Welcome and greetings this evening of your time as you create time to exist. How are you all? Oh, thank you.
Perfect as well. Allow me, as we have discussed, to entitle this interaction Definition and Deservability. I will begin by reminding you that we have laid down the format that this particular interaction will comprise, perhaps you can say, part two of a three-part intensive.
Part one, last month of your time, was Clarifying Your Vision. This particular interaction, again, will be on Definition and Deservability, which we will discuss. And next month of your time, Action.
Understand what we are doing in creating the intensive in three parts, as this is covering the basics, shall I say, in perhaps you can say a slightly more advanced fashion, of creating your own reality consciously. Conscious Creatorhood. Last month of your time, we discussed your vision or your clear intention.
As we have already to some degree covered, your intention locks in your reality, allows you to have say, allows you to decide, using whatever criteria that you will, what will occur in your reality. The criteria of preference allows your vision to be aligned to your passion, to your excitement. To some degree, we have discussed this and led an exercise to allow you to get in touch with what it is that truly excites you.
Therefore, we will now expand upon this idea, explain certain aspects that now that you have crystallized, now that you have created your vision, you can now utilize what you already have created in your reality to a positive advantage. And through this approach, transform whatever it is that you do not prefer presently about your reality to a preferred manifestation. So first of all, we will then discuss with you the idea of definitions.
For your definitions literally are how you define your reality. And perhaps you can say another way of saying what you believe about your reality. The definitions that you assign to your reality are part and parcel of the beliefs about that reality.
So therefore, allow us to start in the following way. When you have clarified, established, and clarified your vision, there will be certain definitions that you may still hold which may run contrary to the fulfillment in a positive way of that vision. Therefore, this will now be the upon the establishment of your clear intention, your clear vision, for many of these definitions to come up.
You will see as they come up, if you allow them to deliver to you the message that they have, that you can very quickly transform any definitions that you hold about your vision, which again run contrary to the manifestation of that vision in your life as your reality. So therefore, there are perhaps particular definitions that you have bought into, and if they are contrary to your clear vision, they will come up. Step one is allow them to come up.
We have discussed allowance. Allowance is the mechanism of true Creatorhood. It is the way that you already create your reality through allowance.
So therefore, allowing the definitions to come up as they will, again perhaps the ones that run contrary to the fulfillment of your vision, and allowing yourself to acknowledge that you hold those definitions is always the first step to redefining those definitions.
I remind you, when you believe something, you then feel that way. You then think that way. You then act that way, and it is ultimately those actions which then create physically into your life the manifestation that you prefer. When you establish your vision in whatever way you find is easiest for you, whether it be mentally through dialogue, mentally through meditation, on your paper and pencil, whatever way you find that you organize your thinking at this point, utilize it in the following way. Once you have established your clear vision, your clear intention, make note of what definitions a person who is already doing that thing would have.
As you begin to do this, you begin to allow yourself to see the definitions necessary to begin to manifest your clear vision in the path of least resistance. Often as you do so, again in whatever way your organizational skills allow, you will also through the process of elimination find which definitions perhaps you can say you would need have to establish your clear vision in reality, and then also that will be an opportunity to allow whatever definitions that you have that run contrary to that vision to come up. So, allowing yourself to define the vision locks in the vision.
Allowing yourself to understand what definitions a person already accomplished in that vision would have allows you to define still further how it is in your consciousness that you can reorient yourself toward, in that sense, your vision. Is this clear so far? Therefore, again, in whatever way you find most efficient, whether you write it, whether it is merely a dialogue, whether it is through your meditative state, establish, make the time to establish what definitions one would need hold that is already doing the thing you say you wish to do.
Again, allowing any definitions that you already express that run contrary to that particular definition to come out, acknowledge it, allow yourself to see as you acknowledge it that it has had you feeling a certain way, has had you thinking a certain way, and ultimately has had you acting a certain way. Those actions are the actions in your life that still run contrary to what you say you prefer. When you establish the new definitions that the preferred you, perhaps you could say, would have, you can also extrapolate in your imagination.
How would a person already believing this feel and feel that? Allow yourself to physically feel it before then moving on to the step of establishing how a person who already believes that would think. Once you allow yourself to feel that belief, the thoughts of a person with that belief will come quite clearly, quite quickly, and then allow yourself to see the actions that that you would in that sense perform.
Now, perhaps it will be obvious to some of you that to some degree we have already discussed a tool, a methodology, through which much of what we are discussing is simply automatic. That is what you call The Referential Preferential You. For in the creation of the You in your imagination and handing situations over to that You, that You has the definitions that you would prefer. The definitions that reinforce the clear vision. So, going about it through the Referential Preferential You is one very powerful, very accessible way to get in touch with your definitions and to transform them to definitions that you already prefer. But again, even the listing of the definitions, the willingness to define clearly for yourself the definitions that your vision would necessitate, simply speed along the process.
You can go at it from either way. You can do both. The Referential Preferential You again is a tool that is part and parcel of you.
You can never lose that tool. And therefore, that tool will always provide the definitions that are most conducive to do anything that you wish. If your reality appears to run contrary to your clear vision, I again remind you that a person who believes in their clear vision would contain the definition that you call persistence.
Persistence is simply a matter of understanding that you are going, you intend to create this reality and simply nothing in the external world can stop that intention. Perhaps it may not go according to the timing, perhaps it will. But if it does not, your unwillingness to give up on the idea means you can never fail.
So if your reality appears contrary to what it is that you say you desire, maintain that clear vision and drum up or allow to come to the surface any definitions that would suggest otherwise. For your definitions will either reinforce your clear vision or they may seem at times to be at odds with it if those definitions are not the most conducive definitions for that vision. Again, your life will let you know.
If you always remember that you can trace back to your definitions through how you feel, through how you think, and through how you act, your life will always be your barometer. Either you can, as you say, catch it as an emotion that perhaps you do not prefer. But if you find yourself still to some degree seemingly automatically performing non-preferred actions, which we will discuss in more detail, understand that those actions in and of themselves also can be used to trace back to the most expressed definition in that moment.
You truly act as though you are the person who believes whatever it is you believe. So you can use your emotions, your thoughts, and your actions to define what you must be believing in that moment.
Now allow me to draw a distinction, which again we will expand on in a future interaction.
When you say, I believe this, and I do not believe perhaps its opposite, understand you contain both beliefs. Otherwise, you would not be able to draw the distinction. Any belief that you do not prefer and do not wish to express, your ability to even think of it means you contain it.
So it is not a matter of getting rid of this belief and having that belief. You have all beliefs. It is a matter of which belief are you expressing in your life.
Everything that you believe and everything that you do not say you believe still exists within you. I remind you there is no outside. Therefore, you contain all beliefs.
The ones that are having an effect on your life in any given moment are the beliefs that you are expressing from all of the beliefs that exist within you. So if you say, well, I must believe this, I remind you, you also contain the opposite belief. And therefore, it is merely a matter of which belief do you express.
And I again remind you that you express your beliefs through your emotions, thoughts, and actions. Remembering this truly gives you back your power for you understand that you contain all definitions. It is not a matter of needing to get rid of the ones you do not prefer.
Simply choosing and expressing the ones that you do not while not invalidating the beliefs you do not prefer. Expressing the beliefs you do prefer and not invalidating the beliefs that you do not. Whenever you create anything in your life, you are expressing a belief.
But you also contain that opposite belief in every given moment. I tell you this to simply allow you to see the degree to which you do have complete power, to which you do contain it all. And it is simply a matter of which beliefs you express as to which ones will have a result or an effect in your life.
So allow yourself to come to terms with what definitions would behoove your vision and allow your life to deliver any definition which is not in alignment with that vision. And embrace, embrace yourself for delivering the non-preferred definitions. Do not berate or judge yourself.
You are handing yourself back your power, not showing yourself your shortcomings unless you label it that way. Therefore, you can get either effect. But if you understand that your reality is handing you back the keys to drive, perhaps you can say, the vehicle of your life in a preferred direction, you may rejoice when something negative comes up.
Not because you embrace the negative aspects of it, not because you condone it, but because only now is it back in your power to redefine. Any definition that you are achieving a result from is simply the definition you are expressing. But I remind you again that you contain all definitions.
Now that you know this, it is up to you to exercise your ability to respond, your response-ability with the preferred definition or not. And should an unpreferred definition come up, embrace it and allow yourself to utilize its timing of presenting itself to you to be your perfect timing to replace it and express the new preferred definition or belief. Therefore, again, your reality on a silver platter will hand you any definition that is no longer representative of who you choose to be.
If you run and sulk, it will simply seem to be in that sense obstacles in your path. If you embrace it, allow yourself to feel it, glean the definition, choose a new definition, allow yourself to feel that, allow yourself to see how you would think with the new definition, allow yourself to see how you would act with the new definition and act as a person with the new definition would act, you are transforming your reality through exactly the same mechanism that you already for your entire life have created it.
Therefore, there are no new skills to bone up on, simply the willingness to once again allow your reality to transform by presenting to you these various definitions which no longer serve you. Therefore, that for the most part will cover the idea of definition. Allow us now to discuss another ability that you all have and that is one of the reasons that even in your language this is called deserve ability.
This is not something that you need to go get. This is again a definition within you that I in that sense challenge you to express. You have the ability to understand that you deserve to create the reality that you prefer, particularly if that reality is within integrity for then it will harm no one else, will harm not you and everyone in that sense is served.
You Exist. This is one of your primary qualities, merely that you exist. That brings along with it the automatic ability to know that you must obviously deserve to exist. Otherwise, how did you get here?
Did you slip in a crack of creation? No, you expressed the definition of the fact that you deserve to exist by taking the action of incarnating as this life and because you are an expression of All-That-Is, All-That-Is which is not truly separate from you but you sometimes view it this way, always bequeaths that you deserve to exist. The only one whoever in that sense entertains the reciprocal definition is each and every one of you for again because you contain all beliefs it is not accurate to say I only contain the belief that I do not deserve anything and it is not accurate to say I only contain the belief that I do deserve everything.
You contain both beliefs therefore you have the choice of which one to express and you can allow your reality through the feedback of your actions, thoughts and emotions to allow you to know in any given moment if you are expressing that you deserve or if you are expressing that you do not deserve. Either way you are expressing one or the other. There is no outside that judges you because All-That-Is is 100 percent non-failingly unconditionally loving you, simply cannot screw up in the eyes of All-That-Is.
Everything goes, that is what unconditional love means, therefore the only one who can assign that you do not deserve anything is you. Now you may perhaps say well others seem to very willingly in my society define that I do not deserve this or that but understand when someone says that to you, if you do not believe it, it simply is an empty statement with no effect. If you feel an effect from it, that is not them influencing you. That is them providing a reflection that somewhere within you, you still match that vibration. You can only feel your matching of the vibration and in that moment you still contain the belief that you deserve it all.
You are simply expressing the belief that you do not. Do you understand the distinction? Therefore deservability, your ability to deserve, is simply a given and you can express or revoke that particular designation. No one else, nothing else can, and again if you are expressing I deserve to exist, I deserve to create a life of ecstasy with integrity then anything that anyone says to you will simply be, thank you but no thank you. I appreciate what you are saying I will take it under advisement if I feel in that sense that changes need be made, I thank you, if not, I still thank you. You have reflected to me flawlessly and not patronizingly but if you sincerely are willing to thank the messenger, it is perhaps you can say a most integrated alternative to shooting the messenger and I mean this in any way that it will come, any definition that is delivered to you in your life. You can blame the definition, shoot the messenger or you can understand that the messenger has served a purpose. Embrace the messenger, perhaps catch the messenger off guard but that is all right. That is what you will begin to express as you choose integration.
When you begin to express integration you will not only understand that your ability to deserve is up to you to express but you will also begin to see the deservability in others, perhaps others that you had heretofore judged for they to have the right and reason, All- That-Is obviously think so, All-That-Is loves them unconditionally. Now you can begin to exercise that same unconditionality. Now you can begin to once again recognize the divinity, perhaps you can say it is an expression: I will therefore use it in each individual and with that divinity comes unconditional love, comes deservability and comes a set of expressed definitions. You can always use anything that is offered to you in any form in a positive way.
Now, many times you assume that perhaps there are a few things in your reality which simply have no way to assign a positive label to.
Understand everything, EVERYTHING is synchronicity and if you say you are willing to assign a positive meaning, sometimes your reality will see if you are really serious about that and give you many opportunities to assign positive meanings. This may seem like an obnoxious inconvenience. It is one of your greatest opportunities for accelerated growth. I, in that sense, revel in communicating with a room full of third transitional fourth density beings.
What will express more of the fourth density perspective, the more unlimited physical perspective, is to establish your vision, clarify your definitions, be clear about expressing your ability to deserve and ultimately clear action which again we will delineate upon further later.
That is all when you feel you are in third shall I say density, limited physical reality, you still contain the definition of fourth and are simply expressing the limited point of view. You are so limitless that you can impose extreme limitations upon yourself. I understand this seems like a paradox, seems like an irony but only could that be possible with the great power not that you have, but the great power that you ARE.
You express that power in each and every given moment of your life. So great is that power that you even have the ability to forget completely that it is your power and assign that power one piece at a time to persons, places and things within your reality That is merely one definition. It is happening to me is a definition you all contain but it is happening from me is also a definition that you all contain and are beginning to express more and more.
Once you constantly express that, that will be all you know experientially and you will be fourth density literally right here right now. Simply continue to grant yourself, grant yourself deservability. You have struggled hard enough long enough even if you buy into the dues-paying mentality, you're paid up therefore you need not use that definition to hold yourself back any longer. Everything is due now. NOW is the only time you ever exist. NOW is the time you can transform and I remind you to now be mindful of what you are expressing without invalidating it.
At this timing I wish to thank you all for your willingness to continue to entertain communications from our stream and to entertain us as well. You are all as you say in your colloquial slang ‘a riot’. We are a light race, we are a happy race and you have brought us great joy. We thank you, for it is a gift in that sense that means the Universe to us. In return for your willingness to function as my equal, I thank you. I express my unconditional love and ask you how we may mutually be of service to each other.
At this timing, allow me to share something with you that is perhaps you can say synchronicity on the one hand, somewhat humorous on the other, and demonstrates that individuals in your society have the ability to channel our stream no matter who they are. There is a word in our ancient language, it translates to mean roughly in your language, now it means more than this but it will translate roughly in your language, to mean the sharing of essences. It translates phonetically into your language as the word SHUKA. S-H-U-K-A.
Simply look it up in your article. Therefore you will understand that individuals need not acknowledge our existence and still can they have direct access to our stream. Therefore so do all of you. I thank you for your willingness to share your definition and deservability with us and with me. It is my love and joy through which i function as an ambassador to your civilization. I am no less than that and each and every one of you are no less than an ambassador for your own civilization as well. It is my honor to interact with you in this way. I continually revel in opportunities to do so. I bid you a most fond and loving good evening.
Hi again! It's been so long but I've been following my excitement and exploring finding great things within myself, enjoying life, and experiencing evermore the beauties we all contain within :D. And what it is without is within the soul, within the Source self :).
This transmission and the last transmission may be my favorite transmissions (if not, at L E A S T top 5) in all of the Elan catalogue. Truly some of the most beautiful and deepest, most applicable (for me), most loving material in everything he's done for us!!! I absolutely love and adore these two transmissions!!!
The topics covered in this talk touch central issues for me, and I suspect many others as well.
Deserving to exist? Well, I've got the punched ticket in hand, so obviously I must... but let me check with the guy with the clip board just to make sure.... no wonder I can appreciate the absurd humor of trying to argue with creation. Okay, so I AM has spoken and not only can I 'just' live, but rather live abundantly! Deliciously! With great joy! Now what? Well, come and see, Feel into it.
Through awareness of my definitions and meaning I can choose a plodding existence or a richly rewarding one. Which will it be? At any given moment the gift awaits its unwrapping.