What negative beliefs should we as a society both individually and collectively shed to make open contact more possible, effective, faster? Did Elan or Bashar discuss anything about it? 👽
We're going to answer this in some detail. Please take the time to really absorb this. Your questions are worth answering. However, as a question is actually answered, look to incorporate the answers into your life and experience the real results. This will answer a lot of your remaining questions from within. This board is truly here for more walk, less talk. Although we always invite new talk ... after the new walking.
Making ET contact more possible is actually achieved in a way that may seem to be counter-intuitive at first. The first step is to fully embrace your life here, as a human, on Earth. This is because on a fundamental level, you CHOSE to be here. This is a challenging concept for a lot of people to embrace because many times, under the surface, people want to connect with ET's because they are not having good relationships down here on Earth, or because they do not even like it here on Earth much. When this is the case, people will reach out to ET's to fill a hole that has been created by their own disdain for many of the negative qualities that also exist here on this Earth. People reach out to be saved, healed, and even "beamed up" to escape. The thing is, ET's always know the difference. They know when an individual is fully realized, loving life down here, fully and purposefully expressing the positive aspects of the human condition, and vibrating at a frequency that is high enough for them to connect to in any meaningful way. And they know when an individual is just saying they are whole, versus when they ARE being whole and just wanting to dance together, as equals, with them as that whole being. One cannot fool them, even if one is still fooling themself.
We remind you of two important things.
1. As your awareness expands due to these insights being shared, true expanded awareness radiates out in all directions. We become more aware of both the positive and the negative because both polarities are part of the foundational definition of this linear finite 3D Earth experience. However just because you're also more aware of the negative, this does not have to mean that you actually experience any of it first hand. What you put out is always what you get back. If you keep yourself aligned to your truest self, by choosing from what is available in every given moment with your excitement, and only acting on the most exciting option with integrity, you will only be putting out a purely positive frequency. The integrity portion of that equation assures that integrated action is always only positive. So, you get only positive results when you act on your excitement with integrity. However, at this point where you only experience positivity firsthand, for a while longer, you'll still be aware of more negative as well, because that is the nature of true expansion. This awareness of negativity will be through the experiences of others. And it may be quite intense, and to be fully disclosing, quite heartbreaking, in the coming days. The trick is to keep your own output positive even in the face of witnessing this. This allows you to always continue to be of the greatest service in ways that may not always seem obvious to you. And, while you expressing your most authentic positive self, you are automatically being the most responsible to those others, in the most efficient and perfect way.
2. If you are acting from a foundation of lack of unconditional self-love, then everything in your outer reality will continue to reflect that, until you own it and change it. There's no escaping this. The Universe must believe that reality would not complete without you, or you would not be here. Period. You did not have to do anything or "earn" your existence, so it is clearly unconditional. All-That-Is loves you unconditionally always has and always will. People who do not love themselves unconditionally have been brain-washed by people in their past. Many have been taught that you are only loved if you earn it or fill someone else's conditions. This is conditional love. Once a person understands that this was a learned response, they can own it. Once you own that, you can change it and instead replace it with the unconditional love of All-That-Is just described. Then EVERYTING CHANGES.
So, its vital to get your expressed beliefs in alignment with your truest desires to express yourself as the frequency that can comfortable interact with ET's. Once you are expressing yourself as a being that has chosen to be here, is embracing and living your life fully and with authenticity, your frequency becomes very high.
Therefore, the first step to contact with ET's is to weed out any beliefs that you are expressing which result in feeling, unloved, unsupported, lonely, isolated, unseen, unheard, angry, resentful, judgement and plain sad. Rejoice when you find a belief that you are expressing which no longer serves you because only owning it first, allows you to change it
Once you allow your emotions to deliver each of these remaining obsolete beliefs to you and you acknowledge and own them, only then you can change. them.
When one does own these limiting obsolete beliefs the question arise, "So now how can I change them?" Glad you asked, enter stage left, Elan:
Watch this, try the exercise that is being clearly demonstrated, APPLY it to YOUR beliefs and go out and live as the new you, watch it work in your life, not only in your mind. This will take some time, days or weeks. This is your next step, not immediately asking more questions because the results of this will answer a lot of your questions. And another reminder, questions are just answers that you already know but are placing outside of yourself in order to receive outer validation anyway. LIVING this way, letting life weed out the rest of your obsolete beliefs and replacing them using this simple technique, one by one, will put you where you keep saying you want to be. Then, and only then, will you will be primed for first contact.
What we are co-creating here on this forum is truly a ... participation sport. This board is not only here to ask many questions. It is here to absorb, apply, DO new things in your life, reality-test these messages, and THEN come back and discuss things AFTER you've gotten new results. That way, this board is being truly different than other Forums, which we believe it really is. Please go DO this next. Thank you.
The reason that it "hurts" relates to "Important Things" #2 above. If you've previously, or are still, "acting from a foundation of lack of unconditional self-love," it does hurt, it does feel lonely. And, it is really good that you're realizing that you're feeling this emotion! WHY say this? Read on ...
Remember that emotions, (once you know this), don't just happen to you. They are always the result of a belief that you are expressing. If you use emotions this way, they now become your best friends, because only when you realize and acknowledge that you're still expressing an old belief that you really want to change, can you now finally change it. Owning your current beliefs is the key to choosing newer, more useful beliefs. However, these steps need to go in order. Own it first. Now you own it.
That feeling of loneliness IS the emotion that is revealing to you that somewhere along the line in your life, likely someone said something unkind (and untrue) about you, and not knowing any better, you bought into it and began to act as though it was true. And so, you continued to get that result, the result of someone feeling unloved, which of course is ... loneliness, and pain. And believing this, and actingthatway, which is putting out that frequency, results in people staying away, letting you down, not being reliable. Because that is what that frequency attracts, and this then seems to "prove" that you are lonely, it's a cycle.
The rest of #2 above reminds you about your place in the Universe, basically the fact that if you are here, it cannot be an accident. All-That-Is is a perfect expression and simply does not make mistakes. How could it?
All-That-Is MUST think that this Earth can not exist without you, or you wouldn't be here. And here you are.
Take some real time to absorb the profound implication of this. Because it is true, that you belong here, and from a more expanded level of your consciousness you actually CHOSE to be here, but have just temporarily forgotten, you can tap into this. You can tap into the fact that the Universe loves you, with absolutely no conditions. No conditions means that if you "mess up,", make a mistake, even do something that you regret, All-That-Is always still loves you completely and unconditionally. When you get a piece of this realization, and begin to feel it in your heart, you will never feel lonely.
How can someone be lonely if they know they are always loved? When you understand this, decide you will now express the belief that you are always loved unconditionally, at least at this point by All-That-Is, you will act differently than you have been acting all these years.
And those different actions can only change the result that you get. And those new actions are a completely different frequency, which will can then only attract different people. These new people will prove to you the new belief, that you are loved unconditionally. And you will only interact with loving people, the others you will allow to be on their way, unless they become nice. And you will notice that the people who do not go on their way and leave your life, some will suddenly seem to change into nicer, more loving people. If you change, often others seem to change because you're attracting a different aspect of them now.
So, owning that you are currently still expressing the belief that you are unloved, and deciding instead to express the belief that you are always loved, you'll then begin to feel differently. You'll get the positive emotions that result from positive beliefs and actions.
This is where the technique here in this recording will help you so much, but only if you do it with the two beliefs, "I am unloved," and, "I am always unconditionally loved." Go do this, feel the difference between these two beliefs. It will make it so much easier to choose and act with the new belief, now that you're owning that you have the old belief. GO do this and come back and tell us what happens. And take your time, slow down, no rush, breathe, operate from calmness. And this will also be part of the new you.
Remember, once you get your Earth life in order, and are not longer operating from loneliness and pain, then contact becomes possible too. You'll have lovely new Earth friends, a beautiful new Earth lover and an ET family, all of it. It's a win-win-win.
So go! And have some fun with this. Its the best way to transform. Things don't have to be so serious. This will strengthen your legs because it helps you to form a stronger foundation. This technique is fun, simple and enlightening:
'You'll have lovely new Earth friends, a beautiful new Earth lover and an ET family, all of it. It's a win-win-win.'
Why can't we have any of that with this community? If allowance is the key, what would it take to make that a possibility. Why is finding the right soul mate so difficult and what would it take to finding them? I want to settle down with someone I love so that I can be of greater service, why is that so hard in the 21st century. 🥲💜
You can and do have friends here, who already like you, so that's already happening. Finding the right "soulmate" goes back to what was shared about creating your own complete primary relationship with yourselffirst. Saying that you can be of greater service with someone else is the same as saying you are not complete already now, and not able to give the greatest service, right now, already, alone as your full self. And you can be of the greatest service now, already, you are able to.
Following your excitement with integrity leads the way to this, not finding someone else first. One has to go in order. You can't skip a step with this. Once you follow your excitement and act on it with integrity, you create new results from that. These results are of greater service. Without a partner. The partner comes later.
It does feel a bit ironic sometimes to know that the way to transform loneliness is to feel complete first, and then one attracts a mate that reflects completeness. However, that's how it works. As long as one is radiating that they not already complete, the more the outer reality, including relationships, reflect that back.
Physical reality is like a big shiny mirror, it can only reflect back to you exactly what you put out. There's no fooling it. The mirror always shows you what you're putting out. IF you keep writing things like "I want to settle down with someone I love so that I can be of greater service, why is that so hard in the 21st century." then you keep putting out that: 1. you are not able to be of greater service yourself already, hence you feel incomplete, and;
2. that things are so hard. You are expressing those beliefs.
If you look in an actual mirror and you are frowning, you can't tell the reflection in the mirror to smile while you are still frowning, the reflection can't even do that, it's always a direct reflection. You first have to smile yourself on purpose, then the mirror shows the smile. Every time, it's always only a reflection.
It's the same with expressing the belief that you are not whole already, feelings of being incomplete. If you are putting out the belief that you are not already complete, which is a choice (even though we've been taught to believe its an observation), life has to reflect that back.
If you smile in your soul because you are feeling the unconditional love of All-That-Is, relishing it, basking in the glow of it, and MATCHING that love toward yourself, the mirror reflection of your life and reality has to change. It's a reflection.
If you decide that you're complete already, the loneliness melts away, because the loneliness reflection needs to have you expressing the belief of incompleteness in order to reflect loneliness back to you. Loneliness is a reflection of the expressed belief that you are not whole and complete right now, and that you need something outside of yourself to make you complete.
If you put out an expressed belief of wholeness, the mirror has to reflect back a reflection of calm contentment, happiness, satisfaction and joy. It all starts with each one of us.
Now, go and do this, because this is how you change an expressed belief:
Have you done this yet? If you did, tell us how the exercise went for you and if you got the point. If you did not, please go. It's a great technique, very simple, very quick, and entirely effective. Nobody can do this for you. This is a participation sport, as we keep saying. If you're truly serious about changing you can only do so by applying the things that are being shared, not only reading them.
Hey Ady.
We're going to answer this in some detail. Please take the time to really absorb this. Your questions are worth answering. However, as a question is actually answered, look to incorporate the answers into your life and experience the real results. This will answer a lot of your remaining questions from within. This board is truly here for more walk, less talk. Although we always invite new talk ... after the new walking.
Making ET contact more possible is actually achieved in a way that may seem to be counter-intuitive at first. The first step is to fully embrace your life here, as a human, on Earth. This is because on a fundamental level, you CHOSE to be here. This is a challenging concept for a lot of people to embrace because many times, under the surface, people want to connect with ET's because they are not having good relationships down here on Earth, or because they do not even like it here on Earth much. When this is the case, people will reach out to ET's to fill a hole that has been created by their own disdain for many of the negative qualities that also exist here on this Earth. People reach out to be saved, healed, and even "beamed up" to escape. The thing is, ET's always know the difference. They know when an individual is fully realized, loving life down here, fully and purposefully expressing the positive aspects of the human condition, and vibrating at a frequency that is high enough for them to connect to in any meaningful way. And they know when an individual is just saying they are whole, versus when they ARE being whole and just wanting to dance together, as equals, with them as that whole being. One cannot fool them, even if one is still fooling themself.
We remind you of two important things.
1. As your awareness expands due to these insights being shared, true expanded awareness radiates out in all directions. We become more aware of both the positive and the negative because both polarities are part of the foundational definition of this linear finite 3D Earth experience. However just because you're also more aware of the negative, this does not have to mean that you actually experience any of it first hand. What you put out is always what you get back. If you keep yourself aligned to your truest self, by choosing from what is available in every given moment with your excitement, and only acting on the most exciting option with integrity, you will only be putting out a purely positive frequency. The integrity portion of that equation assures that integrated action is always only positive. So, you get only positive results when you act on your excitement with integrity. However, at this point where you only experience positivity firsthand, for a while longer, you'll still be aware of more negative as well, because that is the nature of true expansion. This awareness of negativity will be through the experiences of others. And it may be quite intense, and to be fully disclosing, quite heartbreaking, in the coming days. The trick is to keep your own output positive even in the face of witnessing this. This allows you to always continue to be of the greatest service in ways that may not always seem obvious to you. And, while you expressing your most authentic positive self, you are automatically being the most responsible to those others, in the most efficient and perfect way.
2. If you are acting from a foundation of lack of unconditional self-love, then everything in your outer reality will continue to reflect that, until you own it and change it. There's no escaping this. The Universe must believe that reality would not complete without you, or you would not be here. Period. You did not have to do anything or "earn" your existence, so it is clearly unconditional. All-That-Is loves you unconditionally always has and always will. People who do not love themselves unconditionally have been brain-washed by people in their past. Many have been taught that you are only loved if you earn it or fill someone else's conditions. This is conditional love. Once a person understands that this was a learned response, they can own it. Once you own that, you can change it and instead replace it with the unconditional love of All-That-Is just described. Then EVERYTING CHANGES.
So, its vital to get your expressed beliefs in alignment with your truest desires to express yourself as the frequency that can comfortable interact with ET's. Once you are expressing yourself as a being that has chosen to be here, is embracing and living your life fully and with authenticity, your frequency becomes very high.
Therefore, the first step to contact with ET's is to weed out any beliefs that you are expressing which result in feeling, unloved, unsupported, lonely, isolated, unseen, unheard, angry, resentful, judgement and plain sad. Rejoice when you find a belief that you are expressing which no longer serves you because only owning it first, allows you to change it
Once you allow your emotions to deliver each of these remaining obsolete beliefs to you and you acknowledge and own them, only then you can change. them.
When one does own these limiting obsolete beliefs the question arise, "So now how can I change them?" Glad you asked, enter stage left, Elan:
Watch this, try the exercise that is being clearly demonstrated, APPLY it to YOUR beliefs and go out and live as the new you, watch it work in your life, not only in your mind. This will take some time, days or weeks. This is your next step, not immediately asking more questions because the results of this will answer a lot of your questions. And another reminder, questions are just answers that you already know but are placing outside of yourself in order to receive outer validation anyway. LIVING this way, letting life weed out the rest of your obsolete beliefs and replacing them using this simple technique, one by one, will put you where you keep saying you want to be. Then, and only then, will you will be primed for first contact.
What we are co-creating here on this forum is truly a ... participation sport. This board is not only here to ask many questions. It is here to absorb, apply, DO new things in your life, reality-test these messages, and THEN come back and discuss things AFTER you've gotten new results. That way, this board is being truly different than other Forums, which we believe it really is. Please go DO this next. Thank you.