We do our best to always follow our excitement in the moment. It is a fun and unique journey to shift to living this way from the previous paradigm. The distinction between the overall most exciting thing and the moment-to-moment excitement is particularly fascinating as many times the moment-to-moment excitement has no logical connection or visible path to the overall most exicting thing. However, we are commited to trusting that excitement is indeed the thread that binds these and so the moment-to moment excitement always will lead to the most exciting thing, naturally blueprinted by the clear intention.
One of our most exciting things is to release all of the existing Elan material in chronological order. We are dedicated to this and we will accomplish it, with finesse. Lately, our moment-to-moment excitement is sometimes shifting and we find ourselves not always excited to release the sessions exactly on Friday nights. At first, we struggled with this, as the most exciting would seem on the surface to keep the ball rolling at an exact and consistent pace. We only have 20+ existing sessions left to release, which would take approximately 20 more weeks.
Our moment-to moment excitement is suggesting otherwise. We assume this to be an issue of perfect timing and synchronicity because just as we are finding ourselves having the lack of excitement to now always release exactly on a Friday, instead the excitement has sometimes been kicking in after Friday. We will continue to trust this because it is an example of how this stuff all works flawlessly if one trusts exactly how it shows up.
We know that people look forward to the weekly release and we deeply respect this. We explain all of this to clarify why things have been a little different for the past week or two. We trust that an important point and example is being demonstrated. We ask you to trust the timing, though we certainly understand the enthusiastic response for the regularity. If you join us in trusting the timing, we feel certain that you also only benefit from the pace. Perhaps this means that you still have things from the previous sessions to apply and experience. Whatever the individual reasons are, we will trust that they are all being flawlessly coordinated to grant us all the most positive and perfect experience of enjoying the remaining sessions at the ... perfect pace and timing.
The next session to be released will be Part II of the "Lights, Camera, Action" series, the session called "Definition and Deservability." We assure you it is worth the wait. 😉
Ha 'a Tu!
Elan Interactions
My excitement is no less diminished.
That's funny because I was falling behind with the sessions and recently felt like wanting to catch up again. So for me it's all good, take your time. 😎
❤️ ❤️ ❤️