All right, I'll say how are you all this evening of the old time as you create time to exist. Allow me to bid you greetings, for I have not spoke to you for quite some time, and simply say you are doing a marvellous job. I thank you, and simply say one moment.
All right, let's get going. We begin this interaction with the entitlement, ‘Expectation, and Disappointment’.
First of all, understand that being in your reality, that you are the assigners of meaning.
You are ultimately the appointers, as well as the appointees of your reality. You are the appointers. You appoint meaning, you appoint yourself, you commit, you have conviction in any given situation according to your own means, according to your own ability to respond, your own response-ability.
Therefore, quite truly, being the appointer, only you can disappoint yourself. Only you can remove or shift the meaning of who you have committed yourself to be.
What we are about to discuss goes very closely in hand with what you call clear intention,
for once again, clear intention is your vision, is the thing or things or event that you truly wish to manifest and clarifying, to whatever degree that you are willing, what this vision is, is creating a clear intention. As we have said many times, if something is not available in a moment that you intend to do, you have the choice to say, ‘well, since it's not present, it must not be forthcoming, I give up’. Or you always then have the choice also to look at it from the perspective of, well, ‘obviously, the timing of my reality tells me that now is not the time, but I still fully intend on doing or manifesting or experiencing whatever it is’.
Maintaining that clear intention and allowing your reality to be obvious in its deliverance of timing, well, ‘it's available’ or ‘it's not available’. The maintenance of that clear intention is what allows you to create anything that you wish.
And it is when you give up, so to speak, or let loose that intention, that truly then you, in a sense, realign yourself to another intention, for you always have some intention even if your overall intention is that you don't intend to do anything, that is an intention as well.
When you speak about the idea of expectation, this in general is a rigid, a rigid receptivity.
Meaning that you expect something to come in a particular way at a particular time, and if it does not, then it will not. And that is one way to look at it.
Maintaining, however, your clear intention and trusting that something being not forthcoming in a given moment is simply the timing, but being willing to maintain that clear intention is a form of not expectation, but expectancy. That is the knowingness that whatever you clearly intend will happen, and trusting in the unfoldment of the timing as to when it will. That is expectancy. Well, ‘I know it will happen’, period, no conditions.
But when you begin to impose rigid conditions, rigid receptivity, on an idea, well, ‘I insist that I create this, and I insist that I create it exactly this way, and I insist that I create it exactly at this timing’, that is setting yourself up. That is an expectation for the purposes of delineating and applying discrete definitions to what we are saying. Now, many of these words in your language are interchangeable, but we simply use them in this way for the purposes of consistency.
Therefore, expectation will be rigidly insisting that something must come in a particular way at a particular timing. Expectancy is the unswerving knowingness that you get what you want simply at the beginning, not always when you want it, or when you think is the only time that it will serve you. When something is not immediately forthcoming, again, I remind you that it is not that it is being held from you.
The purpose of the trust in the timing is to understand that there are certain things that you have not yet attracted, certain knowledge that you do not yet have, certain resources which are not yet at your disposal, to fully appreciate the thing that you say is your clear intention. For many times when you formulate a clear intention, you cannot possibly take into consideration variables which are not present when you formulate it. Your formulation of it is your statement to the Universe that ‘this is who I am, this is what I desire’.
Your allowing it to play out in perfect timing is the acknowledgement that whatever you wish to have is forthcoming, you will get it, but sometimes it will be far more splendorous than you could have possibly initially imagined. There will be certain things that you will attain or obtain along the way that will allow and enhance your appreciation of the thing that you say you wish to create.
Your willingness to begin to trust this takes the form of expectancy. ‘I know this will happen. I thought it might happen today. I would have liked for it to happen today, but it didn't.
All right, then therefore obviously there is still something else which will assist me to fully appreciate the thing that I wish to create. I still wish to create it. I maintain it as a clear intention and put it aside for it is not immediately available and not being immediately available in that moment, if I keep my attention upon it, it is at the cost of what is right in front of me. If I simply maintain it as a vibratory clear intention, push it aside with the maintenance of it as an intention and now in removing that from my vision, see what is right in front of me, that allows me to re-ground to the moment and allows me to begin to make choices from what is available according to your excitement.’ That is, continuing to appoint yourself, continuing to apply yourself to each moment.
When you insist it must come right now, otherwise ‘I do not believe it will ever come’, you take that same appointment and disappoint yourself. You set yourself up so to speak. Eventually the time will come where there will be a very short time lag between the having of the desire and the manifesting of the thing, for you are automatic creators and on the causal level once you have a desire, once you have a thought with conviction, it automatically manifests simultaneously. But when you are exploring time and timeline and lineage, you will insert a, shall we say, lag, an echo from the having of the idea to the playing out along a timeline to the manifestation of that idea. Because of your upbringing and your approach till now, you have very often bought into that if something is not coming right now, it will not come and you create more time, more space, therefore more time in which to experience that space.
So you have set up a momentum very often of having a desire and then not allowing it to manifest for a long time with a large lag. But as you begin to trust your timing, as you begin to assert your clear intention and not allow any specific in any given moment to talk you out of it because it's not available, you begin to lessen that time lag. You begin to, in that trust, stay in your flow.
And though in a moment where something that you desire is not forthcoming, if you maintain it as a clear intention, push it aside and reground yourself to what is there in that moment and act upon what is there in that moment, you get an effect from what is there in that moment. And that effect very often will be directly, obviously applicable toward the thing that you say you intend to do. If you are willing to apply this trust in situ, in the situation, you begin in utilizing this trust to create less details, to create less doubt and therefore create less time between the having of the desire and the manifesting of it.
And as you begin to trust your reality, trust your timing, trust the situation and allow it to be obvious, you do actually begin to create less of a lag between the having of the idea and the manifestation of it. Eventually, again, it is almost instantaneous. But because you are still choosing to remain physical, there will in general still be a lag, though perhaps very short.
Having trust in this mechanism speeds up the mechanism. Being completely unwilling to trust the mechanism allows it to stay in place, allows that time lag to remain quite long. So therefore, if you will begin to have a positive expectancy linked as an extension of your clear intention that ‘this will happen, it is who I am, it excites me, therefore I intend for it to happen, therefore it will, I know it, I just don't know when and not exactly how’.
When you are beginning to approach it that way and then now again that you are not fixated on what is not available, ground yourself back into what is available in any given moment, you will begin to find yourself no longer disappointing yourself from your momentum, disappointing yourself from your intention. The disappointment again simply comes from doubt in the timing and I remind you that doubt is in no way a lack of trust. Doubt is a complete and infinite trust generally in the thing you say you do not prefer.
So when you say, I doubt my timing, you actually say, I trust that I will not have a timing that will be beneficial to me. You are not, not having faith, not having trust, you are simply trusting in the very thing you say you don't prefer. And when you do that, whatever you believe, whatever you trust, then by extension will provide the evidence to make that seem as the only truth for all belief systems, all things that you trust have within them a built-in self-sustaining mechanism of logic which allows it to be consistent, of evidence which allows it to seem to provide that seeing is believing.
But when you change the belief, you see different evidence, you see different logic. So therefore, adversely, believing is truly seeing. But it is up to you to first decide with conviction, intend to have the beliefs that you prefer.
For when you grant that to yourself, you then begin to create the reality that you prefer. You then begin to see ‘when I have this expectancy, it always happens. When I insist in a rigid expectation fashion that it must come and do not allow the Universe to deliver it in the path of least resistance in its most enhanced state’, then you create more evidence to continue to doubt, colloquially speaking, your timing.
Therefore, it is always, completely, 100% up to you. It always has been, it always will be. This is the nature of your ability as appointer and appointee.
Now, we can in that sense, expand upon this in the form of interaction, if there are any questions and sharings. But allow me, before we do proceed to the format of interchange and exchange, to once again, and for the first time, thank you all for your willingness to appoint yourself to the reality that you prefer and begin to expect the results that you know you deserve. For you all do deserve to create anything that you wish to create and all have the power, the power, to create anything that you wish to create without having to harm yourself or someone else.
It is actually far easier to create what you wish to by harming yourself or someone else. But you have such great power that you also have the alternative to not harm yourself or someone else and also create the thing that you prefer. When you are proceeding from that perspective, doing no harm, you are operating within your understanding of your integration with all things, hence and therefore acting with integrity.
Therefore, when acting that way, you can never get anything but an integrated result. For you are functioning, you are acting as an embodiment, as an expression of the belief that all things truly are within you, that you are creating this scenario to explore and to share and to unfold into more of yourself, to take the portions of yourself that you prefer and live them and apply them and to look at the portions of yourself that you do not prefer and understand that it's all right to have those perspectives, but simply you do not prefer to embody them. Validating the things that you do not prefer and acting upon the things that you do prefer, that is an integrated approach, that is truly moving as though you believe that you create your own reality, that it is an integrated extension of you and that therefore you can proceed as the embodiment of this idea.
That is what gives you then the effect, the logic and the evidence that you do indeed create your own reality. You do, and even if you are creating that it feels like you don't, so great is your power, you are creating that and can never escape fundamentally, foundationally the idea that you create it all and I do not mean philosophically, I do not mean you have slight, shall we say, control over certain circumstances. I and we, mean completely the whole reality and again to be most accurate, you are not even within a reality, that is an apparency. The reality is within you, much again as waking from your sleeping dream and you say, ‘well I felt like I was really there, but it all must have happened within me.’ That is a direct applicable analogy to the rubbing of the sandman's dust from the eyes of your soul when you die, so to speak.
You truly begin to understand that the reality that you just created was real but existed within you, is an extension of you. You are creating it. We thank you for your willingness to begin to create it in such a way where your expansion and your unfoldment begins to create an acceptance and an expectancy that you will begin to see reflections from the far heretofore unexplored portions of your consciousness, alien, if you will, portions of your consciousness and thus we are a symbol, very blatantly I might add, of the alien reflection of the things within you that truly are a part of you. You cannot separate them out from who you are, but perhaps to this point you have looked at as being separate, as being alien. But as you begin to embody a creator, you begin to realize reality is within you, you begin to realize it's safe to look at any idea within you, then you begin to drum up again external reflections of this change in mentality.
For because it is all within you, whatever your mentality creates, you then see a reflection of seemingly, because you create it that way in relation to yourself, externally. So thank you very much for allowing me and us to be a symbol of the unfoldment, to be a symbol of the exploration of new portions of yourself, but ultimately to function as a reflection, to allow you to know in no uncertain terms, in a so to speak down-to-earth way, that you do indeed create it all and there are no exceptions, except the exceptions that you define. We thank you for this willingness for it is the greatest of gifts to us, greater than any physical gift that you might share with us.
It is the gift of your consciousness, it is the gift of your willingness to exchange as an equal and to us, this brings us great emotion, great joy and we do not take this in any way for granted. I thank you and ask you how I and we may be of service to you.
At this timing, allow me now not to disappoint anyone who may have expected to speak to me, but to thank you all and express my and our unconditional love and appreciation for your willingness to begin to simply look at the possibility of the notion that you created. You can, if you wish, form a clear intention and have an absolute, absolute expectancy that that intention will manifest.
But only if you are willing to trust the timing and in the form of that trust, remain grounded to what you are doing, to what is available. That allows you to continue in fluid motion. That allows there to be a perpetuation.
That allows there to not be a stagnation or paralysis. Grounding yourself to what is right in front of you, seeing what your choices clearly are, not what you can't do, but what you can, and then choosing from those choices the option that excites you the most, that moves you the most from what's there. Acting upon that option with integrity, knowing that you have more than enough power to create anything you wish without harming yourself or anyone else is all it takes to create that clear intention and allow yourself to see in practice that that expectancy is simply a knowingness, a knowingness of the mechanism of your creation and a knowingness of your willingness to exercise your creatorhood.
Therefore, again, you are the appointers, you are the appointees, you are the disappointers and the disappointees. Expectancy will never yield disappointment. Expectation may or may not.
Therefore, as always, we leave it up to you. We thank you for your willingness to exercise your power in the form of choice and preference, for that is what will allow you to create a life of choice and preference and bid you a most fond and loving.
Applying this concept best I can. Keeping the vibration high and discerning the gifts to be gleaned. I'll save any extended commentary for another time.
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO F-ING INSANE, IM LISTENING TO THIS AND ONE QUESTIONER TALKS ABOUT A MEXICO TOUR AND GOING TO CHICHEN ITZA... And I'm going to Chichen Itza in like nine or ten days!!! And Elan cheekily says, "Alright. everyone, listen up! Many of you will be going on these tours yourselves!" I'm so deadddd I cannnttt I CANNN'T, THIS MANNN. I LOVE HIM LMAO. I can simply feel the humor and deep laughter within that statement, it felt so directed at me. I'm dead hahaha the utter joy and connection of feeling that synchronicity just made me so happy. I'm veeeeerryyy sure this will be an exciting trip ^^
PERFECTLY timed!!!! The synchronicity of this is actually insane hahaha
its a little comical hahaha 😆😆. not only is current day channeling from other beings starting to support and reflect our unconditional choice to be in positivity during this time with the recent shifts. even Elan FROM THE PAST knows whats going on today!! how amazing 😄😄😄. i saw him say this in the book toom i extra believe him now ;)
also, only so called past. parallel current reality, perhaps, would be more apt :P. how fun it is to play across these densities 😄