Welcome and greetings this evening of your time, as you create time to exist. I do not ask you how you are, for I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you are all perfect. And furthermore, to perfectly segue, I will in that sense entitle this interaction, ‘Everybody's Perfect’.
There is a concept prevalent in your society, and this is the idea that you begin, in that sense, your life with an empty slate. And in that sense, the process of your life is the filling of that slate, the accumulation of certain knowledge, and what you therefore extrapolate and define as growth. And from one point of view, this is, in fact, an apparency.
We do understand, in that sense, how it appears that this is so. And many times, individuals will plug into this definitional soup, if you will, the idea that growth implies that you are becoming something better than what you have already been, and thereby becoming more perfect, or achieving or approaching a style of perfection.
Now again, you can, through the apparency of your reality, experience the seemingness of this. But allow me to tell you, from a fundamental point of view, that this is only a point of view. For, because you are multidimensional, infinite, and eternal beings, fundamentally, you truly have no beginning, no middle, and no end.
Fundamentally, from, perhaps you can say, the point of view of your Higher Self, you are completely timeless, spaceless. And within that timelessness and spacelessness, though it seems as a contradiction, you actually contain everything simultaneously. Simultaneous expression is more of the natural, shall I say, expression of your consciousness.
When you choose to express and explore physical reality, you play out that simultaneous expression along a timeline. And rather than, in that sense, simply accessing your totality at all times, have an apparency of unrolling it a bit at a time. That is the apparency that you call growth.
So from one physical point of view, you start out blank and gain experience. But from the point of view of your higher self, or higher consciousness, you literally impose a style of amnesia and remember who you are a bit at a time. Utilizing what you, in this way, create to be external cues, an external reality.
But it is not truly fundamentally, since you are eternal, that you grow or, in that sense, become more of something. For again, you are already everything. And this is an extension of your consciousness.
Your physical life, your physical body is an extension within your consciousness. Many times there is the notion that you are a soul within a body. But again, that, in and of itself, is an apparency.
If you wish to be technically accurate, you are a body within a soul. Your Consciousness is what you are and your body is but a distinct point of view within the totality of your Consciousness. Now, being that that seems to be centralized, in that sense, within the vessel of your body, then there is the apparency, once again, of being within a body.
And that is part of the experience of seeming as though you can be separated at all from God or All-That-Is. But in fact, you are One, you are an expression of, you are a point of view of, an eye, if you will, of All-That-Is, or God. You are one and the same, but you are a distinct and discrete viewpoint within that totality, which seems, at this point, in your particular expression, as though you are a separate Being.
Understand, every aspect of Creation is a perfect reflection of that aspect of Creation. And there are not quality points assigned, perhaps you can say, colloquially speaking, in the eyes of God. No. Everything is equal within All-That Is or God, which we will call All-That-Is. All -That-Is already includes everything and leaves absolutely nothing out. Therefore, it is quite unlikely that you are the one extraneous creation.
Therefore, understand that no matter what you are exploring, no matter what you are being, that is always a 100% perfect reflection of that particular exploration, which is equal in the eyes of All-That-Is to all other explorations. Therefore, if you are not the person you wish to be, you are a perfect reflection of the person you do not wish to be. Flawless in its expression. And this is not simply semantics, for you can utilize this 100% one-to-one perfect reflection. We will discuss that in a moment.
Because you are already perfect, it is not a matter of achieving something you do not contain. It is a matter of choosing what it is you wish to be at any given moment. For being eternal, your one quality, before you start breaking yourself down and separating yourself out from All-That-Is, is simply Existence itself. Beingness.
You simply ARE. Period. The idea of purpose was, perhaps you can say, an afterthought.
You already ARE, and then the idea of purpose in a linear progression was actually, so to speak, created later. And that is, in and of itself, simply an expression, a point of view, purpose. The idea is that because you are always a perfect reflection, you can always look at how you are presenting yourself and how your life seems to present itself to you and learn about yourself directly.
For the idea is because your experience is a 100% perfect reflection of your attitude and consciousness, if there are things within your existence that you do not prefer, now you may understand that they reflect to you certain ideas that once you look at, you can change. At this juncture, I remind you, your reality is a result after that quality of existence itself that you have, of your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. And one leads to the next.
You have a belief, a particular perspective, a point of view, an approach. From that approach, from that belief, you generate emotions and they always directly correspond.
Therefore, another way of looking at this is that your emotions are a 100% perfect reflection of your strongest belief that you are expressing in the moment you feel that emotion.
Now, by extension, what I am saying is that you can use your emotions in any given situations. And we are assumptively talking about the non-preferred emotions to trace back to that belief, because it is a 100% perfect reflection of that belief. Through your beliefs and then generated emotions, you create patterns of thought, what you sometimes refer to as mentality or thinking. Ultimately, because you are physical beings in a physical world, you then ACT, you DO something. And it is the actions in and of themselves that physically midwife your reality into place.
So, though you have the expression, ‘thoughts are things’, in your experiential reality, they are not, until you act upon them. So, thoughts once acted upon are things, would perhaps replace that definition more accurately. So, therefore, your actions always are the bottom line, 100% perfect reflection of what you are exploring.
And because of this, if you are doing something that you do not prefer, you can use that 100% perfect reflection to trace back. If I'm acting this way, how am I thinking? And when I think this way, what am I feeling? And when I feel this way, what must any person believe in these circumstances to feel this way? This type of self-honesty, this type of personal dialogue, can allow you in any given situation to trace back to the belief that you are expressing in that moment. You can only change a belief once you own it.
Once you acknowledge that, like it or not, ‘yes, this is the belief that I am expressing’. Denial of the belief blocks your access toward changing it. Simple acknowledgement equalizes it to all other beliefs. Denial gives it more weight, gives you more of a tendency to draw your attention to it and therefore more of a tendency to choose that belief. But acknowledgement lightens it up, equalizes it to all other ideas.
For it is not truly that within the beingness that you express that you have one belief or the other. That is not accurate. You would not be All-That-Is and leave one belief out. You contain the potential for all beliefs, every belief and its complete opposite, obviously.
So it is not a matter of beliefs that you are forced to, in that sense, play out with no choice. You contain all beliefs and the ones that you express have this particular effect of generating emotions, corresponding emotions or feelings, thoughts and actions. And again, since it is ultimately the actions that create your reality, whenever you head yourself off from automatic negative actions, you automatically change the outcome and cannot get the quote-unquote same old negative outcome in a quote-unquote seemingly same old situation.
No situations are truly the same, but we understand your tendency to create cycles that you label repetitive. When you deny a belief, you put it back into what you very effectively create as your subconscious. And then it presents itself to you again. So that is why you often will have a seeming repetivity in your life. When you deny a belief, back into the closet, but it does not stay there. It knocks upon the door many times louder and more obnoxious.
But that is up to you. For when it knocks seemingly once again, if you are willing to acknowledge it, it does not go back into the closet. It equalizes to all your other beliefs. Then you can choose the belief that you prefer. Sound too easy? Perhaps it is.
But that is how you already create your reality. Automatically, effortlessly, and simply. So when you extrapolate in your imagination how a person or yourself or anything you wish to plug in to make this practical, but how a person, with the new preferred belief would act having acknowledged the old belief, you will come up with a criteria.
You will come up with how a person would act if they had the belief that you say you prefer. And when your imagination hands this forth to you on, as you say, a silver platter, you then have plan B. Now, whichever you act on, the actions of the old, perhaps sometimes automatic belief, or the actions of the new preferred belief in acknowledgement of the old belief will determine the reality you experience, as it always has.
You are not learning to do anything new in what we are sharing. We are simply making you aware of what you effortlessly and automatically do and speak about factoring in choice, desire, and preference. For you can create your life through choice, according to preference, through your desire.
As, again, perhaps an alternative for many of the ways that you now express yourself. So in terms of step one, the acknowledgement of the limiting belief, both your actions, your thoughts, and your emotions are a 100% perfect reflection of those beliefs. That is part one.
Understand also the following. As you change, as you transform, as you choose anew, perhaps now consciously, everything that has ever happened to you, everything that you have ever done, anyone in this life that you have ever been, was absolutely 100% necessary in order for you to be who you are right now. Therefore, there is nothing you have ever been that is any less a perfect reflection of that level of expressing yourself than what you are doing now.
And you need not, when you adopt a new point of view, now go around blatantly invalidating the old point of view, both in yourself and both in everyone else who expresses it in your presence. Now, obviously, this is an option, but that is, in a sense, a denial and an invalidation of the point of view you say you no longer have. And invalidating a belief is, perhaps you can say many times, a fancy word for denying it.
So therefore, you can appreciate anything that you have ever been, anything that you have ever done. I am not saying in any way, shape or form to condone the things that perhaps you have done that may feel like they are out of integrity. No. Condoning something means acting that way now. But you can validate them. You can state in the moment, that is what has led me to here. ‘I prefer not to express that ever again, but I understand the value’. That is validating and then choosing anew. So therefore, in validating or acknowledging the beliefs that you have, in order to change them, you can also validate and acknowledge the different approaches that you have taken, the different points of view that you have explored.
The idea is that once you are willing to validate yourself to that degree, it spills over to your interpersonal relationships with everyone else. Once you are unwilling to invalidate anything about yourself, once you simply choose no longer to invalidate yourself, you will automatically, generally fairly immediately, begin to not invalidate anyone else. For, as your own literature says, love others as you love yourself.
And what this truly means is that your ability to love others is in that sense determined by your willingness to love yourself. And your seeming inability to love others is directly, as well, proportional to your unwillingness to unconditionally love yourself. So, as you perceive not only the perfection of what you are now exploring, but the perfection of what you have been and are willing to begin to acknowledge the perfection in all others, whether or not you choose to express that reality, then you can be approaching a point of view that exists within All-That-Is, which is ultimate appreciation, which is the willingness to unconditionally love any expression.
What you read of as the judgmental God in your Bible is not, from our perspective, an accurate representation of all that is. It is a personification. It is making God in the image of man and woman. The idea is that God is 100% completely unconditional. You cannot lose the love of God no matter what you do. No strings attached.
And therefore, because this mechanism exists automatically in the universe, you can always use that as a model. As a template. You can always tap into it, the unconditional love of All- That-Is, because it is constant and eternal. And your willingness to even touch base with it, to even understand, ‘wait a minute, no matter how I am treating myself, all that is unconditionally loves me. If all that is unconditionally loves me, I can feel that at any moment. Perhaps I can use a booster shot of trust in myself and take a few breaths and feel it.’ It is continuous. And all it takes, all it takes, is simply the notion of reminding yourself.
If you will agree that All-That-Is, is unconditionally loving, all it then requires is in a situation, a reminder. And again, nothing is truly learned but remembered from your totality, from what you already are, from what you already know. As you begin to live your life according to preference, according to your excitement, but with integrity, and integrity is simply in all that you do, expressing the constant knowingness that everything is all connected.
Everything is an extension of you and that everything that seems external to you exists within you. That understanding has an attitude of respect. For you would not, I assume, chop off your limbs. So therefore, I assume you would afford everything that same respect. And that is what we mean by integrity. For if you factor in what moves you in any situation and with integrity act upon that opportunity, you can get nothing but service to self and others.
For the recognition and honoring of that integrity is the ultimate acknowledgement of the 100% perfection of reality. Therefore, it is all at your fingertips, as you say. It is all within your grasp.
You already create your life, but many times you create again an apparency of what you call a subconscious. And then function from beliefs you express from that closet. However, only do you do so after having had a particular feeling, thought, and action.
That is the only thing that creates effect. So therefore, at any time, you can simply stop. Again, perhaps colloquially, look before you leap, before you do, for it is the doing that creates in your life.
It always has, it always will. And therefore, the tone, the intent, and the nature of your approach in action is what has created your life the way it is. The state of your life is a perfect reflection back to those beliefs that you have acted upon and thereby is a mirror or a window to transforming or changing the beliefs you no longer prefer.
And this is what begins to set you apart at this transformational age upon your planet. The idea of factoring in preference and the understanding that everything that you have ever created has been done by making a particular choice in a particular situation and then acting upon that choice.
Now, when you begin to look at changing your reality according to preference, never do you act without giving yourself at least one positive choice. For when you lie a negative, outdated set of actions on the table to see next to a positive, preferred set of actions, it will never be difficult to choose the positive actions that would reflect who you choose and prefer to be. It is simply a matter of admitting or letting yourself in on how that alternative would express. Is this clear?
Are you all alive? Thank you. Some laughter.
Good sign. Therefore, I thank you for your willingness to share the expression of your perfection with me and members of my society and the respective societies that we in many ways represent. For we always, no matter what you believe about yourself, believe in you utterly and understand the mechanism that you are now beginning to look at with more discerning eyes.
And this is one of the reasons we are even able to communicate with you at this time. For you have reached a point, not any better of a point than any other point, but simply a point where you are now willing to acknowledge what I am talking about within you. And therefore, automatically, because the universe is a 100% perfect reflection, you draw and attract unto yourself a 100% perfect reflection of what can be of assistance to you, thereby allowing you to begin to express yourself in less limited terms.
So my ability to communicate with you and your ability to understand what I am saying lets you know this and tells you this in no uncertain terms. You are ready. Nothing is an accident.
Everything is perfect. For that gift, the gift of sharing your perfection and swimming within the collective perfection that we all express, I thank you. And I ask you how we may mutually be of service to each other.
At this timing, allow me to thank you all for the perfection that you've chosen to share with us this evening of your time.
We value and revel in your approach, in your perspective. We value and revel the relationship that we have developed over the many years that we have communicated with your society. We appreciate your willingness, when you are not always completely willing to be honest with yourselves, to be more than honest with us.
For this, in a sense, allows you to get the idea, allows you to understand that when you are honest with who yourself is, that it cannot destroy you, but it enforces, reinforces who you are, and allows you to choose, if it is something about yourself that you no longer wish to reflect, to change it. When you do, you will then be a perfect reflection of the new idea you are exploring. You are all perfect creations, no matter what.
We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good evening and good life.