Greetings this evening of your time, as you create time to exist. How are you all? Oh, thank you.
Allow me to begin by saying that this is my first interaction on your planet, since Egypt as well, and I am quite excited about this. Also understand that you have had, perhaps somewhat publicized, of the many energy gates in your society, what you call 1111. Allow me to again express my joy at sharing with you 1212.
We shall entitle this interaction, Love, Hate, and Guilt. Now, as you know, there are many forms of love upon your planet in that you express, shall we say, many separations in the concept you call love. For our particular, shall we say, discourse and explanation, we will simply utilize two expressions of love, that is, conditional and unconditional love.
Unconditional love is exactly that. That would directly correspond to love which has no conditions placed upon it, and is automatic, ever flowing, ever existing, cannot be withdrawn, for there are simply no conditions that need be fulfilled for the giving and sharing of that love. This is indeed the love of what you call God, or what we call All-That-Is, itself. In fact, perhaps more apropos is the idea that All-That-Is, is unconditional love itself, and therefore cannot judge, does not contain the concept of judgment, which is the imposition of conditions, which when not met, in a sense, the withdrawal of love results.
Therefore, you may understand that when you feel what you call judgment, you are never feeling it from All-That-Is. That is simply impossible.
What you are feeling is your own created version of standards, which when not met, then result, in that sense, to the withdrawal of self-love. Therefore, understand that as you contain the concept of conditional self-love itself, you also contain the concept of unconditional self-love. And many times, simply this being pointed out will allow you to begin, if you wish, to see when you are imposing conditions, and when you are willing to love yourself completely, unconditionally.
For the idea is that because All-That-Is loves you unconditionally, and this is constant, this is never changing, that energy can always be tapped into and matched within yourself. For, again, it is constant, and you can simply, in remembering, in realizing that that unconditional love exists, mimic that self-love. In a sense, you may say, simply refusing to withdraw your self-love, which you have, in that sense, earned. Therefore, you can be willing to not settle for any less than loving yourself.
But you do contain within your society the idea you call conditional love. And when you are expressing conditional love to individuals, basically you are loving them when they meet your conditions, or when you feel that they fulfill your standards.
This is not, again, exactly what you would call the love of All-That-Is, and is perhaps one of the more unique creations of your society, in being able to express within the unconditional love of All-That-Is itself, conditions.
When individuals, in that sense, do not meet your conditions, many times, still feeling a sense of self-love, still feeling a sense of deservability, you will create an emotion, a polarized expression of conditional love you call hate. And many times, individuals will say, well, hate is the opposite of love. In a sense, this is true from the perspective of conditional love, but not from the perspective of unconditional love. For again, unconditional love of self results in what you would call the expression of deservability.
And if you feel deserving, but feel that someone has not met your conditions, you express this as hate. And what you call hate, in order to become so righteously indignant about it, does still contain some feelings of deservability. So therefore, if you have any expression of self-love, that, in a sense, would then not be the true opposite of unconditional love. It would be a polarized expression of unconditional love.
Guilt, however, is the true opposite of unconditional love. For when you are expressing guilt, you are not realizing and acknowledging your Creatorhood. You are not realizing and acknowledging your deservability, your ability to understand that you deserve to exist and you deserve to create a life of joy and ecstasy. So in that sense, guilt is the complete withdrawal of unconditional self-love, and therefore is the opposite of love itself.
When you feel this, many times individuals will ascribe that it is a positive feeling, for in that sense it controls you, or shall we say, holds the reins from you doing things that are out of integrity. But understand, this is not using your creations in the most positive of ways. You need not withdraw self-love when you do not meet your conditions and have that be a form, in that sense, of positive self-reflection. For when you withdraw that self-love, you are no longer in the centered position to, shall we say, transform your creations according to preference. And in that sense, you create a sense of perceived helplessness through which you then create paralysis.
That paralysis does not allow you once again to transform. So when you feel what you call guilt, you may use that as well as a reminder that in the moment you are creating that, you are not unconditionally loving yourself. And once you realize that you are not, then you put yourself back in the pivotal position to decide whether you wish to or not. Whether, again, after all you have accomplished and learned, whether you will settle for anything less than your complete unconditional self-love. If you do something that you do not prefer, and that you find most out of your integrity, guilt again introduces a paralysis to transform it.
Acknowledgement allows you to transform it by perhaps again realizing that ‘what I have just done is not within myself or sense of self-integrity’. Therefore, I understand that the feeling that I am generating tells me this. And therefore, I realize that should a similar set of circumstances come along, I will now use the fact that I have done this unpreferred thing as evidence that next time I will not.’ And when, and it always will, you will always create this, a similar situation comes along, you will then have the opportunity in not doing that thing to create what you call balance.
There is the assumption that if you do something out of your integrity that your karmic balance must come in the form of retribution. And obviously, I need not tell you that this is one way that you can create the balance. But another way to create the balance is again to acknowledge that what you have done is not a representation of who you choose to be. And when you attract again, which you will, this is an exploration, a similar set of circumstances, and then do not do that thing that you feel is out of your integrity, you have established balance in no uncertain terms. You have allowed yourself to act as a creator, creating feedback from your reality and using that feedback with a foundational, unconditional self-love to transform it into a preferential expression.
Is this clear? Is it clear to more than one? All right. When we exchange, we will allow for clarification of specifics. But again, the point is this.
You always have the option, you always have the opportunity to not place conditions on your self-love. Again, All-That-Is loves you unconditionally, and this can always be tapped into, for it is not something which ever changes. It is constant. The reminder that it is constant is all that it takes to drum up the vibration of that feeling that ‘I am loved no matter what. If All-That-Is, if God loves me no matter what, do I not deserve to treat myself with the same respect?’
If you remove the conditions of your love, you will use all your creations in a positive way. You will understand that the negative creations are results of unconsciously bought into beliefs, and that by allowing them to come up, they become conscious. If you deny a creation, you tuck it back into what you call your subconscious. If you acknowledge it, you allow yourself the opportunity to transform and change it. Again, you cannot get rid of a belief that you do not, in that sense, prefer. For there is nowhere to put it, you are the entire Universe. You can, however, transform it, but again, only by putting it out on the table. And acknowledgment of an unpreferred belief puts it on the table. Denial sticks it back in, again, perhaps what we can call the subconscious closet.
Once your choices are before you, on, again, colloquially speaking, the table, you then have equal access to them. If you tuck the things you do not prefer about yourself in the closet, you do not have equal access. You have surrounded and isolated the things you do not prefer and taking them out of your reach.
Unconditional self-love is the willingness to use all your creations, even the ones that appear negative. Once again, we remind you what we have called ‘The Wild Card’, that you can always use any, any, any creation in a positive way by simply asking yourself, after perhaps you ascribe the more obvious, everyone knows societal negative label, ‘how does this serve me exactly the way it is?’ This question is what we call ‘The Wild Card’ for you can always pull it out and it always then completes your deck, completes your hand.
Therefore, to allow for interchange and to allow for clarification of any specifics that may arise from this particular explanation, we will proceed to the inter-action. Though, before we do, allow me to once again, and yet for the first time, thank you all for your willingness to begin to act as a Creator. This generally in your society will begin on a conceptual level as you create these separations, but understand that the having of the idea is in that moment the same as the being of the idea.
So, once you realize that it is a concept to self-empower yourself, in the moment you realize that, at least for that moment, you are that idea.
Very often, you will then create separations between yourself and that idea, but simply in bringing it up again as a concept, you become the idea. Whenever you bring anything up as a concept, in order to do so, you are the idea itself in the moment you are bringing it up. So, it is very simple in that sense to become anything you wish.
If you no longer draw the separation, well, I mentally know that, but how does that apply? When you mentally know it, you are it in that moment. If you choose to continue to be that, you will get that effect. If you choose after drumming it up and being it to then create separations that it was just a concept, then you get that effect, but it is all up to you and always will be.
And it brings us great joy, and the only thing, in fact, that allows us the opportunity to interact with you is the concept that you are now willing to entertain these notions, not only as a concept, but as an action in your life, for as physical beings in a physical world, the actions represent your ultimate willingness to state to the Universe in no uncertain terms that this is who I am.
You very often in that sense will say, well, I just believe this, but it is your actions that are the ultimate statement of your beliefs. Therefore, you can always trace back from the actions to the beliefs, but you can also establish actions that would correspond to a preferred belief and simply begin to act that way, going perhaps a bit backward.
How would a person who has the belief that I wish to have act, use your imagination to conjure that up and simply again ACT THAT WAY, for again, actions are the ultimate manifestation and statement to the Universe that ‘I believe this’, at least in a physical world, and that is what we are discussing with you now, being that your choice for now is physicality. I thank you and ask you how we may mutually be of service to each other.
At this timing, allow me to once again thank you all for your willingness to share in unconditional love yourselves with us. Though we say many times it is not always emotionally believed and understood that interacting with you is of as much benefit to me and us as it is to you.
As we see that many more ways that all that is chooses to express itself that expands our universe, expands our understanding of ourselves. This is a great gift and a great joy that you freely share with us. And we cannot perhaps in your language express necessarily adequately the gratitude that we feel in the allowance.
Again, that this is in your society perhaps somewhat an unconventional mode of communication to allow us to communicate and exchange with you in this way. We thank you. We bid you a most fond and loving dream life, life dreams.
And thank you from perhaps you can say the bottom of our heart for continuing to interact with us and allowing us to express who we are as well. A fond and loving good evening to you all.
Since the beggining of my Spiritual journey, I can surely say that this has been the most impactful and life changing knowledge that I could have learned!!!!! Thank you!