My Deaaaar Famiiiily! 😎😄😊👽💙💙 I was at this local UFO get-together and was more like a presentation about this Orb Phenomena, but I felt quite excited and spontaneous to attend and I was quite surprised as I saw the room full with people! But when I noticed this excitement skyyyy-rocketed! I was going to draw on this.... When it was a break, I took over this whiteboard and a explosion of energy came through as my hands moved on their own! Afterwards once it was done, I saw curious glances and some were asking about these lovely being I drew, what " Ha a'tu " meant and my face lit up, and I started describing, and telling about these loving beings, the Sassani, and some were excited to take a photo of it, and I said, Gooo For It! I love sharing this! I felt excited to share it here! 😎😄😊👽💙💙

Beauty-full! 💖