I’ll get a little bit more personal here because I want to share this.. The situation that I have is difficult for me. So I'd appreciate any different perspective, idea or thought.
I'll be completely honest and admit to my negative beliefs.. I have a new flat and it's great here, I love everything about it.. except one thing.. and that is that here is a neighbor that smokes very often. Also late at night, which often wakes me up. It's impossible to have open windows and not get bothered by the smoke. It gets really warm and stuffy in the flat, especially now when it’s summer. We tried talking to her but she is unwilling to figure out a solution. It makes me mad and hopeless. Also my friend that I live with is upset about this whole situation. So, I know I created this situation for a reason and that no matter what every situation can be used for a positive reason. What I learned is that it showed me that I’m not 100% unconditionally loving and that I’m scared for the health of my friend (which I already struggled a lot with before, so I guess it’s a sign I still have that belief). I prefer having clean and fresh air and I like to have my windows open most of the time, especially during the night, even in winter. And I also prefer to not be scared that my health or that of my friend's will worsen because of this. I think what I struggle with as well is that it happens so frequently. It's the "Oh no here it comes again" but sometimes it's every 5 minutes. And I don't really know what to do. I did the exercise with thinking about what my preferred self would do. But I struggled with this because the smell is bothering me a lot and I don’t know how I can get used to it. But maybe I also don’t trust the process? Maybe I’m too attached to the belief that it’s unlikely to stop? Or I’m showing too much resistance? Maybe I don’t fully belief that I’m the owner of my reality?
Please feel free to share your thoughts. Maybe someone can reflect back to me what to do. 😥♥
I want to share a quick update here. I don’t know what has happened but the smoke probably reduced by 99%. It’s been like this for a while already. Last time I was here (when it was still frequent) I met her on the hallway and she greeted me nicely. At that moment I just felt empathy and love for her. It’s a bit strange but I feel like meeting her on the hallway changed my perspective towards her a lot. I wasn’t even supposed to go outside. It was like 5 a.m. and I just wanted to take a short walk.