This post is directly inspired by Elan Interactions' latest comment to a recent question about negativity, where they wrote:
'As your awareness expands due to these insights being shared, true expanded awareness radiates out in all directions. We become more aware of both the positive and the negative because both polarities are part of the foundational definition of this linear finite 3D Earth experience. However just because you're also more aware of the negative, this does not have to mean that you actually experience any of it first hand. What you put out is always what you get back. If you keep yourself aligned to your truest self, by choosing from what is available in every given moment with your excitement, and only acting on the most exciting option with integrity, you will only be putting out a purely positive frequency. The integrity portion of that equation assures that integrated action is always only positive. So, you get only positive results when you act on your excitement with integrity. However, at this point where you only experience positivity firsthand, for a while longer, you still be aware of more negative as well, because that is the nature of true expansion. This awareness of negativity will be through the experiences of others. And it may be quite intense, and to be fully disclosing, quite heartbreaking, in the coming days. The trick is to keep your own output positive even in the face of witnessing this. This allows you to always continue to be of the greatest service in ways that may not always seem obvious to you. And, while you expressing your most authentic positive self, you are automatically being the most responsible to those others, in the most efficient and perfect way.'
This was too important a message to miss in the comments section, especially as the intensity in polarity is increasing all around us, in this moment.
This is really the time to 'walk the talk' and not be dragged around by the outer circumstances. This is what we are all called to do in this moment, more than ever. Maintain your balance and shine your light onto this world. It needs more examples of inner peace and you are invited to be that example.
Sending all of you in this forum, light and love. 💜
Wow, I actually thought that quote was entirely Elan himself at first until I realized it was Elan Interactions hahaha! Just goes to show how integrated they are ;).
What a profound and beautiful post :'). I've been experiencing this so, so richly and deeply this Summer. Particularly lately, as it feels like so many things are ACTUALLY integrating or even more fully integrated. It feels like invisible puzzle pieces have clicked together inside of me and they're only continuing to fill out the rest of the first puzzle. Like my soul is so fully in the driver's seat of my life now.
I want to express major gratitude for you posting this and say as a loving acknowledgment of all of you how strong, brave. and truly full of love we were to go into this reality of great diversity. We came in so certain we could find ourselves still and hold our own, even amidst the seas of vulnerabilities and misaligned perspectives. Amidst the vast, at times very confusing picture of humanity as it is now. And we can.
We knew we stood sovereignly, excitedly amongst so many other powerful explorations of highly beautiful, powerful Sources. We knew we had everything we needed, and we do. We knew we would experience dissonance and transform negative beliefs into positive energy, and we do. We knew we would be able to hold to our own Source as we witnessed the unique journeys, high polarity, lack of self-love (reflecting outwardly), and various negative beliefs. Things that our inner being looks at and knows, "This doesn't make sense. This isn't who we truly are." And of course, the closer you are to understanding who you truly are and feeling your Source more often, the less any of that stuff makes sense, and the more intensely you know something's being integrated.
I'm so proud of you too Arcadia!! And I'm here for you. We're all here for each other. In whatever capacity synchronicity and excitement brings us to be <3.
What abundance this forum is, no? Lately I've had a perspective shift about abundance, and I've truly begun to realize how much support systems, friendships, and positive beings in your life at all are such a high form of abundance. In fact, it has to be one of the highest :').
Reaching out for help is an act of power. You are surrendering to the trust and the support and the love that is here for you. In manifest form.
We've all got this!! Every single one of us. I'm so excited to continue my integration journey. It's been nothing but a journey of surprise, discovery, love, soul fullness, and bliss. The freedoms I will feel even later on, I can't imagine, if it's better than this!