The following is a wonderful discussion with Elan, and I can personally confirm, through my own experience, that we can even heal the body of situations labelled 'incurable' by changing our consciousness. 👍
("you're resisting ... you're resisting ... you're resisting.”)
Q - So do I have the full capabilities to create perfect physical and emotional health within myself?
Elan - Absolutely, you all do.
Q - No matter what I would eat or drink, so-to-speak?
Elan - You may find as you do so, what you eat or drink is a result, again, not the cause. Understand, the idea of eating is largely symbolic. You are an Infinite Being, you have no beginning, middle and ending ... so the idea of external sustenance is a temporary exploration. Your body exists within your consciousness, not the other way around and your body is an expression of your consciousness.
So, even any particular condition that you can share with me is an expression of consciousness. Generally, in that case ... you're simply not allowing yourself to be natural with yourself and are instead creating a dichotomy ... and you can simply realign yourself to who you are and everything else "falls into place.” As you transform your consciousness your body transforms. There is a vast approach in physical reality, that individuals need to prepare their body, change their body, transform their body ... to now allow for the expansion of their consciousness. And this apparency can be experienced ... but it is illusory. Truly, first comes the shift in consciousness, then comes the shift in body, so also remind yourself of that. Is this helpful?
Q - Yes.
Elan - Is there anything else?
Q - Um, I injured my spine a number of years ago and I truly believe I have the power to heal myself and to believe that it just is no longer there, I guess I just want some validation on that also?
Elan - Alright, do you still feel what you call "pain?"
Q - Yes.
Elan - Do you ascribe that pain to a past injury?
Q - Yes.
Elan - Can you perhaps entertain the idea of each instance of that pain being completely in the moment, with no past, and looking at what it means in that moment ... looking at how it reinforces your decision in that moment, and looking at what it allows you the opportunity to do in that moment.
Q - Okay.
Elan - Can that approach at least be something you might be willing to express?
Q - Yes.
Elan - Alright, you will notice a difference if you do so, for it is not truly, again, something that happened in the past that is causing the pain now ... you create the pain now and very strongly identify it with the past, which is the only thing that creates the relationship.
Q - Okay.
Elan - Now, I understand that seems to be a bit odd for your general mass consciousness way of thinking, but nevertheless it is the mechanism. And by continuing to assign a past, you get the absolute seeming effect that you had an injury and what you are feeling now is from that injury and you perpetuate it, to whatever degree you do. But you do not need to, and it can simply be treating it in the moment as something that has to do with something that's going on right now with you and not the past. Then things will stand out as to what's going on right now, "well, why might I feel pain right now, pain is resistance, what am I resisting, right now?” Forget yesterday, forget the day before, forget the injury, instead ask yourself, "What am I resisting, right now?" If you're willing to be in the moment, if you're willing to put that baggage aside, always will you find something, right now ... that you are obviously resisting. Alternatively, and this is also not your usual societal approach to discomfort or dis-ease, you can ask yourself “What is this pain allowing me to do that I would not have done without it? What is it preventing me from doing?” Exploring these ideas will also open up new doors of understanding and awareness about why you have created those symptoms and conditions. Exploring all of these ideas and looking for how EVERYTHING serves you, even the discomfort, gives you new opportunities to transform this style of messenger.
Then the pain has been embraced as a messenger. Then you will begin to address the things you are resisting and allow them as you begin to change your approach to no longer need to create the messenger to show you ... "you're resisting ... you're resisting ... you're resisting.” Do you understand?
Q - Yes, thank you.
Elan - Well, thank you, I've done nothing.
From pages 237-240 of updated book for Your Power on a Plate