Greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you? Oh, thank you very much.
Allow me to begin this interaction with the entitlement ‘Positive and Negative Synchronicity’.
All right. Oh, thank you. Allow me to begin with the following idea, which you may or may not have heard. Although you perceive yourself as distinct, single beings, separate from your surroundings and within a reality, we again remind you that this is a self-created apparency that perhaps you can say, in fact, the reality exists within you. And although there is the apparency of all these separate ideas, everything fundamentally, foundationally, is all one thing, many, many facets of one expression. Many, many aspects of one event. And by the immutable nature and fact that this is one unbroken, continuous, singular event, everything within that one event that you call your reality is interwoven, is, in that sense, enmeshed.
What you call coincidence is not accident or accidental, but it is all of the various incidences occurring at the same time. Same co-incidence, incidences, COINCIDENCE. Understand that because everything is all one expression, everything is related to everything else.
From your point of view, there may be varying degrees of significance to you of any particular meaning. However, from the overall point of view, everything is all one thing. And because the definition of synchronicity is that everything is all one thing, an interwoven expression, everything is synchronicity itself, everything, no matter what. Therefore, synchronicity, the interwovenness of all creation, is, in a sense, you may say, the rule, not the exception within it.
Now, your experience of this synchronicity, of everything as belonging, of everything as having a reason, of everything as reinforcing your point of view, will depend solely on your particular choice of interpretation. The only thing that you need do to realize positive synchronicity, which is a positive outcome, and perhaps an outcome you say you wish in that sense to experience, is very simply to allow yourself to be aware that everything is synchronicity. When you allow yourself access to this awareness, then you allow yourself a tool of realignment in any given moment. For if, in a moment, you say, ‘why is this happening to me?’ you are, in that sense, affirming that your reality is a series of broken events rather than one expression. And therefore, you get that effect. When you say, ‘why is this happening to me’ it continues to seem as though it is happening to you. But when you remind yourself that it is happening from you, it is you, and ask yourself how it is of service to you, you then take the synchronicity and, interpreting it in a positive way, giving yourself the opportunities that synchronicity brings. For in every given moment, there is a reason for absolutely everything within your perception, no exceptions, down to the dust on the leaf on the tree.
In terms of you needing to be consciously aware of each and every meaning, this is not always so. And this is what I mean by relative degree of significance. Things which may not seem to have a direct obvious meaning to you, do have a direct obvious meaning to someone else who is also creating, through synchronicity, the similar circumstance and the similar proximity to the event that you are beholding.
So very simply, this can be applied by first of all, in any situation, realizing that everything is synchronicity. Everything fits, everything has a reason, everything is there to be of service. And that again, one step, so to speak, will align you to the positive synchronicity in the situation.
Step two, very simply, is ACT that way. If you truly say, I understand that this is synchronicity, then look at what actions that you can take with integrity, because of the circumstance that the synchronicity has delivered to you. Take the very event that you may have before said, why is this happening to me?
And now understanding that it is happening from you, realize that there is something you can do, because that circumstance has showed up. There is some action that you can take that you would not have been able to take without that particular circumstance popping up. That is, in the same exact instance, giving you the opportunity to either get a negative effect with the negative interpretation or a positive effect from the positive interpretation and subsequent positive actions.
Therefore, everything is synchronicity. When you interpret that synchronicity through negative means, as though it is happening to you, your experience of that synchronicity will be negative synchronicity. And sometimes, perhaps you can say, one of the ways your society will define the perpetuation of negative synchronicity in your life is with the nomenclature you seem to refer to as bad luck, which there is no such thing as.
But when you accept synchronicity in that way, and in fact then imbue it as a momentum, imbue it also predicting that perhaps this is what you may continue to expect, you create that negative synchronicity. You create the synchronicity that already exists and experience it through negative terminology. However, you can always turn this around quite simply with a simple reminder that everything is synchronicity.
It is there for a reason. Now, when you look for the reason, either it will be immediately obvious, because you have given yourself the opportunity to look at it, or it may in that sense not be that obvious. That in and of itself tells you whether the meaning in that moment is relatively significant to you.
If you say, all right, this would seem like a bummer, and I understand it to be synchronicity, what is its positive meaning? What does it mean to me in a positive way? And that meaning comes along, then you needed to know the specific meaning.
But if it does not, that as well as an indication tells you in that moment that you need not know that specific reason, and perhaps it will become apparent later if you need to know it at all. But the point is, if there is not a meaning forthcoming in a given moment, you need not fixate upon obtaining one. You may understand that is the answer to the question, that the meaning, the specific meaning of that symbol is not at that moment important to you, or it will be completely obvious.
Is this clear? So therefore, you need not struggle with these meanings. They will either be completely apparent and then be of service through you through that apparency, or it will not be that apparent, but you can still align with the positive action to take in that moment, understanding that you know that it has a meaning.
Because you create yourself in linear terms, whereby you do unroll your knowingness rather than having it all at once, it seems as though you unroll it according to a timeline, according to the particular coincidences current in that moment. There are certain things which simply would not behoove you to know the meaning of, and knowing the meaning of it in that moment would actually be a distraction rather than an aid.
So allow that feedback to be completely obvious. Is there a meaning? Yes.
All right. Is there a meaning? No.
All right. No meaning? ‘I will keep my eye out in case a meaning pops up, but I will not fixate upon that meaning’, for that then locks you into a loop, where thereby you can create the apparency of negative synchronicity from fixating upon something and again assuming it to be extraneous.
Not knowing something is just as meaningful as knowing it. It is not, ‘if I know it, it is perfect. If I do not, I'm flubbing it up’. It's extraneous. No. Your reality is so obvious that if you do not need to know something, that will be completely obvious.
And this is not always well understood.
If again you feel, well, it is something I would wish to know the meaning of, then maintain as a clear intention, I intend to discover that meaning and move on. Move on, meaning, act in that moment from what is available. But to the degree that you are willing to begin to recognize synchronicity, you then begin to be able to marvel in the splendor of your creatorhood. For you literally do create it down to the sub-atomic particle and perhaps you can say even further. And the complexity through which you create is in fact again the splendor of the life you call your reality.
So therefore, nothing within that reality is extraneous. Everything has a reason, everything has a meaning and if you simply realign to that idea and act that way, everything that we have shared with you simply falls into place. Perhaps you can say in many ways that most of what we have ever shared with you boils down to, number one, everything is synchronicity and number two, act with integrity on the opportunities that synchronicity brings you.
Therefore, you can look at the many different interpretations that you have within your life in any given moment. If you are in that sense interpreting through fear, through anger, through jealousy, through hate, then you are interpreting your reality through negative synchronistic terms. If you interpret your reality through excitement, through joy, through unconditional love, through willingness in that sense to be of service and be served, you are then interpreting your reality through positive synchronous terms.
And this is the only change or shift in your perspective from your point of view that then allows you to experience one or the other. Now I remind you, negative does not mean bad and positive means good. That is one way to look at it, but they are very general terms and again from our perspective, negative is simply the energy of separation and positive is the energy of integration.
And in order to remain physical beings, you must maintain some degree of separation. So negative energy is part and parcel of what allows you to experience yourself as discrete and separate beings. So there is nothing wrong with negative and in fact you could only be experiencing the very reality you are creating right now through the use of that type and style of energy.
But what gives you negative or positive experience, negative or positive happenings in your life can in that sense be altered by your action. For you can in that sense perform separative actions, actions which do not in that sense take into consideration that everything is all one thing and then get the reinforcement of that idea, which you will call negative synchronicity. Or you can simply understand again the oneness, the positive idea.
And upon assigning the positive label and the positive interpretation, the positive orientation, you will then perform the positive actions. And again it is the actions that you perform that will determine what you get, the experience in your physical life. So you need not forsake the negative and you may find in your synchronous explorations that you will find many other individuals who are exploring negativity.
What will allow them to enjoy their explorations and you to enjoy yours is your willingness to validate without condoning through your own actions their negativity. They have the right, just as much as you have the right to experience and explore anything you wish, they have the right to explore negativity. And as you expand you will become more aware of both.
But if you allow the awareness of negativity to simply be through the experience of others and allow the awareness of positivity to be your direct experience, well why not? That certainly is an option and many of you are beginning in that sense to delve into this idea. Therefore you may understand that doing what excites you the most from what is available in any given moment and acting on that excitement with integrity is in one sense you may say the ultimate acknowledgement of positive synchronicity and the ultimate acknowledgement of your willingness to act on that synchronicity and nice touch, have a good time along the way.
For do understand that you do not have from this moment forward to continue to experience misery in your life. That also being an emotion is the result of a belief that you hold and your willingness to use your emotions, not deny them, not attempt to escape them which is impossible as you stand right now but use them to trace back the belief will allow you in that sense to transform that same belief and therefore the effect of that belief, the so-called misery. Now understand also that what you call misery, many times also, is simply the choice perhaps unconsciously but no less a choice of in that moment, negative interpretation, and you may experience what you call sadness or misery simply by in a given moment interpreting according to negative means, interpreting things through in that sense a negative perspective.
That belief that a negative thing can manifest in your life, can in that sense, in and of itself, bring along the feeling that you call misery. But your willingness to realign in a given moment, reassign that everything is synchronicity and perhaps this is not the one exception in the Universe, will allow you, in that moment to do something different. It is when in the similar situation you do the same thing that that similar situation has the same effect, or you have the same experience from it, but the moment you do one thing differently, even if you've already interpreted it negatively, you cannot, cannot, get the same effect. iIt is impossible.
It is not the interpretation that gives you the experiential effect in your life. The interpretation may give you the emotion, but what gives you the experience in your life is the perspective that you act from, is the perspective that you move or do from. So even if you initially, through perhaps old habits if you will, interpret something as negative, if you do not act in that moment, if you allow yourself to remind yourself, everything is synchronicity, again perhaps this is not the only exception, perhaps this is synchronicity too.. ‘initially I had assigned it a negative label and I can see how I was about to do something that would definitely yield a negative effect, however I am now, in reminding myself that this is also synchronicity, searching other options before I act.. what can I do that would be positive in my imagination, what would the preferred me do? Not the me who just negatively interpreted this and was then about to react from that negative interpretation but the preferred me who did not even interpret it that way to begin with,’.
Use your imagination along with the concept of synchronicity. Bring forth the referential preferential you, the preferred you in your imagination and hand the situation over, understanding that that preferred you, that new you so to speak is looking at it as synchronicity. Watch what that you does. Do that new thing rather than the quote-unquote old approach and you cannot help no matter what but get a positive result across the board. Simply there is no such thing as an accident, which is something that was not meant to be.
There may be the idea of having a particular intention and having that intention not quite play out the way that you would have perceived that it would and then you label it accidental but ultimately everything is co-incidence; incidents is occurring at the same time, interwoven and one thing has absolutely everything to do with everything else. Nothing is unrelated so therefore it is no accident in that way that you are here this evening of your time interacting with us in this way. It is no accident.
Whatever it is that you will do next when you leave this interaction, everything has a reason. Allow yourself to begin to be aware of the reasons where and when they present themselves and again if it is not completely obvious, do not create paralysis but continue to move, continue to move with excitement, continue to move with the knowledge that even though I do not know the meaning, I am reminded that this is synchronicity and therefore it is an opportunity, a blessing in disguise for your willingness in that sense to interact with us in this way and for your willingness to allow us to express to you what you already know. I thank you and ask you how I may be of service to you.
At this timing, allow me to thank you all for your synchronous ability to attract yourself to this interaction, for even if when interacting with us nothing is apparently of service to you, you will find that we do interact with you on what you create to be other levels and therefore the usefulness of what we communicate with you and the timing and dispensation of it, is an ongoing process and you may just find walking down your street, when a car comes by and splashes water all over your clothes, that you say ‘this is synchronicity! ah elan said that would happen’ and then you will take the positive action rather than kicking the car and hurting your foot.
Each time you kick that car, yes, you will hurt that foot. So perhaps that, is an example of performing the same action and getting a similar result.
We thank you for your willingness in that way to interact with us at this timing. We thank you for your willingness to open up the many doors within you that allow you to see that it is all one house, one house that you live within, one house that we live within, the house of All-That-Is. We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good evening.
Another gem to enrich us all. Indeed synchronicity. Even down to the manner in which a particular leaf falls from a tree, the direction it takes and its (somewhat) ultimate fate. I get hints of this often observing the picture show that unfolds for my physical/spiritual eyes. The degree that we notice it and its relevance to us is the variable factor at play. I would also term this Divine Providence at work. It is with so much care and Love even though it may not be seen as such (at first). We are safe and in good hands ultimately.
I love these posts and i am i am so grateful for all the effort. You’re very very generous, EI. Thank you.