I have been exploring with a concept called "psychological time" from an entity named Seth channel by Jane Roberts,this concept is a form of meditation leading to the inner self and it's abilities etc... I would love a session from elan on the subject if it please so I could truly understand the way to go about it.?
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I see how we do indeed create time to exist in the ways that we do... historical, personal, cosmological... day to day, moment by moment... how many other ways are there to create time? How do different ET species view time? During my nde the first thing I commented on was how time was 'smeared' while in that state. I think I have honed in on particular frames of personal experience as well, including a so-called future one (actually a few). We make up time on the go so it seems.
Elan discusses Psychological Time from his own perspective. He explains that we create time, that it is not truly an outer objective experience. We generally create using the mass agreed upon version of the passage of time, for instance, clock time. This gives us the apparency of a common experience (which is also an apparency, an illusion in the ultimate sense)
We can create a different experience of time. One example he uses is in talking about the fact that we have the experience of "time flying by faster when we're having fun". He explains that in this case, when we're following our excitement, we're actually creating less time because we're in complete synch with authentic self without any resistance. It literally takes less time to function without resistance as the fullest version of yourself, So we create less time when we're flowing most authentically, without resistance.
We can also experience this alternate experience of the flow of time in such daily instances as retaining a mindful state, achieving a centered meditative state, or even taking a walk in a natural setting if we are allowing ourselves to become centered in the now moment while walking.
Keep it simple. Notice when you have that alternate experience of the passage of time and validate it. Trusting these experiences results in them becoming more present and prevalent, while invalidating this when it happens has the opposite effect of pushing it away and experiencing as though it is happening less and less.