Greetings and welcome this evening of your time as you create time to exist. How are you all? Are you all alive?
Well, thank you. Allow me to proceed and entitle this interaction, ‘It Takes One to Know One’.
Allow me to begin in the following way. Very often we will speak to your society as the creators of your reality that you are, and in communicating this idea to you, explain that you can only experience the reality, you can only experience the results or have the experience that you are the vibration of. From time to time there will arise some confusion from members of your society as to exactly what does the vibration of mean? And perhaps that is a fair question.
The idea is that as Consciousness, which is what you are in your pristine state, in your natural state, you are energetically speaking, expressed as a frequency or a vibration within the overall primary frequency you call God and we call All-That-Is. So therefore, in one sense you may say that your particular expression, your particular statement is a vibration. And the difference in that vibration, the difference in that frequency determines the distinct and discrete personality that you are.
Now, this is all well and good and perhaps sounds nice, but it is also quite practical. For in a physical world, though you are Consciousness, you create certain ideas that are distinct in physical reality. One of those ideas is what you call time and a timeline and unfolding along that timeline.
But being again that this is physicality, physical action is the ultimate expression in this life of your vibration. Physical action is the expression of the statement of who you are in any given moment. Physical action is the ultimate evidence of a belief that you hold.
For you truly, when you say you create your reality according to your beliefs, do so through the mechanism of action. For you act as though you believe something. You act as a person who believes a particular belief and it is those actions that midwife the belief into reality.
So therefore, whatever you do in any given moment and in what you call succession of moments determines a particular expression or a particular version of your vibration. And when you change your actions, you will change a component, shall I say, of your vibration. Now understand, one component, so to speak, of your vibration is constant or consistent.
And perhaps you can call that your signature vibration. That is the aspect of you that allows you to know no matter how you change physically and the physical world seems to change around you, that you are still the same you. So that sense of being who you are is the core of your vibration, your signature vibration. But the surrounding, shall I say, component of your vibration is changing and is expressed again according to the actions of your life. So when I say you can only experience the reality that you are the vibration of, one other way to interpret this is that you can only experience the reality that you act like or act as if it is most likely. So therefore, it is not that you are a slave to your beliefs, for until you act upon those beliefs, nothing happens.
They simply stay there in the mental, so to speak, plane. And the good news in this idea is that you can explore any mental idea, any belief that you wish, without performing the actions and not have a physical effect or an experience from it. You can therefore very safely explore your beliefs.
Look at the things that you believe and again, as long as you do not act upon them, you will not create them and can simply evaluate, view them and see if they are still the beliefs that you wish to hold in your life. So therefore, the vibration that you are is the reality that you experience. And in that sense, it takes one to know one. You must be one in order to know or see something.
Now, allow us to expand this a bit further for one other thing that you can understand. Very often, you will assume that you learn things that you did not know. Now, from one perspective, this may seem accurate, but from the perspective of your infinite self, everything already exists within you. So from that perspective, you simply remember things you already knew and have chosen to place an amnesia on yourself to explore from a different angle and experience as if anew. But you already contain everything again in your pristine, in your natural, what you sometimes call in your soul state.
So therefore, you may understand when you feel that you learn something or when you feel that something rings true with who you are, something is stated and it really means something to you or someone says something that brings you great joy. In order to understand that, in order to make sense of it, you must already on some level contain that idea. In order to know it, you must be that idea.
So therefore, when hearing information that you find most helpful or most joyful from any source, not limited to but including us, you need not ascribe a compliment to us or to the source. Now, you can acknowledge that that source was the trigger, but you can understand that we give nothing to you. We literally teach nothing to you.
We simply allow you through trigger to remember what you already know. And when you see again something that you find quite joyful, you can in that sense affirm or acknowledge that a particular source may have triggered that. But the point here is that you can also pat yourself on the back for you understood it. It made sense to you, meaning that you contain it on, are now remembering what you already knew. Again, from the perspective of your eternal self, you never truly learn anything new. You simply remember and reincorporate ideas that you have chosen to forget through exploration.
Through the viewpoint of your physical self, we understand that it seems that you were an empty slate that then was filled as your life went on. But that is part of the exploration in and of itself, imposing such a forgetfulness that you actually can learn or seem to learn, that you can actually discover something as if a new, that you can actually experience the joy of surprise, not knowing what is to come next. For when you are all-knowing and when you are expressing your all-knowingness, these things do not exist.
You cannot discover anything, you know it all. You cannot learn anything, you know it all. And you cannot be surprised, for it is all evident and nothing can creep up and surprise you in that way.
So one of the reasons that you even create a physical reality is to explore the joy of discovery itself. You literally forget everything in order to enjoy the process of remembering it and experiencing it as being fresh, as being new, as being fascinating, as again being unexpected. And this is part of the joy of the choice that you have all made to forget 99.999% of who you are. And if you begin to look at it this way and begin to get down to the business of being curious and fascinated by your reality, you will begin to truly glean why you have chosen to be here. For when you say, I was put here or I am stuck here, you are simply not acknowledging your hand in choosing to be here. And when you do not acknowledge it, you remove your ability to change your creations.
For if something is happening to you, where is the power? The power is in the external reality. If you understand that it is happening from you in the way that we are sharing, it hands you back the power and you can then change it if you don't like the way it is.
For again, your actions always express your truest beliefs. We have explained many times that as discrete personalities, perhaps one way that you can look at it is that you are a prism. You break down the white light of infinite creation or the white light of your soul or higher self through the three-sided prism of your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.
These are the ideas that make you a distinct individual that assist in shaping your vibration. But again, ultimately, it is the actions performed that create physically the manifestation of that vibration. We have also discussed that because emotions and thoughts are always a result of a belief that you can use your emotions and you can use your thoughts to trace back to beliefs that you may have bought into unconsciously.
When you then acknowledge those beliefs, they are now conscious. The acknowledgement and allowing them to be conscious allows you to choose new beliefs. You cannot choose new beliefs in denial of the old, but only in acknowledgement, for that acknowledgement equalizes the weight of that belief to all other beliefs.
You can use your emotions to trace back what you believe. And again, we have discussed this quite often. What we have not always then extrapolated and continued to discuss is that you can also do so by allowing your actions to be an obvious window to your beliefs.
For again, you always act as if you believe something. You do not act in a vacuum. You always act with a foundational, fundamental belief, emotion, and thought.
So therefore, you can also use your actions as a reflection of the state of your vibration and your actions as a reflection of the state of some of the beliefs that you are holding, that perhaps you no longer choose to hold. So, as we have often suggested, that you begin to allow yourself to feel your negative and limiting emotions rather than squelching, denying them, allowing yourself to feel them and asking yourself what a person must believe who would feel this, and using those emotions to trace the belief itself, nailing it down to decide whether you wish to change it or not. You can also do so quite effectively utilizing your actions.
And you will find that you always create what you believe, but only because you act that way. And when you begin to see which actions you perform, perhaps actions that result from a limiting or negative belief, you begin again to get an idea that will allow you to take back your power and change that belief. For again, the only reason you get the effect of that belief is you act that way according to that belief giving you that effect.
So, where we have often suggested that your imagination comes into play as an active tool, is once you have acknowledged an old unpreferred limiting belief that you have nailed down according to your emotions, and now we are speaking nailed down according to your actions, you can phrase the preferred belief and hand over to your imagination, allowing your imagination to create a person or an image that already has that belief, and allowing your imagination to show you how a person with the new preferred belief would act, how they would react or do in any given situation. Once you create this preferred you model in your imagination, you can hand any situation over to it, and it will show you what a person who believes this thing that you say you prefer to believe would do in that given situation. So therefore, if you find that you have an old belief and an old set of actions, you acknowledge that, then you call forth the new belief and allow your imagination to provide a new set of actions, those actions will be vastly different.
The actions of the new preferred belief will be most obvious and blatantly different from the actions of the old non-preferred belief, and you will have right in front of you two different options that obviously will have to have two completely different results. Therefore, you can begin to look at your beliefs, and before acting upon perhaps the more limiting beliefs, you can create through your imagination the preferred you as a reference, and allow yourself to hand over the situation to that preferred you, seeing what they do and coming up with an alternate set of actions. Even going through this seeming process and producing the new set of actions according to the preferred belief will always give you a set of actions that once you allow yourself to see that those actions are an option, will be most simple to choose the new actions rather than the old.
So there is no difficult process involved in changing your beliefs and the results of them. For even in giving yourself the benefit of another choice, that choice when you allow yourself to see it is so much more, shall I say, attractive, so much more representative of what you would prefer to create, that you can head off your old beliefs devolving into unpreferred actions by simply providing the alternative using your imagination as a tool.
Now I remind you that you already create your reality this way.You simply do it automatically and with no thought, but you always act according to what you believe. So we are not asking you to do anything difficult or anything that you need practice at. Simply are speaking about being more conscious about deciding what you want to believe and deciding what you want to create and then letting all the beliefs that you have bought into unconsciously that may prevent that from happening to come up in the form of emotions but also in the form of actions.
Watch what you do when you are doing something you do not prefer and rather than judging yourself for doing it, ask yourself what must I believe to be doing this? What must any person believe in this situation to be doing this? A belief will be again forthcoming.
A belief will be presented to you from perhaps you can say your subconscious in one way of thinking of it and it will be completely obvious that well obviously anyone who is doing this must believe this and that belief is now in your control to change for you have acknowledged it. I remind you that acknowledgement gives you back the power of choice. Denial takes the belief that you do not prefer and adds more weight, making it more likely that you will act upon it for you are in denial of it rather than acknowledgement.
All these beliefs exist within you anyway. You do not contain a belief and not contain its opposite. Your ability to even imagine anything shows you that you contain that as well and again I remind you since you are infinite and contain everything, there is no outside.
There is nowhere to put anything, put something. So you cannot get rid of a belief you do not prefer but you can re-emphasize your relationship to a belief that you do not prefer. You can make a belief that you do not prefer irrelevant to the actions of your life and therefore that belief will still exist within you but simply not be an expression of the choice consciously or subconsciously to live that belief.
So therefore all we are suggesting is to begin to watch what you do. When you do the things that you prefer in using this particular approach you will find that you do the things that you prefer and be due to positive beliefs that are preferable and non-limiting beliefs but when you watch the things that you do that you no longer prefer without judging them then you can see other things that perhaps you still believe that it may behoove you to acknowledge so you can change them.
Is this clear? Do you understand the value in a physical world of the action phase? That is your ultimate expression in physical reality.
It is the ultimate manifestation of what you believe and again you can always tell what someone believes someone else even by simply watching what they do in a situation for it is always blatantly obvious that the actions as well as the emotions and thoughts are directly a mirror are directly a window to what you believe. So therefore transforming your entire life according to preference is truly quite simple but it is a matter of being mindful and it is a matter of beginning now to choose to perpetuate the behavior that you prefer and to choose not to use the behavior that you do not prefer.
Now before we proceed to the interaction simply allow me to say that one of the ways that you lock yourself up from not using the actions that you don't prefer is through what you call self-judgment for when you judge those actions ‘well I shouldn't have done that dumb me’, you do not put yourself in the conducive mental state to glean positivity and glean meaning from it. You are far too busy beating yourself up so therefore if you find yourself judging unpreferred actions so what? When you judge yourself for judging yourself then you compound the judgment and the judgment becomes what is overwhelming.
When you simply acknowledge ‘all right I have judged myself but now I will go a step further and use these actions, what must I believe to have done this? Well perhaps I believe I was helpless in this particular way ... all right if I felt I was helpless a helpless person would act like this, now how would a powerful person act in this same exact situation’, plug that into your imagination, look at how the preferred you in your imagination acts in the same situation look at how they hold themselves look at how their composure remains, look at how they deal with other individuals.
You can use this method in the very simple way to replace the unpreferred actions but not while you are in the process of beating yourself up and knocking yourself down through judgment so therefore judgment slows down the process, judgment creates more separation within you and does not reflect acknowledgement and willingness to change the things that you no longer prefer, understanding that it is within your power to change anything in your life that you no longer prefer.
Again I remind you that you have so much power as a creator that you can create anything at all and I mean anything that you wish without harming yourself or someone else. Sometimes trust in timing comes into play when exercising this power but that is truly the extent of your great power. It is actually less of a powerful expression, a expression of less power to get what you want at the cost of someone else. That, is technically easier and requires less power but you have so much overwhelming power you actually have the capability of creating the life that you prefer without harming yourself, without harming anyone else.
This is the true degree of the power that you all possess to create your own reality.
Allow me now to thank you all for interacting with me in this way for you will understand that within my society this is simply all automatic and we discuss this with you for as you become more like an integrated society which is how we choose to express ourselves, that places you have a vibration that is similar to our own, similar enough that we can perceive each other for the vibration that you are also determines what you perceive and also determines what you attract and what you can interact with.
The Universe is an infinite statement with many overlapping realities literally in the same space at the same time only separated by difference in frequency, difference in vibration and as through your actions you shift your vibration not only do you change the effects of what occur in your life but you change the effects of what you perceive, and you change the effects of which realities are more alike your own and therefore which realities you can now attract.
Were you to 20 to 50 of your years ago explore many of the surrounding galaxies, space travel wise, you would have found very little life for your vibration as a society was so different from much of this life that you simply would not have perceived each other literally, physically, but as your vibration as a society and individually shifts, your perception shifts and you are now as a society beginning to see more identification with what you would call extraterrestrial sources for you are perhaps as a pendulum once in a while swinging into the vibration of certain other civilizations and certain other realities.
This is one of the reasons that some of the extraterrestrial interactions with members of your society will seem to be a bit out of phase with your reality, a bit dreamlike, for still are the vibrations somewhat dissimilar, they are similar enough to now perceive each other but still dissimilar so that there is still a slight incongruency.
As you begin to act and live according to preference, desire and unconditional love, you will find the many expressions within the multiverse to begin to be attracted unto you of same vibration. One of them is my society and my civilization, but we are not by any means the only one.
Of the things that I am truly thanking you for is that as a society and again individually, you have become enough alike of our vibration (there is still quite a bit of difference by the way), but enough alike for us to have these conversations, for us to at least communicate with you in some way.
In general it will be mental in a case such as this, it is mental removed once whereby we utilize within the channel his vocabulary for we do not speak your language and are able because you are of like enough vibration to communicate through this particular medium so to speak, thereby again allowing for an interaction and an exchange, so we thank you for your willingness individually and societally to begin to embody ideas of integration, of unconditional love, of understanding, that we are all one expression, many different facets many different explorations within but within One expression, One event that you call All- That-Is and you may understand that pretty much any of the societies that you will interact with have their own notion of what you call God but it is not a separated notion, it is not something out there. It is something within and you are all literally viewpoints or Eyes, if you will, of All-That-Is or God itself.
Each one a distinct viewpoint within the One event that is All-That-Is, so we express our unconditional love and appreciation to you for your willingness to begin to co-create a third reality that we both can step upon, that we both can exist within.
As your particular orientation comes closer to ours the possibility for face-to-face interaction becomes more possible but right now there are still many things that you still deny and still refuse to look at within yourself where you feel they can destroy you. As I have just shared nothing can destroy you and perhaps the only thing that can even seem to would be an idea that you act upon not simply think it, we do not play in that sense that particular game within reality for we no longer in any way deny anything so were we to come physically into your proximity our vibration, our bio energetic field what you would perhaps call our aura, will express this complete idea this non-broken energy field.
When you as beings deny aspects of who you are colloquially speaking as an analogy you create gaps within your own energy field and when you place our fields in proximity rather than your frequency, perhaps you can say driving our frequency downward a few notches, ours tend to elevate yours up a few notches so to speak and therefore the things that you deny and have refused to look at come rushing all at once to the surface which is in general a bit uncomfortable for you.
This is one of the reasons very often why when individuals interact with us and other extraterrestrial societies other extraterrestrial societies physically but sometimes even us in a telepathic way they begin to create ideas of intense fear for no apparent reason. The fear is not in general of the situation or of us. The fear is all these things that you deny flooding to the surface all at once from being in physical proximity to, again an accelerated bio energetic field. So this is one of the physical reasons that we have not to this point interacted face to face with your reality.
Now this has changed quite a bit over the last nine of your years, quite a bit and there would be less of this reaction if you wish to call it, that were we to meet face to face now then we would have, even just one to three of your years ago but there would still be some effect you are seeing within your society through what you call your media the drummings up of many of the societal things that have heretofore been denied. Many of them are negative, many of them surround what you call physical, mental and so on abuse and things such as this which have remained hidden and are now flooding to the surface in many blatant ways.
This is a direct sign since your mental mass consciousness is a reflection of your individual consciousness that your society is now ready to begin to look at many of the things that you have heretofore denied so the day where we can meet face to face draws closer and nearer.
It again is not necessary that we do so, but it is more and more likely all the time and you see the signs of it not only in yourself not only in the acceleration of your own explorations but societally speaking as well, for that I thank you and simply ask you now how I may be of service to you and we may be of service mutually to each other.
Oh and thank you and all of you for it is always up to you to create the reality that you prefer and even the fact that you are considering that it is possible is highly encouraging for the idea is that will be the first step it does take one to know one, so as you are knowing that, you are also having the realization that you must contain it, that it is not something separate that you need obtain, it is not something external that you need to bring unto you but it's something within you. Always within you that you can express and even to know it you must already BE, even to imagine something in that moment you are that thing in order to imagine it.
Therefore this is the degree of your power. This is the degree of your ability to call forth from the infinity within you anything that will allow you to express yourself according to preference according to excitement.
Therefore we thank you for being willing to be the vibration of the individuals that you are and thank you for your continued willingness in sharing that vibration in a co-created reality that includes us. It brings us great joy and as you perceive that you gain from these interactions, understand in no uncertain terms that we gain just as much and view you all as gifts or facets of a multi-dimensional crystal that is All-That-Is and we thank you for sharing your facet with ours.
We bid you a most fond and loving life dream and dream lives and good evening.
Merci ! ♥
This is such a great and insightful family we have gathered on this forum. Love to all.
Elan Interactions
I just wanna share something that's not related to the post or my previous comment. Just felt like sharing this and when I thought "where should I write it?" Then the thought came "do it in a comment section"
You all know I love Annie a lot ( more than Elly 😉😝 ) and she's my girl crush. I find her very cute and I love her hairstyle too. I guess the hairstyle she has is called bangs ( I might be wrong about it ) So I am reading reflection of my home world right now. Whenever I see her in the book I'm like "OMG she's so pretty. Look at that hairstyle. She's so stylish." I also think that if she were to choose a profession on earth, she could be a fashion designer or supermodel. In the past I also imagined her wearing black sunglasses, she looked so stylish wearing that as well. I find her very stylish
Elly explained in a sharing ( timestamp 46:19 ) about history. He said there's no single history, there are different histories according to different individuals. I got what he overall meant to say about that but then a question came to my mind which confused me so I want clarification on that. Suppose there's a particular history that everyone knows happened, for eg lockdown due to covid, so how can that history be different according to individuals? Everyone knows lockdown happened in the past and it's not that only I experienced lockdown and everyone else didn't.
I was thinking about this question few minutes ago and I got an answer from my inner voice or my cosmic family/friends so I'm gonna share that below ( take what resonates with you and leave the rest ) I basically got this answer and I'm gonna write it in my own words -
it's not about the event physically being exactly similar or different to people but how you interpret it. You can interpret the lockdown as something negative or positive based on how you think. Eg some people didn't like the idea of not being able to go out of their homes whenever they want to while some were happy that they have a lot of time now to rest properly and do whatever they wanna do which they were not doing because they had been working all the time so they didn't have time to do what they enjoyed doing like reading books, painting, cooking anything that they enjoyed and could be done while staying at home. Then I was given more examples ( I prefer examples when I don't understand what was said or shared ) One of them was the same example that the participant gave in the sharing which was explained by Elly.
Even though I wrote what I got, it doesn't mean you can't share your answer to my question anymore. So if anyone feels excited to share their perspective/answer to my question then go ahead. Peace and love 😘💖
This episode is a good one. So clarifying as I listen to this.