassani and many ET species, at least at this time.
The other "obsession", or perhaps more accurately labeled "deep seated desire" to understand ourselves more fully, gain insights to our purposes is a deep seated human quality, the thirst for knowledge, wisdom and spiritual identity. This is appreciated as a worthy desire by the Sassanis and other ET's, not one to be disregarded. They answer this sincere desire with the first wave of contact, using the method of channeling for a specific reason. This allows us to have an exchange of these ideas without interfering with our individual and collective chosen life expressions. We can sample the info without having to believe it, unless we consciously decide to, with little to no physical proof. Channeling allows for all of this.
The main point of our post is this. When we APPLY the things that they have already shared with us, the gifts that are being shared NOW through the channeling, we change our individual vibration, we raise our own frequency. By "walking the talk" we change our lives to heal our wounds, and we change the entire foundation of our experience, which actually changes the physical Earth that we live on, but only first happens from within. Our willingness to DO this brings us into alignment with the frequency that DOES allow for face to face contact. But, the proof is on the DOING, not the talking, not the wishing, and not continuing to fool ourselves about our true selves and motivations. Being willing to be FULLY honest about our true inner motivations, allows us to make adjustments and refine our new frequency. Being honest about our true motivation allows us to refine and purify those very motivations. This is pure power, not bad news. This is what they've been talking about all along. Walking the talk fully prepares us for face to face contact.
Once we walk the talk, the real proof is that our lives change to a life of desire, preference, joy, excitement and connectedness. This in turn, changes the Earth we're on and we begin to see RAPID and miraculous things happening even in the outer collective landscape. Everything changes, and quickly and suddenly. This brings us to the place where channeling has done its true job, to put itself out of a job. And only then we will have contact. Period.
It's not necessary to "stop being excited about the possibility" of physical contact. It IS exciting and it's natural to be REALLY excited about that. Living with excitement, ACTING on it with integrity, is the true key to getting to the place where we want to be with this. The idea is to do so earnestly, with FULL self DISCLOSURE, and fully applying what they have already generously shared, fully walking the talk. This DEMONSTRATES us meeting them half way, not just talking and thinking about it, while truly and secretly wanting them to do this FOR us.
In summary, the channeling IS first contact. The channeling is a way to HONOR our sovereignty and timing by reaching out and providing all the answers that people SAY they want and need. Channeling IS providing the information you're asking about. APPLYING this information is the only true PROOF that you accept it and are willing to USE IT. At the same time, the channeling honors our sovereignty by allowing those that are not yet ready to deny what is happening and progress at their own pace. Once we APPLY the channeling messages to our own life, we create a new path, a new trajectory that refines our individual frequency. This in turn shifts the Earth we're on. Once we're living on THAT Earth, physical contact is then inevitable and will happen quickly. This is the intended progression for the fuller program for first contact. This is the true definition of the First Contact Initiative.
This is amazing. Thank you so much for the insight. I was talking about something related to this the other day- I sense that when the government level disclosures happen regarding ETs, that's when mass people's consciousness will expand- to go beyond their political beliefs, beyond their identity as their country or race-- and now they (we) begin to see ourselves as "humans", and their identity as "from Earth." Then I also thought about people using the same concept (being united as one as "humans"), but forming against the ETs. Like the saying.. "nothing brings people closer than to have a common enemy." Since all things are possible, I consciously choose not to be on that Earth; I'm just going to follow my true excitement and continue to observe my beliefs in check. I'm reminding myself that I as an individual is not here to change the Earth or the world; I simply take care of myself, practice my beliefs, and the outside reality will be reflected to me... and it will be shown for my--our highest good. No matter however it goes, I know deep within that the ET contact & full disclosures will happen in our lifetime; otherwise I wouldn't choose to be here. What an amazing timeline we are in!