All right, I'll say greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you? Oh, thank you very much.
We begin this interaction this evening of your time with the entitlement ‘Opening Up’. When beginning in that sense to take back your power, to decide how you wish to live your life and begin to express that life through preference with integrity, one of the things that is most helpful is, in that sense, letting go of preconceived notions and in that sense, loosening your grip, to produce rather than a forcing, an allowance, an opening up, an open posture.
When you begin in that sense to make such a decision to transform your life, obviously one of the notions that comes up is what do you wish in that sense to transform it to?
What are your preferences? What is representative of who you choose to be?
Therefore, the first, shall I say, step of opening up will begin by tuning in to in that sense, your preferences; to tuning into the energy that you produce on an emotional level which allows you to see in any given situation what is most you and what perhaps is no longer representative of who you choose to be.
Therefore, one of the representations of that vibration is what you refer to colloquially as your excitement. For your excitement is that vibratory representation, the energy, if you will, that tells you in any given situation that the thing that excites you the most in that moment is most you, is a representation of who you chose to be.
Now, when you open up, you can in that sense allow any factor to lead you, any factor to set the tone. Many individuals in that sense will choose to open up to fear and allow that fear, which is believing that a reality that you do not prefer is most likely to lead your life and that is certainly one possibility I need not tell you. However, you can begin now to tune into your excitement, which is in that sense a representation of your passion, a representation of THE thing in any given moment from what's available that is most representative of the thing that if you act on, will give you the result that will change your life according to preference.
So first of all, opening up takes the form of being cognizant of beginning to define the things that excite you for you truly deserve these things and it is now a matter of getting down to identifying them.
Very often your society will seem to talk you out of many of the things that have excited you perhaps as you were growing up, maybe saying ‘that's irresponsible, that's no way to make a living, everyone knows that you should grow up and not do that’, but understand that until you believe it, until you buy into what they say, everyone does not know anything. When you buy into it then yes, it seems like everyone knows this and that, but there is no ‘that's the way it is’.
There are in fact many ‘that's the way it is’ and you in that sense get to choose and the one that you choose, yes, will seem to present the evidence that that is the only way it is, but that is the nature of beliefs. Whatever you believe, every belief system has along with it a built-in self-sustaining, self-perpetuating system of logic and system of evidence, so truly by extension, believing is seeing, you will always see it and if you shift the belief and act according to the new belief, the evidence changes and since both realities have evidence, you may understand they are both true, the thing that you do not prefer is true and the thing that you do prefer is true and it is not a matter of deciding which is true, this or that, for that is a very narrow-minded approach.
It is more the understanding that THE truth is composed of all truths and all truths are true to those who believe them. They then again provide their own evidence which tells them it's the only way, but when you begin to see that someone else's truth is just as true, that gives you equal access to choose any truth that you prefer and by not buying into the notion that there is a truth and everything else is false, you allow yourself that many more options of things to choose from.
So therefore, all truths are fundamentally and foundationally true to the individuals exploring them and when you in that sense act according to a particular belief, the evidence is provided making it seem like that's the way it is and this works for all beliefs and all individuals across the board, as you say. So this is automatic.
Therefore, perhaps the second thing that will behoove you to open up to is the things you truly believe, for many of the things that you believe, you have chosen to believe. You have consciously chosen to match and create that belief in your life. But because you create the idea you call unconscious, many beliefs also will you have bought into quote-unquote ‘on faith’. Perhaps because that was what you were spoon-fed and perhaps because no one told you there was another option, so you just assumed that is the truth,’that is my belief’ and then by creating that belief got the evidence that that was the only way.
Paradoxically, you cannot change one single thing that you do believe till you first acknowledge that you believe it and this is particularly true of the beliefs which you have created or chosen unconsciously. Because you create the separation of them being unconscious, they are not at your disposal till you make them conscious, till you allow them to become conscious and till you allow yourself to become aware of them. Therefore, the beliefs that you have which are unconscious do present themselves to you, do come to the surface and if you are open to their messenger, if you open up to the messenger of your beliefs, you can allow them one by one to spring forth to your awareness from your subconscious mind. Well, ‘how do you do this’ you may ask? Good question, I'll tell you.
All beliefs result in something you call emotion and you are quite emotional beings but perhaps have not always been taught that these emotions are always, no exceptions, a result of a belief. So you do not just feel that way, well I just feel that way. Many times individuals upon your society will say but that is not quite accurate, perhaps you can fool yourself into thinking that but ultimately every emotion is the direct result of a belief, you feel that way because of something you believe.
Therefore, emotions themselves are a window to your beliefs and therefore a window to your liberation from unconscious beliefs that you no longer prefer. And simply when you feel an emotion that is from an un-preferred belief in general, by extension, conveniently it will be an un-preferred emotion.
Now this is where many of your society run and cower, ‘oh no, you mean I have to feel something bad’? Well the idea is this, if you are willing to feel your negative emotions rather than deny them and squelch them, yes you do have to feel them but only for a very short amount of time. For when you get down to feeling your emotions and allowing yourself to express them, then you are in the perfect mindset to ask yourself, not now hypothetically but while you are feeling it, ‘what must I believe right now in these circumstances to feel this way’. So opening up to your emotions is the allowance of those emotions again, particularly ones that you do not prefer, for they deliver on their wings the messages that are your beliefs.
So therefore, when you open up to your emotions, allow them through and then ask yourself what belief lies under them, then the quote-unquote ‘unconsciously bought into belief’ gets handed to you as you say on a silver platter. It becomes most obvious in that moment, that is why the emotion is created, to tell you, to allow you to see what you believe. And once again, once you acknowledge a belief and acknowledge that it is A truth and not the only truth, you then equalize it to all the other options which you now lay before you. When you deny that, when you say ‘well here I feel a negative emotion, what must I believe? I must believe this particular negative thing, oh I would never believe that, oh anyone who believes that is very bad, no way,’ you deny that emotion, you deny that belief and you tuck it back into the subconscious.
When you acknowledge in that sense, the belief, ‘well I would prefer not to believe this I would prefer no one did but obviously I do believe it’ you are now back in what you call the driver's seat. You now can change that belief but only because you have allowed yourself to acknowledge it. Acknowledgment liberates your unconscious beliefs, denial tucks them back in and by the way, they then come back knocking louder, for you cannot ultimately for very long, deny what is inside of yourself. It grows nastier, uglier, noisier and eventually will come in some unpreferred form that you will address it.
So your willingness to begin to dive into addressing your beliefs, again, in the form of negative emotions allows you to see an interesting thing that occurs. Once you are willing to feel the anger, feel the fear, feel whatever negative emotion that you create and again it hands you the belief, you generally get to a point now that you've dived into it where you simply go ‘well now what’, it is not that the emotion ever continues to grow and overbear you, only does it seem to do so when you deny it, or you deny its underlying belief, so in acknowledging, in calling forth a belief that an emotion represents, the hold of that emotion begins to loosen, for that is again why the emotion has been created by you.
And when you use your creations in a positive way they have no reason to hang around after that. They have played out their purpose. So your willingness to feel these negative emotions and trace them back to the belief actually allows you to end cycle on feeling them. Your willingness to say well ‘that couldn't be me, I’m beyond that’ again tucks it back in the form of denial and again you will get to look at it again some other time in a nastier form.
As you open up to your emotions, as you open up to your thoughts, for they often will be generated from such emotions and trace back to the belief, the last thing that is left to open up to, is what you call your actions, for your beliefs create emotions and thoughts and with that foundational prism you then act, you do something, you perform an action in your reality. That action will always be tainted if it is again a negative belief but somehow will reflect in either a blatant or subtle way the underlying belief, emotion and thought.
Never again do you act in a vacuum or do anything in a vacuum. There is always a foundation. So obviously if you have a negative belief, yielding a negative emotion, yielding a negative thought, the actions that you perform will have a negative foundation and cannot help but again blatantly or subtly come out as negative actions.
In a physical world which is where you choose to exist, actions are actually what create the reality physically, so therefore belief, emotion and thought are the foundation and action is the midwife that brings in that reality and you always again as you always feel what you believe, you always act according to what you truly believe.
So beginning to open up to your actions, ‘how am i acting in a particular circumstance’ again particularly when you are not acting according to your preference, can also be traced back to a belief. Now this is what liberates you from your unprepared belief,s opening up to them in the form of emotions, thoughts and actions, but where you transform them, having acknowledged them, is by opening up to the actions performed from the old negative beliefs, which is again what creates your life.
You may now, that you are equalizing the old unprepared belief by acknowledging it, call up the new preferred belief, and the new preferred belief, when you even state it with your eyes closed perhaps sitting still and quiet, you can begin to get a sense of how it feels, because again all beliefs yield an emotion even if you are only trying them on. So you can literally conjure up the feeling by simply stating the belief that you prefer, having acknowledged the old belief that you no longer do. When you state the new belief and begin to feel it, and projecting your imagination very clearly, how one with the new belief would act, if you open up to those actions which will be absolutely different obviously from the actions of the negative belief, you now have in front of you a mold, a model, choice A, negative actions according to the negative belief and choice B, positive actions according to the new preferred positive belief.
When you go through the process of allowing yourself rather than being automatic, to begin to assess this mechanism and lie side by side the actions of the unprepared belief to the actions of the new preferred belief. It is not shall I say, a great difficulty, in choosing the positive actions, for now that you have showed yourself that there is an alternative, now that you have seen that your actions were the result of an unprepared belief, now that you called forth the preferred belief, and again see in no uncertain terms that the actions of the preferred belief are different, it is not that difficult to choose the actions of the preferred belief because now that you have given yourself the advantage of acknowledging them as an option, they are far more representative the new actions according to the new beliefs of the you, you say, you prefer to be.
So going through this particular process if you wish to call it that, will always give you two sets or two courses of action. And again, one will be preferable to the other so it will be no big choice to make. And this is how you create your reality: you believe, you feel, you think, you act, you're already doing this. Again the negative unprepared beliefs are yielding negative unprepared actions which are creating negative unprepared results. This is nothing you need master, you’re experts, believe me.
Therefore now, if you wish to master anything else, you can master performing, making yourself aware of first, and then performing, the new preferred actions, which again by extension can only yield at least a different result, in the same quote unquote ‘seeming same circumstance’.
So your opening up takes the form of becoming aware of what you already believe, feel, think and act and becoming aware of what you wish to believe, how that would feel, how one would think and act with that belief, providing options, providing alternatives, which again then are not difficult to choose.
Again, I remind you, this can be greatly simplified by simply in any given moment, allowing yourself to factor out things that are not available to act upon in that moment, pushing them aside, leaving them for later, and seeing what is right in front of you, in any given moment, what's right here, what's right here, what's right in front of my face, and choosing from those options the choice, the option that excites you the most that you can act upon with integrity. This will change the face of your life without the process and the opening up process will simply then be automatic; you will simply in the perfect timing have particular negative feelings, which will then be the perfect timing to trace them back to the beliefs, reassign new beliefs, reassign new actions, perform the new actions, and get the new reality. You are right there, right there, at the precipice of changing your reality and even being able to understand a single word that is translating through the channel allows you to know that you are capable of this.
Now lastly before we proceed to interact, openness, being open, is an advantage. What you call God, what we call All-That-Is, what sometimes will be referred to as the Universe or Infinite Creation, in that sense always provides to you what you truly feel you believe and deserve to have and therefore, a posture of openness, ultimate willing to be completely open, therefore results in the Universe withholding nothing from you. It is a point of power.
Many individuals in your society will equate that degree of openness to what you call in a negative sense, vulnerability, but understand vulnerability need not mean in any way shape or form, weakness. It can simply represent your willingness to be completely open to the Universe and again I remind you the Universe then withholds nothing from you. Only will that degree of openness be perceived as weakness if you believe that again something that you do not prefer can slip in there and get you.
And the bottom line is, you are the entire Universe, ultimately metaphysically speaking, you are the cause of causes. There is no outside and therefore there is no outside for something to sneak in from and get you. It is all within you.
You have the perception and one of the explorations of physical reality is that your soul is within your body, but from our perspective and our knowledge and understanding, this is completely reverse of the actual, shall I say, mechanism of Creation, for literally, literally, your body is within your consciousness not the other way around. Your body is but a point, a pinpoint, in that way of your Consciousness itself. So from that perspective, you truly create it all and from that perspective, anything that you perceive to be external, is still within you and therefore from your point of view, a reflection of something within you.
Therefore, you can use all the various reflections in your reality in a positive way. Some will align you in the aspect that you will agree with them and they will assist you in defining who you are by reinforcing who you are, but some of the external reflections will in that sense, allow you to define yourself through what you call opposites or by showing you an example of something that you absolutely are not and therefore, though you do not usually interpret it this way, is of service to you, by again aligning you to who you are with a dynamic tension in that case, by providing an example of who you are not, but however that allows for self-definition as well.
So no matter who you interact with and whatever you do, it is always of service to you, and it always assists you in defining and reinforcing your definition of who you are. Again, either by agreement or by complete antithesis but everything is of service to you. And again, since it is all within you, you may wish, you may just wish, to begin to approach it from that perspective, as reflections, as part of you, as gifts that are being offered to you. Again, sometimes ones which will support your viewpoint and others which will in a sense seem to run opposite to it but that again allows you to define yourself.
That is what you call anger, for anger is simply a momentary rush of alignment, when you in that sense interact with the reflection that is indicative in no uncertain terms of who you are not, and in that sense it is then of service to you. True anger only lasts 10 to 15 of your seconds. That feeling, that rush of alignment, again is of service to you, in your self-definition, beyond the 10 to 15 seconds.
In general, individuals in your society have been brought up with a tendency to spend then many successive minutes, perhaps you can say sometimes hours, days, weeks or years, invalidating and judging the thing which is not representative of who you are and that is why what you call anger seems in that sense, to last so long. But if you truly, in that sense count to 10, that is where that expression comes from, that will in general play out the amount of time by which you can realize that that rush of alignment has been of service to you and perhaps you can say, cut yourself off at the pass at invalidating the thing that is not representative of who you are, for just as denial, invalidating something that you do not prefer does not give it less weight, it gives it more weight by placing more attention upon it. Invalidating or judging a symbol, does not give it less weight in your life or less effect on you. It gives you more effect, more weight and you will never truly in that sense transform anything by continuing to judge it.
You can in that sense validate realities which you do not prefer without condoning them. In other words you can say, ‘All right that is not my exploration, a matter of fact it's nothing like my exploration, I would never do that, but obviously they have the right and reason to exist as well. They, although I can’t imagine what, are exploring something from some level, so I will allow them to explore that’ and that is the extent of the, shall I say, tone with which you then validate them with.
But again, you can validate something without condoning it. Allowing something to exist on its own and not interacting with it, is not condoning it, it is validating it. Where you condone an action is when you perform a similar action, so if you, in a sense find that someone is doing something that is not representative of who you are, and you are willing to validate it as a reality and then not do that thing for any reason, even if it's just to show them, then you are validating that point of view without condoning it. The moment you act that way, again, no matter what your rationale is, ‘well I'll show them how it feels so they'll never do that again’, the moment you show them you are being them, you are condoning that action. And you can begin now, through this realization, to simply validate all realities and only condone, only act according to the ones that are representative of who you are.
This form of opening up, particularly what we have just discussed, the latter portion, is the key to what you call peace upon your planet, for it is not the fact that you have many different ideologies in and of itself that creates warfare. It is the mutually exclusive element saying that ‘this is the way, the only way and no other ways have the right to exist’ that creates that friction, that creates that war. If there were only one way, there would only be one person, and in looking around obviously this is not so. Each person is a way, is a path. A path is not something you are on. A path is something you are and always shall be.
So therefore, beginning to validate the realities of others, beginning to validate the beliefs that you used to have or that you are finding no longer serve you, gives you equal access to all other realities. Validation is the key to equalization. Validating your beliefs that you no longer prefer and validating the realities of others that you no longer prefer without condoning them, these are the simple keys to beginning to embody inner peace. Beginning to embody peace of mind. Peace can only be achieved through the love of peace itself for peace from the perspective of hating war, is matching the vibration of hate and in fact by extension matching the vibration of war itself. So by loving that aspect, embodying that aspect, and providing through opening up to action, a living example of a person who is now willing to express their great power in this way, begins to allow you to be the initial examples upon your planet. Not to mention creates a life of ecstasy for you in the process, so I assume there is some attraction to what I am saying.
Our particular society functions in this way, and we in that sense, have complete inter-cooperation, in fact, to the point, where now we no longer have the need for what you colloquially refer to as privacy and our society expresses itself no longer through what you call language, but through tel-empathic connection, tel-empathic empathy, empathy which is vibrating as someone else so closely, matching their vibration so closely, that you begin to create similar thoughts, at the same time. That, is the mechanism that you call telepathy, but it is a form of empathy, and thus we rename it tel-empathy.
Our society functions in this way because again we are willing to look at the reality of others that do not correspond to our choices without invalidating them and simply going on about our way with the things that are representative of who we are. As you do this you attract other individuals who are now representative of the new belief and many times either your old friends will begin to seem to change as they too will be willing to match this or they will in a sense begin to disappear into the woodwork. As you redefine who you are, as you redefine your inner self, the outer reflection then changes to follow suit and always again is in this way, believing, seeing. It always has been, it always will be.
If one of the things that you believe is that seeing is believing, that is why you get that effect and that is one of the things you are taught upon and in your society. But the adverse is no less true. You are living examples of it, and as you change your beliefs and act according to the new preferred beliefs so will you too see what I am saying. Only you, can prove it to yourself. Only you, upon being so willing, can open up to who you are and express who you are throughout your life.
We wish now to thank you all for participating in this co-created interaction with us this evening of your time. It brings us great joy to function literally as ambassadors from our civilization and in allowing you on a ground roots level to act as ambassadors from your civilization as well, I thank you, express my unconditional love and appreciation, and ask you now, how I may be, of service to you.
When we speak of your planet being within a transformation, it is not something that will happen next week. It is something that occurred in approximately your 1987 year and the blatant geographic, political and economic evidence is all around you, since that year, an event in alignment, that was, in that sense, amplified by members of your society, sometimes you colloquially refer to it as the harmonic convergence, such then was the beginning, perhaps you can say of the integrative cycle in no uncertain terms.
Therefore now as a society, you are beginning to embrace ideas that heretofore were simply ridiculous. Godhood was something that was unobtainable, that was only relegated to others, but now you are understanding collectively, that you are each the Creators of your own reality, and as you begin to entertain this notion on any level, as you are opening up to this notion, you then attract the many reflections in your reality that will then allow you to bounce this idea around, that will then reinforce these notions because now you are perceiving, now is the precipice of the timing through which you can begin to create your life consciously without all that seeming momentum. You now again will not be running from the old reality, but in walking toward the new reality, simply render the old reality irrelevant. Not get rid of it, again there's nowhere to put it, but you render it irrelevant to the present focus, which is positivity.
Again, before we, in that sense depart, understand in no way shape or form, do we mean, when we say negative and positive, bad and good. Those are arbitrary terms. When we say negative, we mean separative, limiting. When we say positive, we mean integrative, bringing things back together. Those are the expressions within your reality; positive and negative, and it is not that positive is good and negative is bad, they are both completely equal, diametrically opposed explorations. The negative energy in being separative, actually is one of the energies that allows you to perceive yourself as distinct physical beings. So therefore while you are physical to some extent, that negative energy, again meaning the separative aspect will be present, to allow you to make the separation between yourself and someone else. So negative is not something to run from, but in walking toward and embracing positivity, integrative action, that negativity again no longer has a hold on you, no longer has an effect. It is simply a fascinating notation in someone else's reality.
You CAN live the life that you prefer. You are, in co-creating an interaction with me, opening up, in no uncertain terms. Whether you find yourself attracted to these ideas and you in that sense engage in them or whether you never want to have anything to do with me again, you have opened up to ideas which will be of service to you whether you use them or not. That is in a sense my only job; not to insist that what I am saying is true but to simply provide an alternative, allow you to make your own decisions and unconditionally love you no matter what. Therefore, if I am doing my job adequately, ultimately, I will put myself out of a job for there will be no other individuals looking anywhere outside of themselves. And then we will simply again share, perhaps physically at that point, as equals, face to face.
We thank you for your willingness to co-create this interaction. We thank you for your willingness to share the aspects of yourself that have heretofore remained in your own private domain. As you open up, you will realize that there is nothing within you that you need run or hide from, they are all ideas and it is not that one is true and another is not true, they are all truths and your masterhood, your choice, your preference, now factors into it. It is not ‘this OR that’. It is, ‘this AND that’, which do you choose? It's up to you, you're opening up. We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good day.
For so many years, Elan's material remained hidden to the world but to only a few. Even so, it was only available in low quality audio form, disjointed, out of order. Finally, this material is really getting the full treatment it deserves, and the curated transcripts ensure that these messages can remain in the public domain for posterity..., reading and re-reading it, often provides a different angle, perspective each time. It's truly holographic. 😍
Another thing that I prefer sharing here instead of YT comment section -
There was a sharing with regards to alien abduction
( I don't like to call them aliens, I prefer cosmic friends/family. Well I found cosmic friends and family too long to address my friends and family in spirit so one day I thought of choosing a different word to address them all which should be shorter and I ended up choosing "my loves" it's so cute. I chose that to address them because my cosmic family/friends in spirit loves me unconditionally 😌✨ When I finally made the decision to call them that, Elly came with Annie, asking "so you'll call me my love too?" I thought of teasing him, so I said directly "no way" 😂😂 okay now back to the topic )
And I believe Elly said something like though some may find that experience scary but others find it beautiful and wish to keep it private. As soon as he said that I imagined something - being in a hospital bed, a doctor on my right giving me injection or taking my blood. There were others in the room doctors or nurses, I greet them and I'm very chill in the place. I believe it was my version of it and it was hospital setting and they took the form of human so that I don't get scared. I didn't get the proper glimpse of the doctor giving me injection but I believe he is very handsome and had I seen his human face properly I'd have a crush on him 🙈 I must have told them "oh you wanna take my blood or something related to that to help you? Please go ahead but make sure I don't feel hurt or feel pain in the process. I don't like pain" God I'm so amazing I love myself 😂💖
And another Sharing a woman said thanks for loving me unconditionally while I got angry at you. God I found that so cute and that made me laugh a little because I playfully get mad at him, shout at him and even hit him sometimes but in a playful manner. Elly is so cute. God I love him and Annie so much 💖
"...[i]f I am doing my job adequately, ultimately, I will put myself out of a job for there will be no other individuals looking anywhere outside of themselves." I love this. Always believed this. Nothing better than two or more complete individuals creating a greater whole. 😁
Oh God just finished listening to the intro speech and feeling excited to share something with regards to what Elly Said about condoning things that we don't prefer. Listening to that part blew my mind because I did that in the past, and to some extent, still do. I was like "damn I do that" I didn't feel guilty or bad realising that I still do that which is a big achievement for me ( because in the past I was a kind of person who would feel guilty most of the time for her mistakes, intentional or unintentional. God living with the feeling of guilt felt so unbearable painful. I felt like living in hell. I don't have any enemies but if I did, I wouldn't even wish that for my worst enemy ) After acknowledgement of doing that I just thought "so what now?" Then I told myself "okay I will stop condoning things that I don't prefer." Then maybe I said to myself "let's create a new timeline" Then I imagined I'm saying to myself that I won't condon the things I don't prefer, with my eyes closed. After saying that suddenly a line of colourful lights appears from me creating a new timeline. Then I looked up and said "thanks Elly, hugs and kisses"giving him flying kisses. He was above me like in the air and replied "hugs and kisses to you too"and then he disappeared. It
felt awesome to imagine that. I'm feeling expansive as I share this incident here. Sharing it here feels like a form of acknowledgement to me as well.
Happy weekend, beautiful souls. Peace and love 😘💖