All right, I'll say greetings this evening of your time. How are you all? Are you all alive?
Well, thank you. Allow me to begin this interaction this evening of your time with the entitlement, ‘Expressing Your Beliefs’.
Many of you have understood in your explorations of your reality to some degree, in some shape or form, that your beliefs are a foundation for the creation of your reality.
Now, this is something that is, perhaps you can say, becoming more mainstream in your own society, and as well is something that we, in interacting with you over the last several years of your time, have discussed in various forms, in various ways. So therefore, again, the idea that your beliefs are a foundational template or blueprint for your reality is perhaps nothing new to you. Understand that all belief systems carry along with them their own built-in set of logic, their own built-in set of evidence and support. For all beliefs are, perhaps you can say, a complete kit, and bring along with them the reality that would seem to correspond with that belief.
Understand that beliefs, in a sense, are a filtering system, not only through which you express your reality, but then subsequently also through which you receive your reality. Therefore, not only do you create according to your beliefs, but you also perceive according to your beliefs, because of that self-perpetuating system of logic and evidence that all belief systems contain within them.
Now again, perhaps this is nothing new. We have also explained that in your particular reality as physical beings, that your beliefs lead to your emotions, that your emotions lead to your thinking or thought patterns, and that that prism, that triad of belief, emotion and thought, are then the underlying foundation for your actions.
In a physical universe, physical beings as you are, your actions ultimately create physically the reality. So therefore, though the actions themselves, perhaps you can say, are the prime movers of the reality itself, the foundational belief system sets up the tone of those actions, of those thoughts, of those emotions.
Now again, this is quite useful, because you can always trace backward from your actions, thoughts or feelings, what you must believe in any given moment, in order to feel, think and act that way. Therefore, your beliefs or your belief systems are always right at your disposal, are always right there for your examination, now that you understand the feedback that you can use to trace back to those beliefs.
We have also shared the idea that you can only change a belief once you first will own that belief, once you first will fully acknowledge that that is the belief that you are expressing. Now perhaps this brings us very nicely to the point, perhaps you can say, of this particular introduction this evening.
Now that you do foundationally understand, in whatever version you have created, what I have just shared, I am now allowed by you, by your society, to expand this a bit further.
And perhaps you can say, add a very simple fact. But in its simplicity and therefore its accessibility, it provides an understanding to allow you once again, a bit more, a bit more effectively, to create the life according to the beliefs that you prefer, rather than the beliefs that perhaps you have bought into, perhaps you can say on faith or trust, that ‘everyone knows that's the way it is’, or that is one of the ways that you buy into beliefs in your reality.
You get a sense that, ‘oh, everyone knows that’, and then you, not wishing to be left out, will then express that, not looking at is it really rational, but that that is what everyone seems to believe. And this is how societally, consensually, many of you co-create agreements and therefore have similar experience due to, shall I say, your alignment of beliefs with each other.
However, you are always the only creator of your reality, and therefore your beliefs are always an expression of who you are being in any given moment.
Now here is, perhaps you can say, the expansion that we wish to share.
First of all, understand that what you refer to as God, we refer to as All-That-Is. That is simply an all-inclusive term. It leaves nothing out. It is therefore, from our perspective, quite accurate. You are an expression of All-That-Is, and therefore, in being a facet of All-That-Is, contain it all. Nothing is left out of who you are. Now, you may choose to not be aware of many things as a physical being, but as a soul, as an Over-Soul, you are consciously aware of the fact that you contain it all. Not that you are within a reality, but that literally, the reality is within you. Perhaps you can say similar to what you call a dream, though it is quite real by your own definition.
Understanding that you are an expression of All-That-Is, leads to the understanding that there is no outside. Everything is within you, not one exception.
Therefore, when you talk about, I have this particular belief, no matter what that belief is, it is not completely accurate to say, I have this belief and the opposite belief I do not have. Now, quite technically speaking, you contain everything, and therefore, you contain every belief, and it's reciprocal. If you say, for instance, ‘I believe I deserve a life of joy’, it is also accurate to say that you believe that you do not deserve a life of joy. To say you simply only believe one, experientially in your life, is simply not accurate or honest.
Now, perhaps you may have a propensity of expressing one of those beliefs, more shall I say, linearly, more shall I say, constantly. But, in order for you to even understand or perceive something, you must already contain it.
So, whatever belief you state that you have, to even understand that there is an opposite belief, to even have any concept of any belief, you must also contain that belief as well, though you may not be expressing it. And this is perhaps, again, one of the points.
When you say, ‘I believe this and I get this effect in my life’, you also contain the reciprocal belief.
The reason you are getting the effect of any belief is that you are expressing that belief, and again, as physical beings, ultimately through the actions of your life. You are acting like a person with that particular belief. When you act like a person with a particular belief, you still contain the opposite belief. Otherwise, you would have an inability to even be conscious that another belief even exists.
So, understanding that you contain all beliefs may at first seem to make things more confusing, but ultimately what it does is hand you back your power to choose, for you need not acquire a new preferred belief. You already contain all beliefs.
Why you have been getting the effect from an unpreferred belief is because you have been acting like a person with the unpreferred belief, expressing the unpreferred belief through your actions. This does not mean you do not contain the preferred belief. Your ability to even state a preferred belief tells you, you must contain it. You can make sense of nothing unless you first contain it.
So, it is not a matter of getting rid of beliefs that no longer serve you and acquiring ones that do. No, that is not accurate and that invalidates your connection to All-That-Is and your role as Creator. It is that you contain all beliefs and in a given moment you are expressing one of those beliefs.
Now, why this gives you back your power is because if you are expressing a belief you no longer prefer, you can choose in that sense to allow it to seem to overwhelm you and do nothing about it or in understanding, wait a minute, you may say to yourself, ‘I am expressing a belief that I do not prefer. However, I can conceive of the belief that I do prefer.
I contain both beliefs. They are both equally, equally accessible. I am about to perform an action that is in that sense consistent with the old, unpreferred belief.
So, if I am to choose the new preferred belief, what would a person with that new preferred belief do in this exact same situation?’
Your willingness to dialogue and be honest with yourself and remind yourself that you contain both beliefs and then your willingness to extrapolate what one would do with the preferred belief hands you a new set of actions. Actions are the prime movers and when you compare the actions what a person with the unpreferred belief would do to the actions of what a person with the preferred belief would do, it will not be too difficult to choose the actions of the preferred belief now that you are allowing yourself to be privy to the fact that there are alternatives.
The only thing that makes your life automatic is the assumption, is the belief that it is automatic, is the belief that you exist within a reality and are helpless in that sense to move that reality.
You are the reality. The reality is within you.
One of the reasons, one of the purposes for expressing yourself in this way is to experience what it feels like to seem that you are within a reality. But ultimately, as you in that sense expand and grow and ultimately when you transform physically as you say die, it will be quite evident that the reality that you used to believe that you existed within, exists within you. So does all what you consider to be the props, all the ideologies, all the thoughts, the emotions, all the beliefs.
You contain them all.
You already create through the aforementioned mechanism. Belief, emotion, thought and action. Therefore, to change your life according to preference is simply a matter of doing what you already have become expert at, though not automatically. What you call habit in your society is generally defined by individuals to be an action that you repetitively perform unknowingly, unconsciously, automatically. But what this definition allows is to understand that the moment you know you have a habit, you no longer have it.
If you know you have a habit, then it is no longer automatic. Then it is no longer something you are doing unknowingly. The moment you acknowledge that you know you have it, from that point forward, it is a choice and no longer a habit.
What you call habits are not as automatic as you might assume. You perpetuate through choice what you call habitual ritual. Therefore, you can cease to do so. You can choose anew and you can express beliefs that you just as well contain. Therefore, there is nothing to acquire. There is no effort to be had. There is nothing to struggle for and again, reciprocally, nothing to get rid of. It is a matter of what you emphasize.
Since you contain all beliefs, which beliefs you are expressing in any given moment are the ones that you are emphasizing. When you emphasize one belief, when you express that belief, its reciprocal, its opposite belief, no longer seems to have any relevance to who you are. But it still exists within you. It is just that you are expressing, expressing that particular belief in that particular moment.
Therefore, if you say, ‘I deserve and that is a belief of mine and you understand, well, from time to time, perhaps I do express the fact that I do not deserve’. You can take the pressure off of yourself to say, ‘well, I believe I deserve and therefore I do not contain the belief that I do not or I believe that I do not deserve and therefore do not contain the belief that I do’, you contain both beliefs and in any given moment are expressing one or the other.
Therefore, since that is an active action on your part, always in any given moment can you choose something else and do not need effort to simply do what you are already doing now according to preference.
Therefore, be mindful of which belief in any given moment you are expressing. And when you experience an emotion, you label negative, remember, emotions are always a response to a belief. You do not just feel that way. You may say that that is not completely being honest and accurate.
Therefore, when you feel a negative emotion, the simple inquisitive line of questioning, ‘what must I or any person in this moment believe with what is in place in my life to feel this negative way’? Your willingness to ask these questions rather than accept the negativity of your reality at face value will allow you to nail down the belief that you are expressing in that moment. And then you can remind yourself that you may now choose to express any other belief by simply extrapolating what you or a person with the preferred belief would do in the same situation.
Whenever you give yourself the alternative, the actions of the preferred belief will always be far more compelling to choose, for having given yourself the opportunity to see that that is even an option allows you to be who you truly wish to be in any given moment. Automatic behavior pre-assumes there are not other options. And when you break down what you must believe to be acting in any given way, and then state the preferred belief, having acknowledged the old unpreferred belief, your imagination is always an expert tool at providing what a person with the preferred belief would do in that situation.
Therefore, you always have your model, you always have your blueprint, you always have your template right there with you by simply asking,
‘All right, I am expressing this unpreferred belief, and I acknowledge that, for I understand that that acknowledgement is the only thing that will equalize that belief to all other beliefs. Now I am stating the preferred belief. Now in my imagination, I am projecting what I would do if I really believe the preferred belief.
Well, look at that. I would hold my head higher. I would perhaps be a bit kinder.
I would perhaps in this situation understand that nothing can harm me, and therefore I have chosen to interact with this circumstance.’
You will see through your imagination's eye that the mere posture of the preferred you in your imagination will be different, and your imagination will provide rich, illustrious examples of what you would do in any given situation if you allow it to function in that way, rather than in the more typical use your society has employed your imagination for, worst case scenarios. Understand your imagination, although it has been perhaps used as a fantasy escape many times, as again a projector of worst scenarios so that you can prepare for the worst, it is also as expert as lying, and at laying down a blueprint for positive action. You can always extrapolate what a person with a belief would do if you are quiet and honest with yourself, and the more details you are to imbue into it, the more you will have a pattern to mimic, and the more you can notice, again, the nuances down to the posture of the preferred you, or of a person with that preferred belief.
Therefore, understanding that you already contain it all makes your reality simply a matter of conscious choice.
You get to choose. It's up to you. If you choose to do nothing and allow your reality to remain the same, you have made a choice, and you are living that choice, and that is just as valid a choice as anything else.
When you choose a new belief, you need not do so and then forsake the old belief. Forsaking the old belief has the paradoxical result of adding more weight to the old belief by placing attention and judgment upon it. It simply no longer serves you.
It obviously has the right and reason to exist for anyone else who might wish to explore it, and furthermore, it allowed you to get to this point, so it was of positive service to you. Your willingness to not forsake your old beliefs and simply choose and act according to your new beliefs in acknowledgment of the old belief equalizes all your beliefs and allows you equal access to choose the effects of any belief. When you deny a belief, you give it more weight.
You give it more attention. You give yourself more of a propensity to choose the very thing you say you deny, but when you acknowledge it, you equalize everything. You put everything, as you say, on equal footing.
Acknowledge your old beliefs. Validate them and choose the new preferred belief. Project and extrapolate what a person with the new belief would do, and in any given situation, hand over that situation to the new preferred you. You will always come up with a positive set of actions, and again, allowing yourself to be privy to any alternative will provide something very compelling and attractive to choose that, now that you have given yourself the advantage of being aware of, will in that sense be obviously more beneficial in its effect and in its outcome.
Therefore, take back your power. No matter what you are doing in your life, you are expressing that power, and if you are assigning importance to external symbols, external people, external relationships in your life, you are simply assigning your power bit by bit to external symbols. That is a belief that has the seeming effect of giving back the evidence of that belief. All beliefs are valid.
Therefore, it now becomes a matter of what do you want? What do you desire? What do you choose?
Acting upon that which excites you, which brings you passion, which brings you joy, with integrity, always can only have a positive outcome for yourself and for everyone else around you.
That recognition of integrity is the underlying understanding that everything is an integrated whole. Though it may appear to be parts, it is all one expression of an integrated whole, and treating your reality with that respect, treating it with that integrity accordingly, can only, only, only result in beneficial effects for yourself and those around you.
Therefore, allowing your excitement to be your gauge, your barometer, and acting upon that with integrity, is in that sense a replacement mode that allows you to express who you are in no uncertain terms immediately.
Already, you always choose according to some rationale. In general, it is a self-imposed set of obligations. But if you understand that moving with your passion, joy, and excitement benefits you, and benefits the world around you through your creative experience, and through the statement of who you are, you will understand that everyone can, as you say, win.
Everyone can get, in that sense, what they want.
You need not step upon each other in order to get what you want. Then it is not that much fun to relish anyway, having stomped the person in front of you to get there.
So you may understand that there is enough to go around. That is a belief. And when you express that belief, you get the evidence.
When you express the belief that there is not enough to go around, needless to say, you get that evidence as well.
Look, be mindful of the beliefs that you are expressing, and remind yourself, if they are beliefs that you no longer prefer, that you contain the preferred beliefs. No huge effort need be made. Simply open an honest dialogue with yourself, and who you are, and what it is you desire, and what it is you wish to create in your life. That is now taking back the power that you have incrementally assigned to your external reality, and acting as Source, acting already complete, which you are, no matter what. So complete are you that you have the absolute ability to seem completely incomplete.
I understand that this is a paradox. It is no less true. And the more helpless you feel in any given moment, the more you are expressing your great power to even be able to feel that disconnected. So inherently connected are you, that again, what you generally assign to be the negative feeling of loneliness and isolation, is the complete implementation of your great power.
You no longer need to express this power in a way that would seem to have a negative effect in your life. When you begin to understand that All-That-Is, is unconditionally loving, unconditionally means you cannot lose that love. There are no conditions imposed upon that love. That degree of complete unconditional love is what allows the Universe to exist and be whatever it wants to be. If All-That-Is had conditions, there would be very narrow parameters through which Creation could express itself. And it is the unconditional love of All-That-Is that allows the infinite multiplicity that you are experiencing.
Therefore, afford yourself that same unconditional love. When you feel judgment, All-That-Is, is not judging you. You are. When you feel judgment, others are not having an effect on you with their judgment. You are matching their judgment. You can only feel your version of what anyone else is sharing. That is the degree of your power. That always allows you to trace which belief you are expressing, understanding once again that you contain them all.
I thank you for your willingness to interact with me in this way. It brings me and members of my society great joy to, in an unconditionally loving way, interact and co-create interactions of this nature with you. For we also then learn, in learning much about you, that much more about ourselves, for we no longer draw such a separation and understand experientially that the reality exists within each of us as well.
One of the, perhaps you can say, paradoxes of reality is that this is true for every single individual.
Every individual creates their own reality and in their particular growth would seem that all the rest of reality is merging onto you, each and every individual. It seems in a sense like this would not be possible. But this type of paradox, where it is not this or that, but ultimately, to be accurate, it is this and that, both, is an expression of beginning to expand your thinking.
You will find more and more of this idea to arise in your reality. Where things which formerly have seemed mutually exclusive, ‘well, it's got to be this or that, it can't be both’, you will begin to understand it is both. And you get to choose.
For your willingness to co-create this interaction, this evening of your time with me, I thank you once again and ask you how we may mutually be of service to each other. Sharing!
At this timing, allow me to thank you all for your willingness to begin to entertain the notion that you contain it all. Sometimes we hear the statement, ‘Elan, I enjoy your energy’. You are enjoying your own energy, molding it in a particular way, perhaps removing it once from yourself. But anything you feel you are creating, any joy that you think that someone may bring you is simply you activating the joy you already contain using them as an elaborate excuse.
But you, you contain anything you find most pleasing. If you do not contain something and I were to share that with you, you would see the channel's mouth moving and hear no words come out.
Your ability to understand is your feedback that you contain it. When you ask a question, you already contain the answer.
And to prove it, individuals ask me a question.
I answer it. They say, ‘you're right’. Well, how did you know?
You must have had some idea. And understanding that a question is simply an answer posed outside of yourself for external validation, you may understand that you also contain the answers as well. And your willingness to entertain them and act upon them is what delivers them to your reality.
Talking about things is all well and good. It is one of the ways that you communicate. But left to only verbal communication, none of the ideas that we share will do anything but sound nice.
Your willingness to apply them is where what you consider to be miracles then occur. Miracles are not the exception in reality. They are the rule and begin in that sense to understand this. For it is no less true whether you choose to agree with it or not.
You are the miracle of creation itself. You are not here to be tortured and teased.
You are not here to follow a carrot dangling ever before you, never quite able to grasp it. You are here to be the best you you can be. You are here to explore anything you wish through the unconditional love of All-That-Is.
Therefore, take advantage of the reality that you have created.
You always create your own reality. Always. Even if you seem or create a reality whereby it seems you are not creating your reality, you are even creating that. That is the degree of your power. But that degree of power allows you to change at any given moment.
Change is one of the only constants. Change is natural. You do not force anything to change. That is the natural tendency. Forcing creates a seemingness of things staying the same. Allowing allows the change of creation to manifest.
Then you simply define who you are with clear intention.
Clarify your desire. Clarify your definitions, your beliefs.
Clarify your deservability. You deserve it. And act with clear action.
You already do this and it is now a matter of taking back your power and doing it because you deserve a life of ecstasy. I thank you for co-creating this interaction with me and members of my society this evening. And I bid you all a most fond and loving, pleasant dreams and dream life.
I missed you guys. Welcome back 🤗😘
The timing couldn't have been more perfect. 😎✨