But I'll be saying it anyway.
Hanging out in the Cafe for informal banter with you guys.
So, I've been listening to Bashar and Elan for a couple years and appreciate the perspective of that wisdom so very much. I find it to be practical, simple and relevant...yet also deep and rich with nuance. I appreciate other teachings as well and value the illumination in this path of self discovery.
The idea of transforming limiting beliefs is somewhat new for me and something I wish I had learned of much earlier in this life, but I trust the timing and it's all good. I've been using a form of this process for a while though spirit-world journeys and reclaiming lost Will (as spelled out in the Right Use If Will books). Also let me tell you a quick story...
I have an adult son with an 'intellectual disability' though I do not term him as such for he a great teacher to me. Anyway, some years ago he was acting out with certain negative behaviors when I offered him the idea of how our minds are like radio/TV receivers capable of tuning into different stations or channels and that we can easily tune into a station that we like. He told me he 'likes the good channel' and since that time has taken this method to heart, always telling me that he's 'keeping on a good channel." One particular time when he was being yelled at for something or another, I watched as he furiously grabbed at an imaginary channel knob on his head and twisted it while finding an appropriate channel to settle on. It was funny. Love that kid.
So, yeah, keeping it positive best I can as well.
On another note, these days have been interesting for me. The relevance of many things is shifting as I find my relationship to this event I call my life moving. I am noticing something massive these days on the horizon. Not sure if it's personal or a world impacting scenario, but it's there... I think others are picking up on this too. How exciting!
So, not much to say, but I wanted to say something.
I like reading all the posts and am happy this forum is here.
Never have I seen the universe respond so quickly as when I asked "How may I be of service?"
The opportunities overflowed in such a manner as to extend through all time. Evidently I live a life of service even when I didn't think I was. That job I thought was to earn money to pay my rent? Nah, it was for the usefulness provided and for all the lives that were touched. That random conversation that wasn't so random after all? No, it was for the far reaching consequences that one could hardly imagine. That small pile of sunflower seeds I left out for the squirrel that resulted in me finding a shrine like offering of stacked twigs as an offering to me in appreciation... The usefulness of the part to the whole and the whole to the part in a dance of gratitude that reaches far from the physical level alone.
Now, excuse me as I have a pot of dark roast coffee to make with saigon cinnamon and cardamom added just because.
I fell in Love with everything today. It moved me.
Another report from the 3D trenches and beyond... so, the pulmonologist was was very nice and a pleasure to work with. His insights shed some light on the matter and may offer some solutions for a better outcome. Louise suffers from frequent panic attacks so it will be interesting to see if correcting her low O2 issue helps with this. I watch synchronicity unfold in a most artful way as these days move through me and am grateful for the opportunity to serve, after all, that's what I asked for, right? Good thing I enjoy learning for there is no shortage of that going on. Do you enjoy learning new things? It's one of my highest joys. I play a game with myself for a long time now where I note at least one thing I learned each day, even if it's the meaning or spelling of a word, a new way to do something, or a random fact that may amuse no one but myself.
So, I trust everyone is living a joyous life full of wonder and intrigue...even if they don't know that yet? Sure they are. It makes me happy.
With all this focusing on maintenance of the form issues lately I notice challenges arising and the full time job of attending to them tempered by looking at them a different way. I see my definitions arise for inspection and adjust accordingly as awareness allows. I desire to transform certain aspects and use what I know as I know it to do that. Certain aspects of my reality I am quite happy with... others? Well that's the discerning work I figure. Whew.
Life sure is full of surprises.
Reporting from the 3D trenches and beyond, another installment of 'what's happening' just because you need something to read just now.
So Louise broke her arm and after a visit to the doctor he determined that she would need surgery to correct it. Decision time. We look at each other and come up blank, no strong message either way. Of course he would recommend surgery, being a surgeon after all, and the APRN there took offense when I made that comment, nevertheless she decided to go for it due to the odds of a better outcome. That would require a pre-op screening where it was determined that her EKG was abnormal and blood pressure too high to risk a surgical procedure.
Another batch of tests which did rule out structural heart problems but now there is a scheduled meeting with a lung Dr. to see what's going on.
Okay, so no surgery, so the surgeon goes to set the bones better and put on a hard cast. Nerve block bupivicain was injected but had zero numbing effect. Another painful injection, maximum dose...after a few minutes still no numbing at all. The doctor, not believing herdoes his manipulations anyway despite her howling and crying from the pain. Trauma.
Add one more medical professional to the growing list of people to avoid within the mind of Louise.
The cardio people we encountered were all very nice and helpful. One woman mentioned that she was a twin whose sister died at childbirth. Just then, a double of her appeared to my mind's eye and began telling me things... that she is there with her at every step and serves as a friend and guide. Cool huh? I tell this woman about this and she is very open to it and agrees.
The whirlwind of medical appointments was exhausting but insightful and in going with the flow of it all we chalked up a bevy of new experiences at least.
We're approaching this ongoing challenge from a natural healing direction for the most part and are staying positive about the whole thing. It has been interesting to say the least.
There are many levels at work here, I can see it. Much synchronicity. Now if I only can learn to put up her hair without her screaming at me that I'm doing it all wrong....
Once again I feel something welling up inside so I'll post it here and unofficially rename this thread 'David spill his guts for your entertainment and edification' or maybe 'How to survive a warp core breach for dummies'. Sharing.
I realize I can dramatize just about anything I choose to. I have the ultimate power to turn a molehill into a mountain and make navigating daily life into a harrowing adventure into the maelstrom. Steady at the helm my friend and just breathe. Okay, can do.
So a couple days ago my partner Louise falls and what we first thought was a bad sprain of her wrist, after x-rays turned out to be a complete break in the arm bones above her wrist. It was a perfect break though the humor of that fact did little to console her. Okay, center now in the moment...deal with it and anything that may arise..... we got this. There's a reason for everything so as events unfold the interconnections of this event will be played out in ways I can hardly imagine, but I digress...
Being in the ER in the hospital with her triggered a cascade of my own thoughts and impressions as I remembered my own harrowing adventure about 8 years past of being rushed to the hospital with septic shock, a life threatening situation in which the body shuts down and blood pressure drops to almost nothing.
Over a month long period of being on life support and in a coma for most of that time, I was told that I had flatlined 5 different times. Ah, that would explain the out of body NDE's and weird experiences I had during that time. I could write a book about what happened and my adventures in the spirit world / alternate realities but let's just say I came 'back' (or did I?) a changed man. Sort of like the movie Dead Zone, when I came to I had the weird ability to see in a glance what was in the Hearts of everyone I met. It is at once scary and joyous.
I was also shown the importance of Love, how this seemingly abstract notion is actually at the Heart of all things, all events, everything. The whole thing was a crash course in that which is truly important. What a ride.
So, I move forward and even that has served me in ways I could not have foreseen.
The slippery nature of what seems to be this solid world and the even more etherial nature of my own identity is a gift I continue to unwrap each and every day, so take Heart and do not fear my friends. Life is more interesting and fantastic than we know. Onward.
Absolutely beautiful David!!! 💝
Okay, hopping back onto this thread for a spell.
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Winter Solstice and trust that we all are in good hands as we unfold this journey of discovering more of who and what we are created to be. This timing in the cycle of seasons marks a time of increasing light (well, for the northern hemisphere at least), so rejoice in that recognition.
We do have our own customized personal journey that fits perfectly into the bigger picture and no matter from which angle we choose to witness it, bottom up, top down or even sideways, it is a glorious event to behold.
Even what we may think of as the most mundane day to day happening is not that at all.
As I was washing the dishes yesterday I sensed a queue of beings lined up and eager to partake in the joys of the running water and the satisfaction of even one more sparkling clean plate. As I pondered possibilities of what to make for dinner I could sense my mom's thrill coming through the other side recalling how she enjoyed the cooking shows on tv and planning out family dinners. Little earthly events like this have a magnitude unseen in the inner worlds. Even taking a single step, perhaps something we take so for granted can be a big deal yet we move through these actions automatically not thinking of them.
After a health crisis some years ago I had to learn to walk all over again so I know first hand how magical this simple action can be. I would remember how I walked often in the nearby park and suddenly this simple act took on an excitement for me that became a goal leading me forward with determination to enjoy once again.
Have gratitude always my friends for you live in a world filled with deep and astounding blessings. Enjoy as much as you can and you will find your delights to be unending.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I feel the Love. I enjoy the company.
I find my forum persona to be a somewhat tempered representation of myself as I am unfiltered and prone to foibles and afterthought to a greater degree in my natural habitat. My intention is to be a bit more unguarded and free to express as I'm generally reclusive and inward seeking by nature so this forum is good for me. I really am an open book to those willing to turn a page or two. I don't even know who or what I am half the time, yet I know there is no confusion about this. I figure most all of us are built that way too, so compassion to all including myself. We are separate in space as an appearance in this magic show but it is not a fact.... as terminally unique as we each appear to be we are One for sure. I offer you my intimacy.
Thank you so much for sharing, Dave. I deeply appreciate what you’ve shared and I feel so blessed to be here too.
Much 'said' in more ways than one, if you know what I mean. How nice to know now that we actually have you both here with us. ...And since you mentioned it, yes, I feel it too. We really do have so much to look forward to experientially; all so very exciting indeed. 😊
I relate to the timing piece. I enjoyed reading your perspective. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Dave… so much love to you. Your story about your son is beautiful, I love reading your sharings.
Your give off such a calm and grounding energy 🙏🏻
I relate to what your sharing about something big on the horizon, very exciting indeed.
It’s always a great moment to see your name pop up in my email notifications… 🥰 xx
We're glad you're here. We feel the same way about this amazing place. 😊 And, you have it just right. This is the perfect time to explore exactly what you're exploring, the timing is always pristine and impeccable, even though it sometimes it appears on the surface that we're late to the party.