I did not know how much I did not know, my father barely read a book so if we are who we are the product of our environment then how do we change that? It hurts not being aware of how much kept from me
I will be as reposonsible as possible if I was given a second chance in life?
You chose to come here on Earth, to play the Earth game. You also chose the family and the environment and the themes to explore. In order to do this, you needed to forget who you are (whole and perfect facet of the Divine/Source/All That is). The first seven years are the programming years where you absorbed all the beliefs of others and began to form your own personality based on all the beliefs you accepted. Remember that your personality is an artificial construct. The bright light that you are, in a sense created a 3 sided prism (beliefs/emotions/thought patterns which lead to actions). These are beliefs, not truths. So once you become aware of the belief, you acknowledge that it has served you and you then choose what you prefer to believe. That's it. You just now "own" the new belief to be as valid as the old belief. You don't invalidate the old one, but you simply choose from a place of power.
Take a simple belief of "I can't drink coffee after 5 because I won't sleep at night". That is not a truth, it is a belief that keeps perpetuating until you change it. So now, I can drink coffee whenever I want is my preferred choice and I change the belief. At first there may be an echo of the old belief (you may find you can't sleep, but that's just an echo). Stay true to your new belief, reaffirm it and then in a short time, the new belief will be just as valid as the old belief. You don't need a second chance in life. You are an eternal, beautiful, powerful being. KNOW this. And choose from that state of being. Love and blessings.
This life has played out JUST PERFECTLY and there is nothing to feel like you should go back and change! You are here, aren't you? You've found your way to a place where only a few on this planet are ready to be-- and your beginning was the perfect starting point for that journey to 'here', this vibrational level of allowance you are now on, this vibrational vantage point from which you can discern what is in more alignment with Your preferences (what feels best to you in every moment, beckoning you ever-towards alignment) very powerfully, and where people Know that there is nothing standing between you and an experience but your own definitions.
But you get whatever effect YOU choose to apply (because You are the God of your creation: the reality you experience), so if you choose to see those experiences as negative, they will have a negative effect upon 'now'. But if you choose to define them as just the right events that lead to you being right here, right now, and that this is the perfect place for you to be, a glorious platform from which to launch your desires and know that if you just align with them, they'll manifest-- then that will be the effect you create!
Most of the information they're teaching in the world are actually limiting beliefs that have been passed down for generations, anyway-- we are all our own databases of experience! You contain all of the knowledge and experiences your soul has ever been cooperative to! And when you trust you'll always have your own guidance and any knowledge that is relevant to now will simply 'pop into your head'-- you will allow that to be the case for you!
Nothing is kept from you. You do not need to read in order to learn. The present is not a result of the past, unless you insist that it is. So, it does not matter what your father did, it matters what you do now, and that's all.
You are being given a second chance. In order to take full advantage of this second chance, it is really time to dive into the sessions on YouTube. This is what you're asking for, but nobody can do this for you. The information is there. We are putting a lot of effort to make sure the recordings are clear and easy to hear. Now go listen.
We encourage the asking of questions, but it is important to do things, take actions in your own exploration in between, learning from this info, then always putting the actions from it into your life. Ask questions after you've done that and discuss your results. Otherwise you're just going in circles.
The time for more questions can come later, but now is the time to learn, and put it into action. A lot of your questions will answer themselves though the application of this knowledge. Go through the sessions on YouTube, allowing titles that are attracting to you to guide you to the sessions that will help you.
We have been suggesting many sessions for you to listen to. Listen to these, carefully next, then see which questions are answered through the sessions. Then come back later to discuss the concepts.
This is a participation sport. Nobody can do anything for you. Get to it, and you will see a difference right away.