Welcome and greetings this evening of your time. How are you all? Oh thank you, perfect as well.
Allow me to begin this interaction, perhaps you can say the first of a three-part overall intensive interaction. This particular interaction we have, in that sense titled, Clarifying Your Vision. Next month of your time we will discuss Definition and Deservability.
And the following month we will discuss Action. Perhaps you can call this the Lights, Camera, Action series if you wish. Therefore, we will now begin with the overall foundation.
We have discussed many times that you are the creators of your own reality. We have discussed many times that creating your own reality according to preference is simply a matter of a slight shift in perception. You already create your own reality and it is merely a matter of now beginning to factor in continuing to do so automatically, randomly, hodgepodge as you say, or beginning to take responsibility for creating your reality according to preference, enjoy, from desire, which we have already to some degree discussed.
Understand all that it takes to line or align your reality according to your preference is clarity of your vision. Now one other way to put this is clear intention. However, for now we will refer to this simply as your vision.
That being the thing, the event that excites you the most. As we have reminded you perhaps many times, though it is always the first time for us, your excitement is the direct indication of who you chose to be in this life. This applies to the most exciting thing that you feel you may ever do and it also applies again, perhaps you can say microcosmically, to what's available in any given moment using that vibration, that perceptive sense that you have, your excitement to determine what is most you and then act upon that option with integrity.
In this interaction we will, for the purposes once again of alignment, focus more on the concept of the thing that excites you the most. Now in general we do not, in general we focus your attention to the moment, to what's available in the moment.
But understand, lining up, aligning with the most exciting thing directly affects what occurs in the moment and allows whatever occurs in any given moment to actually be a stepping stone toward the most exciting thing. Therefore, in order to allow your reality to be a bit more consciously created according to preference, allowing yourself to fully, fully acknowledge the thing which excites you the most sets up that clear intention, sets up perhaps you can say the vision which will represent one of the overall general themes or purposes in your life, one of the overall themes or purposes that you have created this life to discover. And therefore when aligning with that most exciting thing, your moment-to-moment reality begins to reflect this alignment. And though again, the things that are in a given moment may seem to have nothing to do with the most exciting thing, when you etch, when you decide on the clarity of that vision, the establishment of that vision, each moment then has something directly to do with that vision.
And what excites you in any given moment will now change for the things that will excite you will now be representative of the path of least resistance toward that most exciting thing. So it lays down a foundation. We are not in any way once again suggesting by this, that you do this at the cost of remaining grounded in the moment, but simply to utilize as a compass, as a pointer, as a barometer to where these moments will ultimately lead.
Therefore allow me to begin by simply asking you all the requestion, perhaps rhetorical for now, and when I ask it simply allow your mind to furnish you with whatever comes up without any judgment or analysis.
All right? All right.
For a moment close your eyes. I simply will ask a question. Allow your imagination to furnish the answer in whatever form it comes.
If it seems ridiculous, if it seems in that sense to run contrary to your normal, shall I say, utilizing your terminology point of view, simply allow it. Note when I ask this question, what comes up for you? All right.
Is everyone there? Just checking. The question is simply this.
And I am asking each and every one of you this question personally. So therefore factor everyone else out. This is your question.
What comes up in the screen of your imagination will be your answer.
Allow yourself to breathe and allow yourself in once again the theater of your imagination to provide any symbol or any impression that comes up.
We will allow a moment for this. Time's up.
Now, from time to time in interacting with members of your society, not to draw any conclusions from this, not to make any generalizations, but individuals will simply say, well, I do not know what excites me. To which we will always reply, yes, you do. First of all, understand in no uncertain terms, you do know what excites you.
When you say that you do not, you simply withhold your ability to access what you all already know. But what perhaps we have not shared is that individuals who would seem to not be privy to what excites them will generally withhold that impression from themselves for one of three general reasons.
Number one, judgment of that thing by your society.
Now, perhaps more accurately, you're buying into the judgment about the exciting thing that your society seems to keep upon it. It is never a product of their judgment which prevents you from doing anything. And never can their judgment even have any effect on you whatsoever until you match or create your version of their judgment in the form of self-judgment.
Well, everyone knows you can't do that. So therefore, that will be one of generally three reasons that you will find that you will, from time to time, not allow yourself to access what excites you. So this is why we say no matter how seemingly ridiculous it may seem, when asking yourself what excites me, allow anything to come up.
Number two will be something that we have discussed in some detail, which is a quote-unquote fear that you could not achieve what excites you. Again, I remind you that this is a paradox. The fact that it excites you tells you is the indication of your prerequisite ability to do that thing.
So it is a paradox. Remind yourself, relabel that your excitement not only tells you that this is most you, but then by extension that obviously you have the ability to do this thing. There are no dangling carrots in creation other than the ones you choose to create.
So therefore, the mere fact that it excites you in that sense, shall I say, allows you to know in no uncertain terms that though it may not be obvious in that moment how this thing can come about, my excitement tells me it absolutely can.
Number three, there is a general overall feeling that many individuals, and again we have discussed this as well, that upon achieving quote-unquote the thing that excites them, that they will not have the ability to actually do that thing, that they actually do not have enough power, or perhaps fear quite the opposite, that they could not handle the power that would come along with the fulfillment of that exciting thing.
And again, I remind you simply, there is nothing that you can ever create, nothing that you cannot handle. Otherwise, there would be extraneous creations, and I remind you there are not. Everything by virtue of the fact that it exists tells you by definition that it belongs.
So understand the message that excitement delivers. Number one, it tells you, YOU can do that thing. Number two, it tells you that when doing that thing you will have more than enough power to continue to do that thing, and that that power can never overcome you, for it is an expression of you.
So therefore, should you find in asking yourself what excites me the most, these barriers arising, simply dialogue with yourself utilizing the reflections that we have just shared, and ask yourself again what excites me the most. Allow it to come up. Allow yourself to feel it.
Allow yourself to validate it. Understand once again that most literally, though you perceive yourself as physical matter, you are energy, you are consciousness itself. Therefore, you are a frequency of energy, literally a wavelength, a frequency, a spectrum of energy.
When you establish your clear vision, you in that sense conform the frequency of your reality to the frequency of your desire. So therefore, understand that it is not merely a mental exercise to clarify and establish your clear intention. It is literally the initiating step that sets up the energy template, the model that, quote unquote, your reality then grows upon, so to speak.
Therefore, it is not merely an exercise, but a foundational statement of conscious creatorhood. If you are willing to acknowledge what moves you, what excites you, you are clarifying your vision. You are focusing down on the overall idea that right now is most representative of who you are.
Again, it is likened to dialing, perhaps you can say, a phone number, or in that sense, a particular address. It tunes you to the preference of what exists in your reality. So we cannot emphasize enough that your willingness to allow yourself to be aware of what excites you the most sets up the vibration that allows your life to fall literally into place through coincidence, through the seeming strangest of events, and once in a while, to keep it interesting, through the obvious course of events as well.
Understand, you already do this in various forms. You already reaffirm, reassert some intention. Very often, it is that you constantly repeat, I cannot do the thing that excites me.
I cannot achieve the thing that excites me. This is the establishment of a vision. This is the establishment of an intention, perhaps not according to preference, but nevertheless, it is the same thing as an intention because it is a statement by you, and perhaps you may understand that in that aspect, the universe is quite neutral.
It does not read into what you are saying and interpret it takes you quite literally. So when you affirm, I cannot do what excites me, I cannot do what excites me, you are clarifying a vision that lays down the foundation for a reality that results in the effect of not being able to do what excites you, brings the evidence along with it that yes, you cannot do what excites you for that is what you are continually stating as your belief and setting up foundationally then again, emotions, thoughts, and actions correspondingly.
So you already use vision, use intention, though again, it is generally a random effect. Simply, you need not cease being random and run away from the random approach. By establishing consciously your clear intention, you automatically distance yourself from the old approach, but not by running from it in an invalidating way, but by validating and acting according to the new approach.
Automatically, do you distance yourself from the negative or reciprocal of what you say you prefer. In the second half of this interaction, what you call after your break, we will perform a short, perhaps you can say, guided visualization that will once again enable you, perhaps in more symbolic terms, to focus in, to hone in, to tune literally in on what excites you. But first, we will allow the settling, perhaps you can say, of some of the information that we have just shared in terms of what you create as impediments and in terms of your new way to address these ideas and allow your excitement to be delivered to you on a silver platter.
Now before we begin, I again remind you, once you establish your overall vision, your overall intention, you will either be able to do something, to act in this moment toward that particular end or not. If you can, by all means, act, do whatever is most obvious is there for a reason and will stand out in your reality for a reason. But once you have established the clear intention, you no longer, if it is not available in the moment, need fixate upon it, obsess upon it, but simply check in with it.
Is it available? Is there anything that I can do right now toward my vision? Yes.
Do it. No. All right.
What can I do something about? And remind yourself, maintain that clarified vision and move forward from what is available. Therefore, again, you do not use the most exciting thing as an excuse in any given moment, not to do the things that are exciting in that moment, but simply use it as a tool of alignment to remind yourself, this is what I will settle for no less than in my life.
This excites me. This is obviously one of the reasons, key reasons I am here. Therefore, I will allow it to unfold into my reality and I will allow it to be an ecstatic process by continuing to maintain it as a clear vision while acting from what is available on the things that excite me.
Now, that is an exciting and ecstatic life that replaces your quote unquote old momentum, the illusion of momentum, with a quote unquote seemingly new preferable momentum. Again, momentum is an illusion overall, but it is an apparency and can also be used to your advantage. Once again, you seemingly establish the momentum of your excitement with integrity.
Allow me now to once again thank you all. It is not only an honor, but an ecstatic joy to interact with you, particularly now that you are on the cusp of a whole new understanding in your society. Many things are occurring.
Many things will continue to occur. Many exciting ideas are just around the corner, as you say. And therefore, it is our joy that on some level, obviously, by the fact that I can communicate with you in this way, you have invited us to participate, perhaps on the sidelines for now.
But the idea is you would have it no other way. It is your game. And therefore, you make the rules and you determine the quote unquote outcome, as you say.
We thank you for your willingness to allow you to be part of our vision, for we are all truly related in the essence sense. We are very literally brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, children, in many ways, in many differing and different styles of relationship. Therefore, again, it always is an ecstatic joy to interact with you.
We thank you for the honor. We thank you for the opportunity to behold your culture at such a time of transformation upon your planet. Due to this willingness, I ask you now how I may be of service to you and vice versa.
Guided visualization
All right, I'll say close your eyes, become relaxed in your seats, standing if you prefer.
Take three deep and loving breaths with me now.
Picture yourself walking upon a road.
Feel the ground underneath your feet as you walk. Feel the air bristle by the skin of your face and arms. Feel the cool, fresh air as you breathe it in, walking down this road.
As you do, begin to notice that this road exists in a most pleasing place and that to your left and to your right are sites that you find most beautiful. Allow your imagination to furnish these sites and allow your heart to furnish the emotion that corresponds to the beholding of these wonders.
As you are walking, walking, walking along the road to ecstasy. Notice the smells, the sounds, the sights. Notice, as you say, the wildlife.
Feel the glow in your heart and understand that the you that you are now being is the preferred You. Watch how that You walks. Watch how that You holds its head and hold your head that way.
Beholding sites of beauty and creating the corresponding emotionality of appreciation.
Notice off into the distance a doorway.
As you come upon a structure, a building, allow your imagination to furnish the form in which you behold this building. It is still quite often to the distance. Notice and continue to appreciate along this path the sights and sounds that you are beholding.
Notice as the structure providing the doorway before you grows in size as you approach it closer and closer, larger and larger, and understand that the structure is quite large. Extends, as you say, into the sky. As you, prior to entering this structure, scan upward, notice in whatever form that it presents itself.
At the peak of the structure, any idea, any form of what you call antenna and notice in that sense its shape and orientation. As you approach the opening, the gateway, the doorway into the structure, you notice that there are several, as you say, steps down and as you approach the doorway, you descend down these steps into what you perceive to be a main room in the center of the structure. Allow yourself to perceive the descending down the stairs into the depths, into the heart, into the very foundation of the building that you have entered.
Notice the corridor through which you are walking.
Notice the various ornamentations that are in that sense etched upon the walls of the hallway and notice that at the end of the hallway is another door leading into a room. Slowly, purposefully, yet effortlessly allow yourself to continue to descend these steps until you reach that doorway. As you enter the room, once again, centrally located within the structure, you will notice that there is a chair.
Before that chair, there is what you call a table. Upon that table is what you colloquially refer to as a television set. That television set simply has a wire that would, in that sense, ascend upward and you understand that that wire connects to the antenna that you have created atop the structure.
Allow yourself to approach the chair.
Sit within it.
Notice the features of the room around you. Notice the walls. Feel the floor beneath your feet.
Notice the ceiling above you. Notice its shape, its size. Notice, as you say, the scent or the smell of the room.
Breathe deeply as you sit in this chair and relax. Once again, with me now, and yet for the first time, take three more deep breaths, followed by yet another three. Breathing in love and light.
Breathing out old ideas which no longer apply to who you are.
And three more.
Breathing in knowingness. Breathing in self-validation and excitement. Breathing out self-judgment.
Notice the sense of relaxation that your body has now assumed. Feel the deeply all-pervading relaxation that you have not often felt before. Feel the sense of complete comfort, simply being where you are, having no ambitions to be anywhere else, and having no inclination toward reflecting back on any quote-unquote past moment.
Drink in where you are, simply being consciously who you are, sitting in that chair in front of that television set. Now understand, you are within the depths of your own beingness, extending into the heavens, yet firmly grounded in your reality, as symbolized by the descending steps into this chamber. Allow yourself to understand that you are now connected to what you call your spiritual nature directly, yet grounding that spiritual nature into physicality, into the physical world that you are creating.
Feel this connection as above, so as below. Feel the complete knowingness that you are the reality. Understand that what will be broadcast upon that television set is your life, is who you are.
Literally, this device as you have created it is a discernment instrument, which takes for granted that there are many overlapping frequencies occurring at the same time, but gives you the ability to finally and distinctly tune into a particular frequency, clarify that frequency, focus that frequency, and bring it through seemingly as the only frequency. This is literally what your machine does do. This is literally how it will function within the scenario that you are co-creating with me now.
You will understand that as you look down into one of your hands, you will find what you call remote control. But you will understand that what this set is tuned to is your excitement, is your vision, is your intention. Understanding this, each and every one of you in whatever way you choose to create it, turn on that set and allow yourself to see your vision.
Understand you have the option to, as you say, flip the channels and thereby check in with the various frequencies, but pay particular attention to what presents itself upon that screen. Again, particularly that which you least expect, which is what shall occur. And as you are flipping through the channels, as you say, notice the tone of what you call the programming.
Notice the overall emphases of whatever scenario or quote-unquote show happens to come up. Take some time, create some time, and as you say, flip through the channels. Understand that what you are seeing upon the screen is you performing actions within scenarios, corresponding and creating events, and allow yourself in observing yourself doing so to feel which events attract you more than other events.
Remember that as you are, again, flipping your channels, no one is judging you. Therefore, grant yourself that same respect. Any show that happens to present itself upon your screen is all right, in that sense, to watch.
Also understand that anything that you are performing within that scenario shows you, by virtue of the fact that you are seeing yourself performing it, that it is something completely within your capability. Also, as you see yourself doing that thing, also remind yourself of the fact that you obviously are displaying that you can handle all the power and responsibility that comes along with the playing out, with the expression of this idea that so excites you. So feel this and allow yourself to once again focus in on, perhaps now beginning, to narrow down your channels to but two or three events or two or three overall ideas that you find most exciting.
If no one particular program stands out as being any more exciting than any other, then continue to fluctuate and continue to, in that sense, watch each of the programs. But many or most of you will find that one particular scenario stands out as being that much more exciting than anything else. When that is the case for you, allow yourself to see yourself on the set, on the television screen, performing the most exciting thing that you can right now picture you will ever do.
As many of you will sometimes do, allow yourself to, as you sometimes say, live vicariously through the image you are seeing upon your television set. Absorb yourself in the show, still for now maintaining the separation, but emotionally feeling the joy that you feel when you watch a particularly pleasing program. As you sit, once again, perched in front of your television set, begin to notice that seemingly the entire instrument is moving toward you, growing larger and larger as it approaches you.
Understand that perhaps it was much farther away than you had at first imagined and is far larger than you first imagined. And as it approaches you, you begin to understand that you are not watching something occurring behind a screen, but you are watching a scenario through a window or a porthole that now is approaching you and coming into your physical proximity. Allow it to continue to approach you, understanding that you will not bump into it.
Notice as it approaches that it begins to wrap around you, no longer simply maintaining the image of being in front of you, but now surrounding you on both sides. And stand up in your imagination from that chair. Picture, if you will, the screen now wrapping around you, coming to a complete circle and back of you.
So now you are surrounded 360 degrees on all sides by the image and are literally now within the image, no longer separate from the image. Feel yourself in the scenario doing the most exciting thing. As you are doing it, feel the joy and what you refer to as satisfaction that comes along with that idea.
Feel it, do not analyze, feel it. Notice any unexpected happenings within the scenario.
Pay particular attention to things which are occurring that you did not expect, rather than the ones that you did. And continue to feel the joy of the identification of being the you you say you prefer to be. When you have fully allowed yourself to feel how it is to be the you you prefer to be, allow your surroundings to once again become misty and fog-like until you are standing in the blackness, as you say.
As this blackness subsides, notice that you are once again within your seat, within your room, upon your planet this evening of your time. And allow yourself, at whatever pace is most pleasing, to breathe deeply and once again open your eyes, bringing back with you this experience.
Now understand, though particular symbols, familiar symbols were used, the choice of each symbol is precise.
The choice of each symbol is purposeful. You have preconceived ideas of many of these symbols and therefore we merely played with you, utilizing the symbols already prevalent in your society. But this is far more than simply an exercise.
It is literally a form of alignment. I simply suggest to you that this is only the beginning in that sense of clarifying your vision, allowing yourself in a spontaneous fashion to tune into what excites you the most. However, again, many things that occurred within your vision may have again been unexpected.
So pay particular attention not to what came up that was most obvious, although you can note that as well, but pay particular attention to anything within that scenario that came up that was not expected. Continue to focus on the joy that those unexpected ideas brought you, the enhancement that those unexpected ideas brought along with them to the scenario, and understand that this is how your reality falls into place. As you clarify your vision, as a clear intention, round and about you does the reality begin to conform.
Round and about you does the reality begin to fall into place to allow you to experience that vision. But it will often do so in the most unexpected of ways, and that surprise, that unexpected direction is just as much a part of your creatorhood, for it is literally one of the reasons that you have created yourself as a physical being. One of the reasons that you choose to forget your totality and focus on what ultimately would seem like a minute portion of yourself.
And this is again, not only for the experience itself, but the joy of discovery within the playing out of that experience. Very often many of you will lament that things are unknown, and this is a complete disacknowledgement of your purposeful application of what you will choose to know and not know. I remind you when you know it all, you cannot learn, you cannot experience anything seemingly for the first time, and you cannot be surprised.
Surprise in and of itself is one of the primary reasons for choosing to create a physical reality. Therefore, from your higher self perspective, is a source of great joy. Your willingness to flow with this appreciation will allow your reality to deliver things to you by surprise, in seemingly the most unexpected ways.
The ecstatic explosion of coincidence. Again, things will still come from time to time along the most expected path, but perhaps more often than not, you will find that your willingness to lighten up your grip and insistence that it must come in a particular way will allow it to come far faster through coincidence, through surprise, through the joy of discovery of who you are. We thank you for your willingness to participate in this exercise with us this evening.
Before we continue with what you call the interaction, the exchange, again I remind you, we too are continually discovering, discovering, uncovering who we are as well. And the process of utilizing your communication as a reflection enhances us in ways that are not immediately available upon merely the experience of our planet itself. So I remind you of this to thank you for your willingness to share with us, which brings us more growth than many of you will assume.
We are all equal in the eyes of all that is. We are all equal in our own eyes. The differences are as fascinating to us as the similarities.
We thank you for your willingness to co-create with us in this way and once again resume with sharing!
At this time, allow me to say the following.
As we have shared next interaction, we will discuss Deservability and Definition. After that, Action.
All of this falls under the category of conscious creatorhood. Conscious creatorhood is a function of allowing yourself to remember who you are through self-validation. Therefore, I find it quite apropos in, in that sense, as you say, wrapping up this interaction to simply wish you all a happy Memorial Day.
For you are literally remembering who you are. We thank you for your willingness to create the synchronicity of this idea upon your planet at this time. And we'll see you in what you call your dream.
Good evening.