Hello my dear friends and soul family,
I wanted to write this experience here instead of in the comment of another post with the link to the latest YouTube session, to expand a bit more on it. I've been busy lately as I'm sure many of you are, so it's best to set aside a good moment to do this when you really have the time to yourself and can deeply dive in. Here are my thoughts and experiences.
Elan actually took us through two meditations. The first one is a shorter one to align us and make us receptive to the second meditation.
I then followed the meditation to the mothercraft, which Elan called the 'Solar Wind', and once I was there, I was greeted by an unusual Being. This Being was very tall, perhaps 7-8 feet, with thin features, looked like a silhouette and seemed dark (in color, not in feeling). Since it was unexpected I couldn't quite focus in on it. This Being was very welcoming and made me feel instantly at home. As we walked through the mothercraft, Bashar and Anima appeared in front of us! We greeted each other affectionately and we started walking all together towards a certain area. On the way, we noticed many children freely roaming in the ship playfully. One or two came up to us in a very joyful way. Even if they seemed so playful and child-like, they also appeared to be so wise. We continued walking and reached a glowing gateway or entrance way. We walked through it and lo and behold, there was Elan and Anya! We greeted each other enthusiastically. After the reunion....something funny happened. They handed me a musical instrument which I started playing and somehow the music was part of the interaction, not only with the Essassani Beings but with others that were present who were gently swaying to the music. I noticed many other humans around, most likely those who did the meditation at the time as well as others doing it now. Elan mentioned at the start that since time is an illusion, we will encounter people in the meditation regardless of when they did it in linear reality.
Before I know it, it was time to leave. It really felt like time sped up...the whole experience was like 37 minutes on the video, but it felt more like 15 minutes!
There's a really cool moment at the end when Elan made us repeat out loud 'There's No Place Like Home'. It's deeply emotional if you really feel into it. He stressed that THIS is our home, so even if we travel anywhere else, always anchor yourself to the Here and Now, and Earth.
Truly, it was such a beautiful experience. And if you validate the memory as real, then it is real. That night, I slept deeply. When I woke up, I meditated and I was quickly able to go into a deep state and asked questions, receiving clear answers. I think this is part of the side effect of the alignment meditation he took us through at the start.
I highly recommend it!
Please share if you too have done the meditation. There seemed to be some profound experiences in the YouTube comments as well. Looking forward to reading yours here š. Sending love and light to you all, and wishing you a magical trip!! ššš½āØ
Dear Family!šššššš šššššššššššššššššššš I thought I might add my own experience here since it's quite exciting hearing everyone's stories! It's very exciting hearing these! As I relaxed and began to see myself as this pulsating blue crystal consciousness, I saw myself approaching the Mother Ship, with Mars back-dropped behind it, was quite the mesmerizing sight! As I got closer, I noticed an open deck and got drawn towards it. Once I was inside the ship and saw my body form and crystalize out from the crystal, I saw these two Sassani approach me who I feel very connected with, one I'm not quite sure who, maybe my counter-part? XD The other is a Sassani my friend channels who's also his counterpart, his name is Maldevin! Once they greeted me, it was quite exciting, I remember us three walking about the deck. As I was taking in the sheer size of the ship, and the beautiful energy and architecture, I noticed this being who looked like a Pleiadian (but can't be exactly sure), he was inviting me to come over, he was with a group of other beings! As I approached him, I suddenly see a group of children running towards me! Next thing I knew they were all giving me a enormouuuus hug and I felt so beyond happy! I picked some up and gave them a big hug but the playful energy, I found myself becoming hug-tackled onto the floor! I was laughing sooo much! I remember sitting up and embracing them all! My Sassani friends and everyone around was probably laughing hard as-well! It was hilarrrrious! But oh so beautifuuul!ššš Once I regained myself, I was talking with this male being (looked Pleiadian) and I was guided down this corridor which led into this big theatre like room, where I saw a huge projection of the Earth and a round-table of beings were present, maybe representatives? There was rows of beings sitting above as they listened to this presentation. My Sassani friends and this Pleiadian being urged I join in (I think I was an observer or par-taking) in what looked like quite an important meeting of some kind, some of the representatives also noticed my arrival and smiled! I also drew this! Afterwards the meditation was coming to an end and I soon formed back into this crystal and made my back to Earth.šš Afterwards I had an amaaaazing, deep dream and when I woke up, I felt quite heavy and tired, but good as-well! šššššššššššššššššššššššššššš