.. Mr Funky Has Something To Share ...
I was watching one of Elan's recent 3 part series transmissions being Lights, Camera & Action! Whilst I was tuning into the energy of the talk, what I've noticed is I always seem to find myself almost like-- slowly relaxing and gently falling asleep whilst listening to Elan talk, particularly during a meditation. I don't know why but his energy-- his very voice, like the way he comes through the channel, it's sooo soothing, I dunno why but I dooo and when he said Ha'Atu, which took me by surprise, I was like-- Oh golly, my heart is just gonna burst any second now hahha! Ahhh! 💙💚💙 But the interesting and spontaneous part of listening to this interaction, particularly during the mediation on Clarifying One's Vision, I could see this symbol I have been drawing a lot and see it as an important part of my ever expanding journey of surprise and joy! But.. I also saw Mr Funky, my Sassani counter-part, sitting in his chair, giving a big smile, almost like he was telling me, you gota draw meee! I have something to share with everyone! I was like alright! Let's go for it! As I started to draw him, I felt the urge to draw the symbol behind him, I also draw it on his suit as-well! When I was working on it, I could feel the explosive energy just racing outward, in a funky-funk bomb of goodness, it was... it looks.. sooo beautiful! I've never felt such huge electricity, and energy emanating from an artwork like this before. I can feel this acceleration.. Things are moving...and gaining speed like never before. building and building, things are grooowing in magic and energy..
.. And the more I ground this energy into this earthly plane, into this reality, things keep exploding like never before... Hoooolllly Wow.....😍👽👽⭐️💙💚 --------------------- 👽👽 I've got lots of creative plans for Elan! Stay tuned! 👽👽 💚 Ha'Atu! 💚

P.S. If you’re loving on “Elan’s” voice, you’re actually loving on none other than, our one and only, Andrew!! None of this would be possible without him. He feels the love right back, no doubt. 🫶🏼🥳🎉
Such a totally cool pic!! Mr. Funky always rocks. We're looking forward to seeing what your"creative plans" are for Elan. We always love these too. 🥰
Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. Your posts always make me smile 😄😍