All right, I'll say greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you all? Oh, thank you.
Allow me to begin this interaction with the entitlement, ‘Excitement itself’. Allow me to explain with a few foundational ideas so that we may provide commonality between us for the proceeding of this interaction.
First of all, understand, foundationally, fundamentally speaking, you are all consciousness in your pristine state. What you call your soul, your Higher Self, your Total Self, the many different words and labels and definitions that you have for that is simply your consciousness itself. And you are part and parcel of the prime consciousness that you call God, that we call All-That-Is. So therefore, consciousness is the primary frequency itself.
And this is the stuff, so to speak, of which you are truly made. Your body and your physical reality, though it is an apparency that you exist within your body and physical reality, actually, technically speaking, exists within your consciousness, not the other way around. So therefore, perhaps you can say for the purposes of reference and point of view, your body is at the center of the sphere of your consciousness itself.
This particular understanding, again, lays down a foundation and also lays down the extent to which you actually create your own reality. For again, by extension, you are not even truly within a reality. The reality is within you.
It is not that dissimilar from what you call waking up in the morning from your quote-unquote “sleeping dream”, which we call “dream reality, sleeping dream reality”. When you are within your “sleeping dream”, you are engaged, your senses are experienced, you feel, you see, you hear, you touch, you smell, you taste. It is real while you are there and no one while you are dreaming, except perhaps an incongruity with this physical reality, can convince you otherwise.
Yet when you wake up, you come to the realization, well, I guess that reality was actually within me. And this is a direct analogy to how your Higher Self or Oversoul dreams your physical self into reality, literally. Therefore, when you quote-unquote “die” or “transform” from this particular point of view, you have a similar realization, a similar sensation that the very concrete reality that you used to exist within actually exists within you. This is at least a sense of this idea, that analogy that we have shared. You are consciousness.
The expression of your consciousness is your physical reality. Your pure consciousness is totally connected to your physical consciousness, to your physical self. You are not disconnected from God or All-That-Is, and you are not disconnected from your soul or Higher Self or Full Self. You create the apparency, but this is the degree of your power.
And when you begin to recognize or again feel connected, you bring along with that the realization that you truly have always been connected, that you are exploring seeming to be disconnected, but are truly connected. You are always an expression of All-That-Is. You are always an expression of your Higher Self, no exceptions.
There are particular signs, perhaps you can say, that your Higher Self will bequeath or send to your Physical Self, allowing you to align, allowing you to realign to the purposes of that Higher Self. The particular vibratory translation that we are sharing with you this evening is what you refer to as excitement. For our definition of excitement is that excitement itself is the vibratory energy that tells you in no uncertain terms that the thing that you are excited about is MOST YOU from what is available in the situation.
Your willingness to use that excitement as a barometer, to use that excitement to validate the message from your Higher Self by acting upon that thing that excites you with integrity, creates the life that you say that you prefer. Now we do at this point make the distinction of acting upon your excitement with integrity and understand that when we say integrity, we mean integrity as coming from the word integration, which is a realization, not a moral standard. The realization that everything does exist within you, by extension can also be stated, is that everything is all one thing, one event within you, therefore one integrated, interwoven, synchronistic reality.
Your willingness to begin to look at it that way and act as though it is an extension of you, act as though everything is a reflection within you, acting in that manner from that orientation is from the perspective of integration or with integrity. So when you are looking at the things that excite you, truly understand that you have all the power you need to create anything that you desire or are excited about without harming yourself or someone else, for again, someone else is simply a reflection of you anyway and if you are treating everything that you interact with as an extension of yourself and affording that degree of respect to everything, your actions always then express your knowingness that you contain that degree of power. Perhaps there is the apparency that stepping over the heads of others to get what you want is a powerful expression, but it is truly from our perspective and understanding the expression of helplessness, powerlessness, not believing that you actually have enough power to do it without harming someone else. One person winning at the expense of another is simply one truth, one reality.
It is not the only truth or the only reality and what you commonly refer to as win-win situations are another truth, another reality. So therefore, you have that degree of power to create your own reality if you begin to be crafty enough at this point, having perhaps different habits, to begin to remind yourself of this and in that sense, align yourself with the intention to act in this way, with the intention to express that power without it being at the cost of yourself, self-denial or at the cost of someone else, denial of other reflections of yourself.
So therefore, this is the degree of your power and therefore, in aligning with that power, in aligning with your purpose in life, your excitement is a never-ending and constant indication of your purpose from moment to moment to moment. There is the distinction of the thing that you are most excited about as perhaps being one of the main purposes in your life but also do we speak in each and every given moment, there are always a series of choices that are available, immediately accessible and using your excitement to that degree in the moment from what is available, choosing from those choices with your excitement as the criteria that you will not settle for less than and then acting upon that option in whatever way you can within your full integrity creates new effects in your life because you are acting from an excited perspective and with integrity, the result can only be an exciting result and the result can only be a result that is within integrity, therefore not harming you or anyone else.
Now, you already live by placing trust in whatever your criteria or barometer is at this point, so in a sense you already do this but in general rather than doing so utilizing your excitement which is uniquely your own vibration, most often due to societal tendencies and the spoon feeding as you are growing up of societal belief systems, you will align yourself rather than to the excitement to the idea which perhaps we will call ‘everyone knows you should do this or that’, you align yourself to what others say you should be doing rather than what you know in your heart is an expression of who you are, you are not being someone else, you are interacting with the reflection you call someone else but are choosing to be the point of view that you are and therefore only you can truly know what is in that sense exciting and within integrity for you. When you begin to function again in this way, you replace the results that you already get by following what everyone says you should or should not do.
The results that many of you have in your life at this point are the results of conforming to the ‘everyone knows reality’ rather than checking in with your own internal understanding, your own internal message system and beginning to react and respond from that perspective which is your total self-empowerment for the reason that something distinctly excites you and perhaps no one else around you is that, that is your signature, your particular signal that that thing is most you, not most them.
They perhaps will benefit paradoxically by watching you actually do that thing that they are not excited about for they have attracted you to their reality and they can glean positive meaning from anything that they attract into their presence, into their experience but this will far more directly positively affect you for you are now being consciously by choice demanding to be the person you chose to be from your own criteria, your own heart, following your own excitement, your own passion, the things that give you joy and once again only can you truly know that.
Therefore we introduce to you the idea of factoring into what you generally refer to as your spiritual growth, your excitement, and we do so as a gift for in general many of the spiritual orientations upon your planet are strongly steeped in denial of the physical self as though the only way that one could express spirituality is to deny the results of the very choices that you have made to be in this life, to create this life. Understand though that you have chosen to create this life, make no bones about that and therefore you have chosen to experience or express your spirituality through the physicality of this life.
Qualitatively speaking there is nothing fundamentally any less spiritual about physicalness, about physical reality. It is actually an expression of spirituality, an aspect, a facet of spirituality.
So your willingness to function within that physicality utilizing again your underlying understanding of the Oneness of all things results in your functioning within integrity, within the choice that you have made to be physical and therefore you express your spirituality through the physical, through your willingness to unconditionally love yourself and love others. You change the face of the physicality. Functioning from excitement creates results with integrity, creates results with integrity that there is no reason to deny or turn from.
They are the joyful expression of your spirituality. There are many truths and many ways and there is truly not any one way to realize your spirituality. The ideologies upon your planet of denial are in a sense one way to go about it.
And we are not denigrating or chastising or berating that approach. However what we are saying is that, that is not the only way, simply one way. And paradoxically is not always the quickest way. Paradoxically utilizing your physicality through your integrity is truly a more accelerated methodology to begin to express spiritual aspects again in the form of unconditional love of self and others through this life, through the choice of this physical life. Then you are truly getting down to the business of what you have, shall we say, created this reality to experience. And paradoxically very often will then begin to expand, so to speak, into the next phase of your reality.
For now you are at the precipice of what we will sometimes refer to as third density reality, which is physical existence in three dimensions, so to speak, although there is the fourth dimension of time. In a physical way, exploring certain limitations in belief to experience yourself as actually seeming as separate, separate from everything else and separate from All-That-Is. But the next phase of physicality, where you still remain physical, we will refer to as fourth density.
And in that you are less dense, you are more expanded, though still physical. That physical exploration, however, begins to take into account your Creatorhood with all the stoppers pulled out, with no limitations. You begin to experience limitlessness in as far as that is possible within physical reality.
As a society, you are on the precipice of third, and perhaps you can say you are third transitional fourth density beings. This is a very exciting time upon your planet, for this is the transformation from that third density to that fourth density. And this is not about to begin next month or next year or in a few days, but has already began.
And this is one of the reasons that we are even able to communicate with you at this time. For prior to this, simply there would not have been enough commonality for much sense to have been made from many of the things that we share. Your society was not willing to look at many of these ideas as being possible.
But now that you are in full swing within your transformational age, enough individuals have considered these possibilities to make a difference in what you would call your overall mass consciousness, the combined consciousness in your planet, to create enough of a momentum for different aspects of consciousness that you generally perceive to be more alien than your day-to-day consciousness, to begin to communicate with you in many different forms.
That is why you are now seeing the bubbling up of these many different directions of thinking, and many different gifts and offerings of ways that you can choose from, choose to be. I once again remind you that no way is discreetly unto itself the only way, not even what we are sharing. And simply it is a way that has worked for us, and that as we have interacted with members of your society, have given us the feedback that it does in fact work for them, and quite simply, and with excitement, which is perhaps you can say a nice touch.
You can in that way be miserable and suffer your way to higher consciousness, or you can begin to have a good time, laugh and enjoy your way to higher consciousness. This is the alternative that we offer, for again it has worked for our society. And not because it is us, or that we in any way shape or form, or any better qualitatively than you, we are not, we are simply more expanded, but because the timing beckons to us.
The readiness, the willingness, the searching from your society has found us, and allows us to interact with you in a more blatant way, though it is not quite the timing to interact face-to-face physically. This is something that will be possible, shall we say, within the next five to ten, perhaps fifteen of your years, depending upon again the mass choices, the mass consciousness. This is a very exciting time upon your planet.
It has been quote-unquote predicted in many different forms, in many different ways, over many different eras of your history. In the time that those predictions were rendered, society was so structured that there was a sensing of the great change itself. But with the structures that were in place at the times of the prediction, sense could only be made of such great change by first understanding that there would be the tearing down, the complete tearing down of the old structure before a new one could be fully instilled.
So therefore, embedded into these quote-unquote “predictions” is very often an apocalyptic or negative outcome based on, again, the interpretation through the methodologies of the times that such a grand change could only occur by first tearing down completely the old reality. This is no longer so. This is no longer necessary.
It is quite possible in that sense, though you will see much bubblings up within the next few years upon your planet of what you call violence. It is quite possible and it is our perception that your mass consciousness has decided to not annihilate yourselves by nuclear means, thus making some of the smaller bubblings up a bit more safe to get out of your system. But it is not our perception that you will experience and perceive the transformation in negative terms unless you carry around the fear that you will.
For fear is the same as saying that something that you do not prefer, the thing that you fear, is most likely. So if you blindly simply continue to fear, you are actually attracting the very thing you say you don't prefer by stating that you actually believe it to be most likely. If you use that fear, if you understand that fear as any emotion, simply is the window to a belief that emotions do not exist within a vacuum, and that all emotions are the result of a belief, and begin to ask yourself, what must I believe to be fearing such an outcome?
You will begin to let yourself in, admit to yourself, beliefs that you may still hold which no longer serve you. And your experience will depend upon your beliefs for they are the foundation of your actions, and your actions create your reality. So therefore if you believe in a negative outcome, you will in general perform actions that will attract you to the highest degree of likelihood of experiencing a negative outcome.
If you acknowledge that you believe this, acknowledgement is the first key to changing a belief, and in fact you cannot change one until you first acknowledge it. So by allowing an emotion to deliver a belief, you can create the joyous appreciation for now that you acknowledge that perhaps very limiting, unpreferred belief. Only then can you change it, and you change it in a way quite similar to how you, shall we say, perpetuated the old belief to begin with.
You simply after acknowledging the old belief, ‘I believe in a negative outcome’, acknowledge the new belief, ‘I believe in a positive outcome’, and compare in your mind's eye how one who believes in a negative outcome, or how you up to this point having believed in a negative outcome, act because of that belief. You will see a pattern to your actions that actually allow you to use your actions as a window to tell you what you believe. You always act according to what you state you believe.
So therefore in stating the new preferred belief, ‘I believe in a positive outcome’, and using your imagination to furnish how a person would act who believes that, you will see a different set of actions come forth in your imagination, and they will then be available for you to choose as your actions. Should you choose the actions reflective of the positive belief that I expect a positive outcome, then you create the momentum of events leading to that positive outcome, and you create a vibration that attracts to you the positive outcome, even under the same exact set of circumstances. Two individuals can literally be standing next to each other, one embodying the negative expectation or expectancy, one embodying the positive, and a roof can fall on one and the other will sit there scratching their heads, still being aware of the but not experiencing it to any degree.
And this brings us to a final point.
Understand the distinction between exploring something mentally and experiencing it, for you can literally explore any idea, though you have the saying that thoughts are things, they are not directly things. In between the thoughts and the manifestation are the actions, and if those actions are not performed, you will not manifest the things from that particular belief.
Therefore, it is safe to look at any belief within you, even ones that are disturbing, for if you are not acting according to those beliefs, the mere thinking of them has no effect. This gives you the license to begin to freely view and review the things that you believe, understanding that they cannot destroy you, and in fact perhaps keeping them in place through denial rather than acknowledging and transforming them actually gives them more power to seemingly have a negative outcome. So explore away, feel free to explore the many ideas within you, but simply cease to act until you have made a conscious choice of what you wish to believe, and again through your imagination extrapolated how one with the new preferred belief would act.
This factors in very strongly with what we have referred to as your excitement, for in each and every given moment, if you truly express that you believe in yourself and you believe that you deserve to create a positive life, then your excitement in each moment is the ultimate reflection, the ultimate barometer of the most positive possible outcome according to your purpose in life. So as this conversation did begin with excitement, I will now, as a neat bookend, in that sense close it with excitement, again reminding you that your reality is up to you. You do create however in two ways.
One way is consciously through the way that you know that you create, but the other way is unconsciously, and what this simply means is the results of the beliefs that you have either bought into, not understanding that you had any other choice or beliefs that you bought into not altogether on the conscious level. As you begin to allow your emotions to deliver beliefs to you, you empty that closet which is not bottomless, it is quite finite. As you have a negative emotion and deny it, back into the closet does that belief go.
As you have a negative emotion and acknowledge it, you then give yourself the power to again assert the new belief, compare the actions of the old and new belief, and consciously perform the actions according to the new belief, thereby transforming it. Very simple, very simple. This is already how you create your reality.
Again, what is unconscious or what is not immediately obvious will come up once you make the decision that you wish to begin to transform your beliefs according to preference, and in general the most powerful negative limiting beliefs will be revealed unto you by the most powerful negative limiting emotions. So you need not be afraid to dive into your emotions. Again, they cannot harm you in any way unless you act according to that fear, and then therefore through actions manifest the very things you say you don't prefer.
But if you insert a pause and do not act until your intentions are clarified, you begin to clarify your manifestations, you begin to clarify the expression of your life according to preference. Does this make sense? Well thank you.
Therefore allow me to proceed to the exchange, the interchange, for though you will in general perceive that you will, in interacting with us receive great gifts, understand that from our perspective we receive great gifts as well. For though we are expanded and though we choose in that sense not to express limitation at this time, we do not know everything, and therefore we too learn, expand, and grow. And each aspect of all that is which is what we view you as, a facet of the same all that is crystal that we are, each aspect that we become familiar with allows us to increase the definition of our reality that much more.
And this is of great service to us as much as you perceive that it is to you. So again allow me to begin by thanking you and expressing my unconditional love and appreciation for your willingness to communicate with us in this way, though it be unconventional upon your planet, and to communicate with me as an equal. For that is always how I will view you, and that is always how I will remind you that I and all of us from this end view you as equals, completely equal, different, different expansions, different definitions, different explorations, but the same quality.
And that quality is perfection. You very often are, shall we say, all right, led to believe that you are striving to achieve perfection, but this is the dangling carrot that perhaps you will never in that sense truly feel, you will realize for the paradoxes you are always perfect. You are always a perfect reflection of whatever it is you are exploring, a 100% perfect reflection.
Therefore, perfection is not something to achieve, but something to simply realize you already contain, and as you shift your emphasis, you become then a perfect reflection of the new emphasis. Therefore, we are all perfect reflections of whatever it is that we are exploring at any time, and in this light, I ask you how I may be of service to you.
Introduction Part 2
All right, I'll say before we continue, allow me to simply say, when we referred in the beginning of this interaction to what you colloquially refer to as your nighttime dreams, as a nighttime sleeping dream reality, we meant this literally. For the idea is you are dreaming right now.
What you are perceiving is again, perhaps more appropriately and colloquially, the dream of your higher self or your oversoul. But no less is what you are experiencing as physical reality, a dream reality within your totality. Now it has specific rules.
It has specific parameters. It has a sense of continuity. It has, shall we say, a tendency to bind or seem to bind one to a continuum, to a timeline, whereby there is a lag between the having of the belief and the manifestation of the reality.
But this is truly only another version of what you call your nighttime sleeping dream reality, for that is a reality, is real, is other focuses, other explorations within your totality. What you will begin to find as you live this dream, according to preference, according to excitement, is that the definitions, parameters, boundaries, if you will, of this dream will begin to expand and you will no longer seem, quote unquote, “bound” to the, quote unquote, “laws” within this physical reality. You will begin to expand the effects, expand the manifestations and no longer be so oriented to the lag between the having of the idea and its manifestation.
Now, as you still draw a distinction, you distinctly create two separate experiences, distinctly the waking dream from distinctly the sleeping dream. But as you begin to live this dream and begin to expand the definition and expression of this dream, there no longer is the need for the distinction and the line between the two begins to dissolve and you begin to have one never-ending, so to speak, dream whereby the line becomes fuzzy. And perhaps one of the symptoms of this line becoming fuzzy is finding yourself asking more frequently, well, did this happen or did I dream it?
For you will once again, in no longer making a distinction between the two and simply living this dream, accessing more of your totality in this dream, no longer have the reason to create them as separate experience. So this is, again, a very exciting timing and that is but one of the many splendorous, shall we say, symptoms, perhaps, of beginning to live in this way, creating the dream consciously and living the fruits of the dream in a more immediate and accelerated fashion. We thank you for the allowance of this explanation.
We thank you for the allowance of your consciousness to look at your reality from the perspective that, once again, you are already dreaming. And in continuing this interaction, wish you a most pleasant dream.
At this timing, allow me to express my unconditional love and appreciation for your willingness to examine excitement itself. For excitement itself is the sign.
Oh, ‘give me a sign’, you all say. The sign is tapping at your shoulder.
You say, ‘not now, I'm looking for my purpose’. But you need not do that.
You can simply say, ‘oh, there you are. Oh, what a pleasant form. What a wonderful messenger. I suppose if something would need delivered to me, my purpose, excitement is the most exciting messenger I can think of.’
So therefore, you already use whatever barometer you use. Perhaps it is ‘everyone knows I should do this. My mother says I should do that. My father says I shouldn't do this. Oh, if I do this, everyone knows that's no way to make a living.’
That is all up to you. That is what you are now using as your barometer. That is the effect you will get. If you replace that barometer with your own barometer, you cannot help but get a different effect.
It is perhaps illogical to assume that by performing the same actions, you will get a different effect, but quite logical to assume that performing different actions, you can only create a different result, only get a different effect. And if that result is being generated from your excitement, need I say more?
Therefore, we thank you for your willingness to open yourselves to what you already know, what already rings true with you, and now begin to perhaps, just perhaps look at that you might do that. Not needing to struggle, not needing to try to do it, but simply doing it. Here is the moment. What are my options?
Getting a drink of water, reading a book, watching television, taking a walk. ‘All right. Well, none of them seem to lead to my most exciting thing. However, I am far more excited about the walk. Can I take that walk with integrity? Seems no reason why not.’
Take the walk. That is the point. That is the degree to which we speak.
When you take the walk, keep your eyes open with an expectancy that something will happen, but not a rigid expectation that it must be a particular thing. When you find an advantage or opportunity arise from doing an exciting thing that was not there before, act, move, do. Put it into action with integrity.
You cannot lose and you will follow the thread that your excitement will create. Weaving the tapestry which will be your beautiful life. I thank you and bid you all a most fond and loving life dream and dream lives. Good evening.